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領域驅動設計台灣2024年會 – DDDesign Taiwan Conference 2024

09/13 @ 9:00 上午 - 5:00 下午


今年年會的主題之一:「遺留工作負載(legacy workloads)」,指的是在企業中已經運行了很長時間,但仍然需要維持的應用程式與系統。這些工作負載當初所使用的技術,運行所在的硬體與平台,現今看來可能已過時與老舊,整體運行甚至已顯疲態(過慢或無效率),基於商業流程的必需性,卻又無法更新或廢除。這樣的系統通常會出現穩定性、相依性與複雜性的狀況,並且累積技術債卻又缺乏技術支援。

例如Store Procedure過往曾經一度是在開發應用系統時,為了提高效率與時間,常用的應用設計。到現今的技術平台與架構環境,這樣的設計逐漸出現維護困難、資料相依性過高與對商業規則延展性低等問題。若要對這些狀況改善,關聯的不只是程式的修改或重構,更多是系統流程與架構的變更與整合。

而遺留工作負載(legacy workloads),更是有如家族代代相傳的「遺產」,該如何處理這遺產,跟企業的商業發展息息相關,考驗著企業資訊系統的發展與管理:

– 🔧 是否該現代化,該如何現代化:這必須思考平衡保持遺留系統的穩定性與更新技術的需求。透過重新設計改動應用系統、遷移到雲端平台或採用容器化技術,都是可以實現現代化的方式。

– 🔧 現代化的風險管理:改善與重構遺留系統的現代化過程中,需要確保不會影響商業營運的連續性和數據的完整性。

– 🔧 成本與效益的評估:現代化遺留系統的成本,與現代化後對商業價值改善的效益,需要相應的成本效益分析,來確定最佳的升級方式。

– 🔧 技術的汰換與培養:維護遺留系統所需的技術專長,不論在人員或資源上,可能會隨著時間逐漸稀缺。因此需要思考是否進行培訓或尋求外部支持。

– 🔧 管理控制技術債:遺留系統常會伴隨累積技術債務,必須釐清緣由以制定策略,來做有效管理和降低技術債,確保兼顧系統的靈活性和維護性。



Developing modern application systems requires not only dealing with legacy systems but also enhancing current business processes for sustainability, maintaining operational efficiency, and ensuring flexibility to adapt to future business changes.

One of this year’s conference themes is “Legacy Workloads,” referring to applications and systems that have been in operation for a long time but still need maintenance. These workloads often use outdated technologies, hardware, and platforms that may now seem obsolete and inefficient. However, due to business process requirements, they cannot be easily updated or discarded. These systems often face issues of stability, dependency, and complexity, accumulating technical debt with insufficient technical support.

For example, Stored Procedures were once widely used to improve efficiency and development time. However, in today’s technological environment, such designs often face maintenance difficulties, high data dependency, and low flexibility in adapting to business rules. Improving these issues requires not only code modification or refactoring but also changes and integration in system processes and architecture.

Legacy workloads are like inherited family “assets.” How to handle these assets is crucial to a company’s business development, testing the development and management of enterprise information systems:

  • 🔧 Modernization and How to Modernize: This involves balancing the stability of legacy systems with the need for updated technologies. Approaches like redesigning applications, migrating to cloud platforms, or adopting containerization can achieve modernization.
  • 🔧 Risk Management in Modernization: Ensuring that the modernization process does not disrupt business continuity and data integrity.
  • 🔧 Cost-Benefit Analysis: Evaluating the costs of modernizing legacy systems against the benefits of improved business value to determine the best upgrade approach.
  • 🔧 Technical Skill Replacement and Training: The expertise required to maintain legacy systems may become scarce over time, necessitating training or seeking external support.
  • 🔧 Managing Technical Debt: Understanding the causes of accumulated technical debt in legacy systems and devising strategies to manage and reduce it effectively, ensuring system flexibility and maintainability.

In summary, effective management and modernization of legacy workloads are essential for long-term business development and technological innovation. It is worth every system developer and maintainer’s time to understand, share, and learn about these issues.

What are your thoughts or insights on legacy workloads? Or what do you want to know about them? Don’t hesitate to sign up for this year’s event!

預期收穫 Expected Gains

– 💎了解關於現在在面臨大型系統遷移或改造的旅途中,應對遺留工作負載的作法。

– 💎聽取不同領域的領域驅動設計實踐者的產業心得,並了解相關的軟技能應用。

– 💎技術學習與社交的交會 – 結識更多的產業先驅與同好,在這條邁向成為一個好的Problem Solver的路上的你我,能有跨越單純技術的交流。

– 💎點燃你的火種,成為下一個有勇氣應對複雜的遺留工作負載的中堅份子。

  • 💎 Learn about approaches to handling legacy workloads during major system migrations or transformations.
  • 💎 Hear industry insights from practitioners of Domain-Driven Design in various fields and understand the application of related soft skills.
  • 💎 Networking and technical learning – Meet industry pioneers and peers on the path to becoming a good problem solver, facilitating more than just technical exchanges.
  • 💎 Ignite your passion and become a backbone in tackling complex legacy workloads.

適合參加者 Suitable Attendees

– 🧑‍💼 決策管理者

– 💻 軟體工程師

– 🛠️ 系統架構師

– 📋 專案經理

– 🛠️ 產品經理

– 🔍 系統分析師

– 🧪 測試品保相關人員

– 🎨 設計師

  • 🧑‍💼 Decision-makers
  • 💻 Software Engineers
  • 🛠️ System Architects
  • 📋 Project Managers
  • 🛠️ Product Managers
  • 🔍 System Analysts
  • 🧪 QA and Testing Personnel
  • 🎨 Designers

時間 Date & Time:09/13(五 Friday)09:00 – 17:00(詳情需等待後續官網公開訊息 Details will be published on the official website later)

地點 Venue:台大醫院國際會議中心 NTUH International Convention Center(100台北市中正區徐州路2號 No. 2, Xuzhou Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2406080625301381404160?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2407100705301911651140

🚎 交通指南 Transportation Guide

搭乘公車 By Bus

台大醫院站:22 / 15 / 615 / 227 / 648 / 648綠 / 中山幹線 / 208 / 208直達車,步行約3分鐘即可抵達
開南商工站(近徐州路口):0南 / 15 / 22 / 208 / 295 / 297 / 671,步行約3分鐘即可抵達
仁愛林森路口站(林森南路口):295 / 297 / 15 / 22 / 671,步行約3分鐘即可抵達
仁愛林森路口站(仁愛路口):245 / 261 / 37 / 249 / 270 / 263 / 621 / 651 / 630,步行約5分鐘即可抵達

NTU Hospital Station: 22 / 15 / 615 / 227 / 648 / 648 Green / Zhongshan Main Line / 208 / 208 Express, 3-minute walk

Kainan Commercial School Station (near Xuzhou Road): 0 South / 15 / 22 / 208 / 295 / 297 / 671, 3-minute walk

Renai-Linsen Intersection (Linsen South Road): 295 / 297 / 15 / 22 / 671, 3-minute walk

Renai-Linsen Intersection (Renai Road): 245 / 261 / 37 / 249 / 270 / 263 / 621 / 651 / 630, 5-minute walk

搭乘捷運 By MRT





  • Tamsui-Xinyi Line (Red Line): NTU Hospital Station, Exit 2
    • Walk straight along Changde Street, cross Zhongshan South Road, turn left and walk straight, then turn right onto Xuzhou Road. Approximately 6 minutes.
  • Bannan Line (Blue Line): Shandao Temple Station, Exit 2
    • Walk south along Linsen South Road, pass Qingdao East Road and Jinan Road, turn right at Xuzhou Road. Approximately 7-10 minutes.

自行開車 By Car

1. 請沿林森南路往南過徐州路至台大醫院國際會議中心停車場入口進入。

2. 請沿仁愛路一段往西過林森南路至台大醫院國際會議中心停車場入口進入。

  1. Drive south along Linsen South Road, pass Xuzhou Road, enter the NTUH International Convention Center parking lot.
  2. Drive west along Renai Road, pass Linsen South Road, enter the NTUH International Convention Center parking lot.

注意事項 Notes

  1. 主辦單位會在入場的時候檢查ACCUPASS的報名QRCode,與會者可以事先準備好,以節省入場時間。
  2. 入場時,會進行手部的酒精消毒。
  3. 參加現場活動時,活動中如有呼吸道不適,請配戴口罩,特別是與其他與會同學進行對話的時候。
  1. The organizer will check the registration QR code from Accupass at the entrance. Please prepare in advance to save time.
  2. Hand sanitizer will be provided at the entrance.
  3. If you feel any respiratory discomfort during the event, please wear a mask, especially when conversing with other attendees.

購票須知 Ticket Purchase Information

– 本活動委由ACCUPASS代為處理售票事宜。

– 統一開立電子發票,將於活動後一週內以Email寄送。

– 若遇不可抗拒因素,將延期舉辦並另行通知時間。主辦單位保留活動之解釋及變更權利。​

– 主辦單位得保留活動議程及講師之變更權利,議題與講師視實際邀約而有所變動,請以網頁最新資訊為準。

– 退費辦法:本活動委由ACCUPASS代為處理退票退款事宜。

– 需要購買年會票才有購買工作坊的資格,另外參與工作坊將會無法參同時段的演講活動。

– 如年會退票,則工作坊票將視同無效,會於後台退票處理。

  • ACCUPASS handles ticket sales.
  • Unified issuance of electronic invoices, sent by email within a week after the event.
  • In case of force majeure, the event will be postponed, and a new date will be notified. The organizer reserves the right to interpret and change the event.
  • The organizer reserves the right to change the agenda and speakers. Topics and speakers may vary based on invitations; please refer to the latest information on the webpage.
  • Refund policy: ACCUPASS handles ticket refunds.
  • Conference ticket purchase is required to buy workshop tickets. Workshop participation will prevent attending concurrent sessions.
  • If the conference ticket is refunded, the workshop ticket becomes invalid and will be processed accordingly.

關於社群 About the Community

DDDTW身為一個台灣的新興社群,我們立志於推廣Domain-Driven Design這個已風行外國多年的設計方法,將領域知識的「術」(Problem Domain) 與技術實作的「道」(Solution Domain) 緊密結合,成為追求品質與速度的Problem Solver!


DDDTW is a burgeoning community in Taiwan dedicated to promoting Domain-Driven Design, a method well-established abroad. By integrating the “techniques” of the Problem Domain with the “principles” of the Solution Domain, we strive to become effective problem solvers.

Over five years, we’ve accumulated rich experience in online and offline activities, including book clubs, meetups, workshops, and hackathons. We regularly invite industry professionals to share insights and often collaborate with various communities, amassing significant practical experience in development.

🍪 歡迎一起交流學習 We welcome everyone to learn and share together

Domain-Driven Design Taiwan(DDD Taiwan)是一個鼓勵所有熱愛解決問題的大家一起群體共創的地方,在這裡我們將試著進行更多的交流活動,一起探索從 Problem Domain 去催生出 Solution Domain。

Domain-Driven Design Taiwan (DDD Taiwan) is a place that encourages all problem solvers to collaborate and innovate. Here, we will explore and create more interactive activities, merging the Problem Domain with the Solution Domain.

若想知道更多相關活動資訊、交流討論,歡迎加入我們的Domain-Driven Design Taiwan(DDD Taiwan)社團與,並按讚粉絲頁好持續關注新的動向與文章唷!

For more information, discussions, and activities, join our Domain-Driven Design Taiwan (DDD Taiwan) group and like our Facebook page to stay updated!

👉 FB 社團:Domain Driven Design (DDD Taiwan)

👉 FB 粉絲頁:Domain Driven Design Taiwan

👉 LINE社群:DDDesign Taiwan Line 線上交流群


We look forward to your participation and mutual learning and growth, making new friends!


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