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餐旅系 Department of Hospitality Management|餐旅創意與產品開發課程 限時快閃GO Creative Culinary and Product Development Course “Limited Time Flash Sale GO”

06/04 @ 11:20 上午 - 12:30 下午




Enjoy Trying New Flavors? Join the Culinary Arts Department’s Flash Sale Event!

Do you love experimenting with flavors you’ve never tried before? The Department of Hospitality Management is hosting a “Limited Time Flash Sale GO” event on June 4 (Tuesday) from 11:20 to 12:30 in the courtyard of School of Tourism, P Building. The Creative Culinary and Product Development course has introduced several innovative products this year.

The Creative Culinary and Product Development course aims to unleash students’ creativity by brainstorming and developing new products. Students are encouraged to present concrete product plans and design unique products, culminating in a flash sale competition to spark creativity.

This year’s products include:

  • Pineapple and Yogurt Bagel Burger: A new healthy taste experience combining the tenderness and crunchiness of pineapple and yogurt, with a hint of Malaysian rendang flavor and coconut milk.
  • Mini Dacquoise with Mint, Lime, and Smoked Bacon: French-style treats with a unique new savory-sweet flavor profile.
  • Innovative Waffles: Exploring new sweet and savory flavors using various ingredients to create fresh tastes.
  • Nonya Pandan Mochi: Stuffed with pandan sauce and mochi, offering a blend of traditional Nonya flavors.
  • Golden Triangles: Fried snacks filled with Western-style béchamel sauce and pasta.

Come and join the “Limited Time Flash Sale GO” event to savor these new flavors and support our creative students.


11:20 上午 - 12:30 下午
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桃園市, Taiwan