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驫舞劇場 X 樹林藝文中心 HORSE X Shulin Arts Center|2024《舞蹈輕鬆停看聽 Dance, Relax, Stop, Look, and Listen》|舊地重遊肢體開發工作坊 4、5 月場次 Revisiting Old Ground: Body Development Workshop, April & May Sessions

04/21 @ 10:00 上午 - 05/14 @ 11:30 上午


Revisiting Old Ground: Body Development Workshop – Connect with Top-notch Instructors and Make Friends through Dance!


Presented by HORSE in collaboration with Shulin Arts Center for 2024 edition of “Dance, Relax, Stop, Look, and Listen”. The first wave introduces the “Revisiting Old Ground: Body Development Workshop”, inviting 10 outstanding dance practitioners who were previously invited by HORSE to participate in Shulin Arts Center residency and the “Jump Island Arts Festival”. These practitioners specialize in body development, contemporary dance, contact improvisation, ballet, and more, returning to Shulin to dance with you!

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯報 名 需 知 Registration Information⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

➤ 請點選場次報名。 Please click on the session you wish to attend for registration.

➤ 免費報名,需預繳保證金NT200,每場次20人為限。 Free registration, with a required deposit of NT$200, limited to 20 participants per session.

➤ 上課地點 Venue:樹林藝文中心3樓排練室 3/F Rehearsal Room, Shulin Arts Center

課程場次 Course Sessions

工作坊場次                時間                         授課教師                        課程名稱
Workshop Sessions   Time                         Instructor                       Workshop Title
場次1                         4/21 10:00-11:30     古名伸 Ku Ming-shen    即興,身體相遇的練習曲 Improvisation: A Practice of Body Encounter
場次2                         4/30 10:00-11:30     方妤婷 Fang Yu-ting      解構 · 再製造 Deconstruction · Reconstruction
場次3                         5/5 10:00-11:30       林祐如 Lin Yu-ju            跳舞恰恰 Dance Cha-cha
場次4                         5/14 10:00-11:30     鄒瑩霖 Tsou Ying-lin      身體催落去 Letting the Body Fall

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯課 程 內 容 Course Contents⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

工作坊 Workshop 1|古名伸「即興,身體相遇的練習曲」 Ku Ming-shen “Improvisation: Exercises in Meeting the Body”

時間 Time|2024.4.21(日) (Sunday) 10:00-11:30

課程內容 Content|


The freedom of body movement is the most beautiful self-expression. Dancing involves the use of the body, and it requires understanding of the body and the ability to break habits. Through body awareness, one can make more natural and accurate choices in movement. “Contact improvisation” allows individuals to further understand themselves through dance and have the ability to engage in harmonious partner dancing.

注意事項 Notes|

.建議穿著寬鬆的衣物,容易流汗者建議多帶一件上衣,或自備擦汗毛巾。 Participants are advised to wear loose clothing and bring an extra shirt if prone to sweating.

.建議使用膝蓋處有墊子、具彈性、方便運動的護膝(非復健使用)。 It is recommended to use knee pads for protection and ease of movement (not for rehabilitation).

參與對象 Participants|

.過往身體訓練經驗不拘 No prior body training experience required

.想體會和他人肢體接觸互動者 Those interested in interacting with others through physical contact

.歡迎舞蹈或劇場相關工作者 Dance or theater-related professionals welcome

.年齡限制 Age limit:15-65歲 years old

工作坊 Workshop 2|方妤婷「解構 · 再製造」 Fang Yu-ting “Deconstruction · Reconstruction”

時間 Time|2024.4.30(二) (Tuesday)10:00-11:30

課程內容 Content|


Starting from the body, participants will experience the sensations of moving through games’ rules and limitations. Let’s unleash the imagination of the body, warm up the muscles, and discover how beautiful sweating can be!

注意事項 Notes|

.請穿著舒適、便於行動的服裝。 Please wear comfortable, easy-to-move clothing.

參與對象 Participants|

.年齡限制 Age limit:16歲以上 years old and above

.無經驗可 No experience required

工作坊 Workshop 3|林祐如「跳舞恰恰」 Lin Yu-ju “Dance Cha-cha”

時間 Time|2024.5.5(日) (Sunday) 10:00-11:30

課程內容 Content|


Let’s dance without inhibition. This is definitely a cute gathering where everyone can feel at ease dancing together. There will be passionate guidance throughout, without standard answers, judgments of beauty, memorization of movements, or pressure of scrutiny. Bring your sincere desire to dance and enjoy the joy of body movement!

注意事項 Notes|

.需著有彈性可運動的衣褲,牛仔布料不可。 Wear flexible and movable clothing, avoid denim fabrics.

.可帶護膝護踝。 May bring knee and ankle guards.

參與對象 Participants|

.年齡限制 Age limit:40-75歲 years old

.無經驗可 No experience required

工作坊 Workshop 4|鄒瑩霖「身體催落去」 Tsou Ying-lin “Letting the Body Fall”

時間 Time|2024.5.14(二) (Tuesday)10:00-11:30

課程內容 Content|


Through breathing and dynamic stretching, participants will open up their body channels. By incorporating elements of balance, structure, muscle strength, and spatial levels, combined with imagination, participants will solidify their body awareness and explore the unknown within themselves. Let the body “rise” and fall.

注意事項 Notes|

.穿著舒適可動的服裝(避免牛仔褲、裙裝、飾品)。 Wear comfortable and movable clothing (avoid denim, skirts, and accessories).

.攜帶毛巾、水。 Bring towel and water.

參與對象 Participants|

.年齡限制 Age limit:13歲以上 years old and above

.2年以上身體訓練經驗 2 years of body training experience

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯其 他 注 意 事 項 Other Notes⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

➤ 活動進行中將現場攝錄影,報名本活動即同意無償授權主辦單位進行拍攝、製作及公開播送本活動推廣照片與影片。 Video recording will be conducted during the event. By registering for this event, participants agree to grant the organizer free authorization to shoot, produce, and publicly broadcast promotional photos and videos of the event.

➤ 主辦單位保有修改、變更或暫停本活動之權利,如有未盡事宜,悉依主辦單位相關規定或解釋辦理,並得隨時補充公告之,最新消息請參酌驫舞粉專。 The organizer reserves the right to modify, change, or suspend the event. For any unmentioned matters, they will be handled according to the organizer’s relevant regulations or interpretations and may be supplemented at any time.

➤ 為維護活動品質,報名參與肢體開發工作坊之學員,上課遲到15分鐘者則無法參與課程內容,已報名者若未抵到活動現場保證金則不予退費。 To maintain the quality of the event, participants who are more than 15 minutes late to the body development workshop will not be able to participate in the course content. For registered participants who fail to arrive at the event venue, the deposit will not be refunded.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2404080753291276005035


04/21 @ 10:00 上午
05/14 @ 11:30 上午
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