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2024全台最鉑的派對盛宴|白金派對 Golden White Party

12/07 @ 12:00 下午 - 12/08 @ 9:00 下午

2024冬季美酒佳餚爆擊 Winter Gastronomy Extravaganza

✦近50家最鉑餐飲品牌大集合,滿足你所有味覺慾望 Nearly 50 top-tier culinary brands gathered to satisfy all your taste buds
✦連續3天Live音樂派對,隨著白色音浪一起sugar high Three consecutive days of live music parties, riding the white sound waves into a sugar high

白色就是你的門票,來場高貴不凡的派對體驗 White is your ticket to an extraordinary party experience

|活動資訊 Event Information|

活動地點 Venue:松菸文創園區 第4倉庫 Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Warehouse 4(離大巨蛋200M 200m from Taipei Arena)

園區地址 Address:台北市信義區光復南路133號 No. 133, Guangfu S. Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City

2024/12/7(六 Saturday)12:00 PM – 12:00 AM

2024/12/8(日 Sunday)12:00 PM – 09:00 PM

*特殊方案:持大巨蛋當日演唱會門票入場可領取限量白金券 Special Offer: Present the same-day Taipei Arena concert ticket to receive a limited-edition Platinum Voucher.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2409291152221852053081?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2411080745051059256983

|白金派對內容物 Event Features|

  • 近50家最鉑美酒美食
  • 異國風味
  • 實力派DJ&音樂人
  • Nearly 50 top-notch culinary and wine vendors
  • International flavors
  • Renowned DJs and musicians

|關於白金派對 About the Platinum Party|


由「Da Party」推出的全新派對,為你帶來難忘的奢華感官之旅。無論你是嚐遍各地異國風味的老饕、視覺饗宴的追求者或是自動隨音浪晃動的舞池王者,這是屬於你的派對!

Dive into a sensational celebration of taste, sound, and sight!

Organized by “Da Party“, this brand-new event promises an unforgettable journey of luxury and sensory delight. Whether you are a connoisseur of international flavors, an admirer of visual feasts, or a dance floor champion moved by music, this party is for you!

營造白色的純淨之美 Celebrate the purity of white



At this unique Platinum Party, we invite all guests to dress in white, creating an elegant and pure atmosphere infused with the spirit of exotic festivities.

Imagine being mesmerized by soulful performances during the day, swaying to band melodies in the evening, and dancing non-stop at night as DJs take over the stage. The Platinum Party delivers a multi-layered music experience that keeps you immersed in musical highs all day long!

還有更多演出在現場等你來發掘!Explore more performances on-site! 詳情請見官網 Visit the official website

體驗異國美酒佳餚的絕美饗宴 Savor a sumptuous feast of international cuisine and fine wines



Showcasing iconic dishes and unique wines from nearly 20 countries, this event brings together stories and surprises that transcend cultures. Each dish and beverage can be perfectly paired to suit your preferences.

Noteworthy is the use of certified welfare eggs and milk as key ingredients for desserts, promoting sustainable dining. From Brazilian samba barbecue, Mexican tacos and Sichuan spicy chicken to British fish and chips, French handmade desserts and European-Korean-inspired hot dog danishes, the fusion of international delights and sweets offers a taste of the world. Pair them with bold Swedish whiskey, delicate aged moonlight wine or elegant Spanish red wine for a global culinary adventure.

還有更多美食美酒攤位在現場等你來發掘! Many more gourmet and wine stalls await your discovery! 詳情請見官網 Visit the official website

這場活動會邀請所有美食與派對愛好者以白色系服裝入場*,呼應「白金派對」的主題。在夜色的映襯下,人氣DJ將現場氣氛推向高潮,為每位賓客創造動感而難忘的White Party回憶。

Dress in white to resonate with the “Golden White Party” theme. Under the evening lights, the DJs will elevate the atmosphere, creating dynamic and unforgettable White Party memories.

*身著全白入場者得白金驚喜禮 Guests dressed in white will receive a surprise Golden White Gift upon entry

<Da Party> 過往活動紀錄 Event History

活動地圖 Map

注意事項 Notes

「未滿18歲請勿飲酒 No alcohol for under 18」

「禁止酒駕,酒後不開車 安全有保障 Do not drink and drive. Ensure your safety.」

  1. 活動報名資料皆為必填欄位,請確實填寫,始得參加活動資格;若未確實填寫,將無法參與活動,感謝您的配合。
  2. 依中華民國酒類法規,參加者若經查未滿18歲,請勿飲酒。​
  3. 於本活動網站報名並完成繳費後,即視為訂單成立。
  4. 主辦單位保留隨時解釋與修改活動細節的權利,無須事前通知。未來任何活動細節與條款的更新修正將公布於ACCUPASS活動報名頁,我們將不主動個別提醒您有關條款的更新。​活動視覺僅為示意,實際視覺體驗以現場活動安排為主。
  5. 參加者於參加本活動之同時,即同意接受本活動注意事項之規範。如有違反本活動注意事項之行爲,主辦單位將取消其參加或得獎資格,並對於任何破壞本活動之人身攻擊、謾駡、轉貼、煽色腥等內容將一律刪除。​
  6. 參加者於參加本活動之同時,即同意接受本活動之活動辦法與注意事項(含其更新修正內容)之規範,如有違反,主辦單位得取消其報名資格,如因此有致生損害於主辦單位或其他任何第三人,得向參加者請求損害賠償,參加者應負一切相關責任。​
  7. 本活動如有任何因電腦、網路、電話、技術或其他不可歸責於主辦單位之事由,而使參與本活動者所寄出或登錄之資料有遲延、遺失、錯誤、無法辨識或毀損所導致資料無效之情況,主辦單位不負任何法律責任,參加者亦不得因此異議。​
  8. 參加者於參加本活動之同時,即表示同意主辦單位於活動中照相或錄影,並授權主辦單位始用於其官方Facebook粉絲頁、官方Instagram及官方Line頻道等其他配合宣傳管道刊登、播放或是其他宣傳形式活動。
  9. 參加者於參加本活動之同時,即表示已詳閱及同意本活動辦法之相關規定,並明確瞭解主辦單位及承辦單位得因本活動之一切需要或行銷目的、統計報告、為履行法定或契約義務、客服聯繫、贈品寄送,以及其他紛爭解決事件之處理(下稱蒐集目的)。供Da派對及其所指定辦理本活動之委外廠商,以自動化機器或其他非自動化之利用方式,依個人資料保護相關法規蒐集、處理、國際傳輸及利用。
  10. 參加本活動表示同意主辦單位將蒐集您的個人資料,並作為本次活動之活動聯繫、活動公告、後續處理、聯絡及紀錄等行銷目的使用之用途。主辦單位及其關係企業對於您提供之個人資料,將妥為保存,並於各自之存續期間內依個人資料保護法及相關法令於上述活動以及行銷之目的內,於中華民國境內外使用您的個人資料。主辦單位未達成前開所述目的得將您的個人資料傳遞給主辦單位之關係企業,以及為主辦單位進行資料維護、處理及寄送之服務供應商,無論傳輸地點是否在中華民國。​依個人資料保護法之規定,您可以隨時向主辦單位要求查詢、請求給予複本、請求補充或更正、請求停止處理、利用或刪除您的個人資料。​​
  11. 若遭遇颱風、天災等不可抗力因素,活動將取消或延期舉辦,日期另行通知,不便之處敬請見諒。人潮過多時,現場將進行人潮管制,請配合現場工作人員指示排隊進場。​
  12. 本活動辦法若有未盡之處,本公司保留變更本活動內容細節之權利。
  1. To qualify for participation, all registration fields must be completed accurately. Incomplete information will result in disqualification. According to Taiwan’s alcohol regulations, participants under 18 are prohibited from consuming alcohol.
  2. Registration and payment on the event website confirm the order. The organizer reserves the right to interpret and modify event details without prior notice. Any updates to event details and terms will be announced on the ACCUPASS event page. Updates will not be individually notified.
  3. Event visuals are for reference only. The actual experience will be based on on-site arrangements.
  4. Participants agree to the event rules upon attending. The organizer reserves the right to disqualify participants who violate the rules, including disruptive behavior, personal attacks, or offensive content.
  5. Participants consent to the event organizer photographing or filming during the event and authorizing the use of such materials on official Facebook, Instagram, LINE, and other promotional channels.
  6. Participants confirm that they have read and agree to the terms and conditions, including any updates, upon registering for the event. Violations may result in disqualification, and the organizer retains the right to seek damages for any harm caused.
  7. The organizer is not liable for technical or other issues, such as delays, loss, errors, or invalidation of registration due to uncontrollable circumstances.
  8. Participants consent to the collection of personal information for event management, announcements, contact, and marketing purposes. This information will be used within Taiwan and abroad per data protection laws.
  9. In case of force majeure, such as typhoons or natural disasters, the event will be canceled or rescheduled. Updates will be announced. Crowd control measures may be implemented during peak times. Please follow staff instructions for entry.
  10. The organizer reserves the right to modify the event content and details if needed.


台北市, Taiwan
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