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2023-2024年度國際扶輪3523地區第一、四、五分區「在台外國留學生華語暨台語講演比賽」 2023-2024 Annual Rotary International District 3523SubDistrict 1,4,5 Mandarin or Taiwanese Speech Competition for Foreign Students in Taiwan

01/27 @ 1:00 下午 - 5:30 下午



台北松 山扶輪社 收:
地址:106 台北市大安區敦化南路二段180號18樓
電話:(02) 2739-8683 傳真:(02) 2733-0013

(三)比賽地點:臺北市青少年發展處 六樓國際會議廳(台北市中正區仁愛路一段17號)
1. 第一段落:表演,符合主題的表演,表演方式不拘,或是歌唱、或是舞蹈均可。唯因安全考量,不得有危險動作、或影響公共安全之器具,如:爆竹、爆點、碎彩紙、粉末、噴膠、煙霧、煙火等。時間4分鐘為限。主辦單位僅提供舞台、兩支麥克風其餘所需道具由參賽者自備。
2. 第二段落:演講,參賽者得自行決定以華語或台語參賽者得自行決定以華語或台語演講,介紹第一段表演的文化特色,每一隊時間以4分鐘為限(不超過4分30秒),主要由隊長演講,可以搭配隊員共同演講。
3. 主辦單位指定加分題目:
(1) 發現台灣的美
(2) 我看台灣的風俗習慣
(3) 我學華語的甘苦談
(4) 我學台語的甘苦談
(5) 我來台灣印象最深刻的一件事
1. 參賽者於活動當天,應攜帶護照及學生證(或上課證)至會場指地點報到。
2. 參賽者於活動當天,應於12:00前抵達會場辦理報到並 抽籤決定序號。
3. 參賽者未依時間於12:30前完成報到、抽籤者,視為棄權。
1. 比賽評分:
(1) 表演佔總分 30%
[備註] 歡迎參賽者穿著各國特色服裝以爭取高分。
(2) 演講佔總分 60%
演講原始成績:內容 50%、語詞 35%、儀態 15%,由評審委員評分之。
(3) 時間控制佔總分 10%
(4) 主辦單位將以按鈴提醒參賽者,演講至3分30秒鐘時按鈴一次,至第4分鐘時按二次,至4分30秒時麥克風消音。
2. 備註:
(1) 本比賽為華語/台語合併比賽。
(2) 特設台語特別獎,如台語比賽參賽者未在總名次前三名(含)時,取台語比賽參賽者最高分者頒發「台語特別獎」獎項。
(3) 特設RYE(扶輪交換學生)特別獎,如RYE參賽者未獲前三名、或台語特別獎獎項時,取RYE參賽者成績前兩名頒發「RYE特別獎」。
(4) 如有同分入選者,依序以演講內容、表演、演講語詞之分數進行評比。
(5) 為公平競爭,比賽不可攜帶稿件上台以朗讀的方式演講。





1. Objective
The theme of Rotary International this year is “Create hope for the world”. To promote international culture interflow, we encourage and invite foreign students in Taiwan to show their talents and cultures by attending Annual Rotary International District 3523SubDistrict1,4,5 Mandarin or Taiwanese speech competition. This activity just ties in with the theme “Create hope for the world”, and let’s have an opportunity to “Imagine a world that deserves our best, where we get up each day knowing that we can make a difference.”

2. Qualification
2.1 Foreign students in colleges or universities
2.2 Foreign students studying Mandarin or Taiwanese at language centers in Taiwan.
2.3 Rotary youth exchange students (RYEs)
2.4 2 to 5 members per team

3. Ways of Registration
3.1 Fill in the attached application form, email, fax or mail to below:
Attn: Rotary Club of Taipei SungShan
Address: 18F., No.180, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: (02) 2739-8683 Fax: (02) 2733-0013
Email: ssrotary@ms41.hinet.net
3.2. The application for the Speech competition shall be filled by December 27, 2023 (Wednesday)

4. Speech Competition
4.1 Quantity of team limit: 15-18 teams. If the registrations are over 18 teams, each language center is limited to recommend 3 teams at most. The host has the right to accept the applications according to the apply time queue, the speech outlines, the opinions of language centers’ teachers.
4.2 Date / Time: January 27, 2024 (Saturday)/ 13:00 ~ 17:30
4.3 Venue: Taipei City Youth Development Office, 6th floor International Conference Hall Address: No.17, Sec. 1, Ren-Ai Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City100, Taiwan (R.O.C)
4.4 Required Speech Topic and Time frame:
Designed by contestants to demonstrate the special characteristics & cultures of Taiwan or their home country. If the topic fits to the host assigned, they will have extra scores.
A. Part I: Performance. The performance form could be dance, sing… etc. For the sake of safety, do not use props having safety concerns (Ex. firecracker, confetti, powder, spray glue, smoke, fireworks, etc.). Time limit to 4 minutes. 2 microphones will be provided to each team.
B. Part II: Speech, interpret our performance delivered in Part I in Mandarin or Taiwanese, Lecture by team leader or cooperate with team members. Time limit to 4 to 4.5 minutes.
C. Extra scores if the content follows the suggestions below:
• Discover Taiwan’s Beauty
• My observations of Taiwan’s customs
• Pains and pleasures in learning Mandarin
• Pains and pleasures in learning Taiwanese
• The most impressive experience in Taiwan
• The cultural exchange between Taiwan and the contestants’ home country

5. Contest check in remind
Bring passport and student certificate by 12:00
Registration and lots drawing should be completed by 12:30; otherwise, discarded.

6. Grading standard
6.1 Scores composition
Part I: Performance: 30%
• Votes by audiences
• Criterion such as culture characteristics, outfit, performing skill, etc…
• Each audience votes for their favorite top 3
• The team of the highest number of votes gets 30 points, the 2nd one gets 29 points… and so forth.
Note: culturally distinctive dress is very welcome and encouraged
Part II: Speech: 60%
• The scores are given by the reviewers
• Criterions: Content 50%, Vocabulary 35%, Posture 15%.
• The team of the highest score gets 60 points, the 2nd one gets 58 points… and so forth.
Part III: Time Control: 10%
Total time limitation: 8 minutes
Part I Performance and Part II Speech are limited to 4 minutes individually.
1 point deducted if each Part is performed over than 4 minutes. The longer the overtime is, the more points deducted.
Part IV: Host will ring the bell to remind the contestants
Case I: The Performance and the Speech are divided, ring once at 3’30, ring twice at 4’00, and the microphone will be muted at 4’30.
Case II: Performance and the Speech are combined, ring once at 7’30, ring twice at 8’00, and the microphone will be muted at 8’30.
6.2 Remarks
• This competition is scored with the same criterion no matter in Mandarin or Taiwanese.
• There will be an extra Taiwanese Special Award offered if the Top 3 contain no team lectures in Taiwanese.
• There will be an extra Award for RYE students. If the Top 3 and the Taiwanese Special Award contain no RYE students. The top 2 RYE student teams will earn the awards.
• If same score takes place, the ranking will compare sequentially by the speech content, the performance, and the speech vocabulary.
• Read aloud looking at documents or any kind of notes are not allowed.

7. The Prizes
First Place: a certificate and NTD 20,000.-
Second Place: a certificate and NTD 12,000.-
Third Place: a certificate and NTD 8,000.-
Taiwanese Special Award: a certificate and NTD 8,000.-
RYE Special Award (2 teams): a certificate and NTD 3,000.-
Traveling expenses NTD 600 for each remanding teams per person
If the teams are from Miao-li County to the south, traveling expenses NTD 1,000.- per person

8. Judges
The judge committee includes expert reviewers and 3523 Taiwan Rotary executives

9. Epidemic Prevention Specification
In response to the epidemic, all spectators who register for the competition and attend must follow the epidemic prevention regulations of the Central Epidemic Command Center

10. Other
If there are any matters not covered in above regulations, the organizer may revise them at any time before the competition and announce to the participants

Brochure: 202324-Mandarin or Taiwanese Speech Competition
報名表 Application:2023-24 TMSC4FST Application


1:00 下午 - 5:30 下午
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台北市, Taiwan
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