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🌳高處有風景:攀樹師的日常與挑戰 View from the Heights: The Daily Life and Challenges of a Tree Climber

09/15 @ 3:00 下午 - 4:00 下午

2024潮州街龍-Connect!分享講座 Chao Zhou Street Solitaire 2024 Forum Series – Connect!



The first forum of the Chao Zhou Street Solitaire series is here! From the potted plants in front of homes to the branches creeping out of windows, Chao Zhou Street is rich in greenery. Have you ever wondered how the trees lining the streets are maintained?

There’s a special group of people who skillfully use ropes to maneuver among the treetops, pruning them with care, precision, and safety—these are the tree climbers, also known as the “barbers” of trees. The Chao Zhou Street series has invited tree climber Cao Yong-Hua to share stories about his high-altitude work and the challenges he faces. Join us to learn about the daily tasks of a tree climber and their vital role in promoting tree health and environmental care. We invite you to explore the fascinating world of tree climbers!

🌳高處有風景:攀樹師的日常與挑戰 View from the Heights: The Daily Life and Challenges of a Tree Climber

𖡆講座日期 Date|2024.09.15(日 Sunday)

𖡆講座時間 Time|15:00-16:00

𖡆講座地點 Venue|榕錦時光生活園區 Rongjin Gorgeous Time(台北市大安區金華街167號 No. 167, Jinhua St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City)

𖡆報名保證金 Deposit|NT$200/人 person,於活動現場退還 refundable at the event

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408301002089546501200?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

講師 Speaker|曹永華 Cao Yong-Hua(新藝成造樣)


As the head of 新藝成, Mr. Cao has over 10 years of full-time experience in tree work. He learned tree care techniques under Japanese tree doctor Konami Tsukamoto and received training from Taiwan’s most experienced tree climbers. He also owns and maintains all necessary equipment for his work.

講座流程 Forum Agenda





  1. Speaker Introduction
  2. Understanding the Job of a Tree Climber
  3. Case Studies
  4. Q&A

✨注意事項 Notes

  • 請依實際出席人數報名,活動保證金將於現場退還,本活動恕不退款。如無法參加活動,敬請自行轉讓票券給其他參加人。
  • 講座過程將進行側拍記錄,並於活動後上傳至臉書粉絲專頁、Instagram專頁,日後可能將含有您肖像的照片、影像,使用於活動紀錄或宣傳等用途,報名參與視同同意拍攝,敬請於活動當天配合簽署肖像權使用同意書,謝謝!
  • 無開立發票。
  • Please register according to the actual number of attendees. The registration deposit will be refunded at the event. There will be no refunds for non-attendance. If you are unable to attend, please transfer your ticket to another person.
  • The event will be recorded, with photos and videos later uploaded to our Facebook and Instagram pages. These may include images of you and will be used for event documentation or promotion. By registering, you agree to be photographed. Please cooperate by signing a photo release form on the day of the event. Thank you!
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