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2024《植境消碳節 Carbon Reduction Festival》- 笑談永續,消碳生活 Daily Steps for Carbon Reduction|台北場 Taipei Session

08/24 @ 1:30 下午 - 4:00 下午

\ 笑談永續,消碳生活 Daily Steps for Carbon Reduction /
🌍 植境消碳節 🌿火熱報名中!
快跟著各界專家&知名網紅 落實綠色行動第一步

Step onto the path of carbon reduction and sustainability! You’re not alone 💚
🌍 Carbon Reduction Festival 🌿 Now Open for Registration!
Join experts and well-known influencers to take the first step toward green living.
We welcome all green living enthusiasts to come and share their experiences 🎉

🗓 時間 Date & Time:2024/8/24(六 Saturday)13:30 – 16:00
📍 地點 Venue:植境plantārium(台北市信義區松隆路327號B1 B1, No. 327, Songlong Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City)
🎯 報名費用 Fee:NT$350/人
有機會抽中【9/15中信兄弟vs.味全龍 大巨蛋紅區門票】

Register and receive a NT$200 Plantārium cash voucher
Also, a chance to win tickets to the 9/15 CTBC Brothers vs. Wei Chuan Dragons game in the Taipei Dome (10 tickets available, worth NT$1080 each)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408120323421285800830

🌟 講者與主題介紹 Speakers and Topics

島內散步 Island Walks
主題 Topic:「深度旅遊 Deep Travel」

Explore local culture and natural scenery from a sustainability perspective, with sustainable travel itineraries specially planned for businesses and the public.

Azure 臺灣湛藍海洋聯盟團隊 Taiwan Blue Ocean Alliance
主題 Topic:為海而「湛」 Blue for the Ocean
從海邊旅遊聚焦海洋垃圾問題,啟動垃圾移除計畫 為潔淨未來而努力

Focus on the issue of marine litter during coastal travel and launch a cleanup initiative to work towards a cleaner future.

野菜鹿鹿 Wild Vegetables Deer
主題 Topic:「永續飲食倡議者 Sustainable Food Advocate」

An environmentalist who loves cooking, specializing in innovative plant-based menus. Shares how to enjoy gourmet plant-based food even while camping.

龍龍開烤箱 Dragon Bakes
主題 Topic:「無痕山林與烘焙之路 Leave No Trace and the Road to Baking」

Shares experiences in sustainable practices, combining no-trace travel with handmade culinary creations.

📋 活動議程 Event Agenda 📋

13:30 – 14:00 報到入場 Registration and Entry

14:00 – 14:10 活動開場 Opening

14:10 – 14:30 主題論壇:永續旅遊的美好與挑戰 Panel Discussion: The Beauty and Challenges of Sustainable Travel

14:30 – 14:50 主題論壇:海洋保護的第一步 Panel Discussion: The First Step in Ocean Conservation

14:50 – 15:10 休息 Break

15:10 – 15:40 講者座談會:知名網紅經驗分享 Speaker Forum: Experience Sharing by Famous Influencers
循環經濟二手交流:舊物重拾新生 Circular Economy Second-Hand Exchange: Giving New Life to Old Items

15:40 – 15:50 結語 Closing

15:50 – 16:00 賦歸 Departure

⭕️循環經濟 快閃二手交流規則 Circular Economy Flash Second-Hand Exchange Rules⭕️


  1. Item Types: Only camping and travel-related items (e.g., camping lights, hiking gear)
  2. Item Condition: Must be at least 60% new with no major damage or defects.
  3. Safety and Hygiene: All items must be cleaned in advance to ensure hygiene.
  4. Exchange Quantity: Each person can bring up to three items for exchange.
  5. Important Notes: Items not exchanged must be taken back by the participant.
    No temporary storage or disposal services are provided on-site.

📢 注意事項 Notes
❖報名截止:2024/8/24 00:00
❖活動須知:需出示ACCUPASS QR Code入場

  • Registration Deadline: August 24, 2024, at 00:00
  • Event Notice: Entry requires the presentation of an ACCUPASS QR code.
  • Organizer’s Rights: The organizer reserves the right to modify or terminate this event.
  • Absence Notification: If you are unable to attend after registering, please call or email to inform us.


台北市, Taiwan
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