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2024《台北城之我太南了》 城南走讀 City South Walkabout

04/20 @ 1:00 下午 - 05/11 @ 4:00 下午

《台北城之我太南了》尋找裏城南的時空穿越之門 Searching for the Gates of Temporal Transcendence in the Inner South







In the direction of the South Gate Market at eleven o’clock, three new gates of time and space have been discovered!!! The South Gate Workshop, Botanical Garden, and Special Sales Bureau, new passages are open for a limited time.

Early summer has arrived, with lotus flowers in the botanical garden about to bloom,

Let’s journey through different time periods together with the summer breeze,

Every tiny memory, passed down through generations, will help us understand each other, consciously walking through the city, while existing in different dimensions.

Creating, perceiving, memories that belong uniquely to each other. The 2024 City South Walkabout is about to travel back a hundred years to old Taipei City,

Towards new and yet older temporal passages, Let’s go! 🚶

場次 Sessions

2024/4/20,5/4,5/11 週六 Satuday 13:00-16:00

行程內容 Itinerary

12:50-13:00  集合地點 Assembly Point:中正紀念堂站1號出口,勞保局前空地 Exit 1 of Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall Station, in front of Bureau of Labor Insurance
13:00-14:30  南門工場、專賣局、二二八國家紀念館 Nanmen Workshop, Monopoly Bureau, 228 Memorial Museum
14:30–16:00  建中紅樓、植物園、腊葉標本館、南門町三二三、南海學園 Jianzhong Red House, Botanical Garden, Herbarium of Taipei Botanical Garden, Nanmenmachi 323, Nanhai Academy
16:00            結束於國立歷史博物館 End at the National Museum of History

費用 Fee

每位650元(講師走讀導覽、精緻茶點一份、旅平保險) NT$650 per person (Includes guided tour by lecturer, exquisite refreshments, travel insurance)

建議15歲以上報名,徒步兩小時,請考量自身體力。 Recommended for ages 15 and above. The walking tour lasts for two hours, so please consider your physical stamina.

報名表請確實填寫「真實中文姓名、手機號碼、生日、身分證號」資料作為旅行平安險用。 Please fill in the registration form with your full Chinese name, mobile number, date of birth, and ID number for travel insurance purposes.

幫其他人報名,也請填寫完整當事人資料,才可以保險,謝謝配合。 If you are registering on behalf of someone else, please provide their complete information for insurance purposes. Thank you for your cooperation.

夏日炎炎,準備好防曬用品,以及防蚊液。 Prepare sunscreen and mosquito repellent for the hot summer day.

當日請準備好充滿電的手機、耳機,並下載discord app,將全程作為導覽機使用(請確認手機是否具備充足行動數據流量)。 Please ensure that your phone is fully charged and bring headphones. Download the Discord app as it will be used for guided narration throughout the tour (Please ensure your phone has sufficient mobile data).

路線圖如上 Route as above

揭露「裏」城南 Revealing the “Inner” South of the City🌸


Stroll through the southern part of the city, where you’ll find the beloved Botanical Garden and National Museum of History, favored by old-school Taipei residents for romantic outings. The Botanical Garden is a tranquil oasis amidst the hustle and bustle, offering serene beauty. Surrounding it are the quaint Monopoly Bureau and the elegant Jianzhong Red House. Interestingly, Botanical Garden was an important place for researching plants during the Japanese colonial era!







🌳 The Botanical Garden, initially established in the 1920s during the Japanese colonial period, is often seen as a modern recreational park. Why did the Japanese decide to build a Botanical Garden in Taipei, which was not fully developed at that time?

1: Why Does a City Need Botanical Garden?

2: What Unique Sections and Historical Plants are Found in Botanical Garden?

3: What Important Role do Monopoly Bureau and Nanmen Workshop Play in Strategic Supplies?

4: The Former Shinto Shrine of Nanhai Academy Reflects What Temporal Background?

5: Is 228 Memorial Museum’s Display of the Well-Known Sculptures related to its Construction Purpose?

注意事項 Notes

✵ 活動總時長為3小時:走讀3小時(含休息時間),每梯次限額15名。 The total duration of the activity is 3 hours: a 3-hour walk (including rest time), with a maximum of 15 participants per session.
✵ 報名人數若不足5位,場次取消將延期至下次活動。 If the number of registrations is less than 5, the session will be canceled and postponed to the next activity.
✵ 歡迎企業包場、團體預約,致電02 2365 3319或Email kawabata.intcraft@gmail.com Corporate bookings and group reservations are welcome.
✵ 為維護活動品質,準時開場,逾時不候,請掌握交通時間。 To maintain the quality of the event, please arrive on time. Latecomers will not be accommodated, so please plan your transportation accordingly.
✵ 活動前須諸多準備,除不可抗⼒之⾃然因素外,票卷⼀旦售出,恕不退款,若無法參加活動,可延期至下次活動(限一次),或將票券轉讓其他⼈。 There is much preparation required before the event. Except for force majeure, once tickets are sold, they are non-refundable. If unable to attend the event, you can postpone to the next activity (limited to one time) or transfer the ticket to another person.

川端藝會所保有修改、終止、變更活動內容細節之權利。 Kawabata reserves the right to modify, terminate, or change the details of the event.

–報名即為同意以上事項 Registration implies acceptance of the above terms–

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2403280641597888374690?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2403041534411234800903


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