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🤖AI時代辦活動秘籍,活動的N種可能 The AI Era Event Planning Guide: Exploring the Multitude of Possibilities for Events💡|活動通了沒

05/09 @ 3:00 下午 - 5:00 下午

《 活動通了沒 ?》由ACCUPASS活動通主辦



Smooth out your event planning process and ensure your event runs smoothly from start to finish! Exchange ideas on event organization, sparking new event concepts along the way!

Each session will invite organizers from various event fields to share their experiences in event planning, fostering mutual exchange among event organizers, strengthening the event ecosystem, and bringing more possibilities and innovations to events!

🤖專屬主辦方的聚會 #4  AI科技通了沒? Exclusive Organizer Gathering #4 AI Technology: Have You Incorporated AI?

面對產業的瞬息萬變,主辦方更可以乘上趨勢,將 AI 科技結合,讓你的活動與眾不同❗


Organizing professional exhibitions and forum events can be challenging, but it can also be innovative and efficient! Facing the ever-changing industry landscape, organizers can leverage trends by integrating AI technology into their events, making them stand out!

A must-attend for professional event organizers! Let seasoned industry experts show you how to leverage trends to organize successful large-scale conferences and events.

活動流程 Event Agenda

活動資訊 Event Information 

活動時間 Date & Time:2024/5/9 15:00-17:00(14:30可入場 Allow for entry at 14:30)
活動地點 Venue:智璽會議中心 WiSmart Convention Center(台北市中山區南京東路二段206號4樓 4/F, No. 206, Sec. 2, Nanjing E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City)
交通方式 Transportation:捷運松江南京站5號出口,步行2分鐘即可抵達 2-minute walk from Exit 5 of Songjiang Nanjing MRT Station

活動適合對象 Target Audience

➤ 想透過AI廣告投放的新手小白 Novice beginners interested in AI advertising
➤ 想了解最新時下趨勢的行銷人 Marketers looking to understand the latest trends
➤ 想舉辦大型線上、線下活動的主辦方 Event organizers planning large-scale online or offline events
➤ 想了解更多AI行銷工具的活動主辦方 Event organizers seeking to learn more about AI marketing tools
➤ 想知道如何使用ACCUPASS的主辦方 Those interested in learning how to use ACCUPASS as an event organizer
➤ 想解決活動痛點、優化活動的主辦方 Event organizers looking to address pain points and optimize their events

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2402220638141595931993?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

嘉賓介紹 Guest Introduction

陳岱旻 Angelline | 阿物科技股份有限公司 行銷副總 Vice President of Marketing at awoo Intelligence

分享主題 Topic:用AI打造沉浸式購物體驗 Creating Immersive Shopping Experiences with AI

擅長以跨領域經驗分析各產業需求痛點,進行商業診斷,運用CRM、LINE Chatbot、行銷自動化、MarTech工具及數據分析,協助品牌客戶從零到一進行數位轉型,並持續迭代。

awoo 阿物科技,作為亞洲領先MarTech行銷科技服務提供商,從SEO公司起家,擁有十餘年關鍵字行銷、SEO搜尋引擎優化實戰及行銷科技工具開發經驗,為全球企業客戶提供優質服務,是少數從台灣出發並在日本獲得成功的新創公司。

Angelline currently serves as the Vice President of Marketing at awoo Intelligence, bringing a wealth of industry experience spanning product development, project management, and business development. With over a decade of dedication to digital marketing strategy, membership management, data analysis, and business strategy, she stands out as a non-traditional marketer.

Her expertise lies in analyzing industry pain points across various domains, conducting business diagnostics, and leveraging CRM, LINE Chatbot, marketing automation, MarTech tools, and data analysis to assist brand clients in digital transformation from scratch and iterate continuously.

awoo Intelligence, is a leading MarTech marketing technology service provider in Asia. Originating from an SEO company, it boasts over a decade of practical experience in keyword marketing, SEO optimization, and marketing technology tool development. Awoo provides top-notch services to global enterprise clients and stands out as one of the few startups originating from Taiwan to achieve success in Japan.

Joanna | ACCUPASS資深活動行銷顧問 Senior Event Marketing Consultant at ACCUPASS

分享主題 Topic:活動產業行銷關鍵 Key Insights into Event Industry Marketing

過往活動回顧 Past Event Recap

📍活動通了沒 #1-🥂品酩活動舉辦心法大公開! Revealing the Secrets of Hosting Wine Tasting Events!

📍活動通了沒 #2-🦎👧🏻 大型展會活動背後不為人知的秘辛 Uncovering the Untold Secrets Behind Large-scale Exhibition Events

📍活動通了沒 #3-📸KOL 網紅行銷全攻略,打造高效益行銷策略🔮 The Complete Guide to KOL and Influencer Marketing, Crafting Highly Effective Marketing Strategies

活動注意事項 Event Guidelines

1. 本次活動僅提供線下參與,並無線上場次 This event is only available for in-person attendance, with no online sessions provided.
2. 活動當天請出示「QR Code 電子票券」提供給工作人員掃描進行報到入場 On the day of event, please present your “QR Code E-Ticket” for check-in by our staff.
3. 名額有限,若不克前來,請提前來信告知,方便其他報名者即時候補 As seats are limited, if you are unable to attend, please notify us in advance via email to facilitate immediate filling of vacancies for other registrants.
4. 為維護出席來賓權益,請勿於活動過程中錄音錄影。主辦單位保有變更活動與服務之權利 To protect the rights of attendees, recording of audio or video during the event is prohibited. The organizer reserves the right to change the event and its services.
5. 活動中會進行影像紀錄,未來僅應用於活動相關曝光、宣傳 Visual recordings will be made during the event and will only be used for event-related exposure and promotion in the future.
6. 關於活動有任何疑問,歡迎聯絡 If you have any questions about the event, feel free to contact us at:mkt.tw@accuvally.com


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