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電影劇情,用「聽」的就知道!The Plot of the Movie is All in the Sound! Sherry Shieh 謝世嫻講座音樂會 Lecture Music Concert

04/14 @ 2:30 下午 - 04/24 @ 4:30 下午


Sherry Shieh 謝世嫻 專業導聆

Insider Guide: Understanding the Essence Together!

Pianist/Film Composer/Bestselling Author Sherry Shieh’s Professional Guided Listening

It turns out, understanding the plot of a movie is all about listening!

📍2024-4-14 (日) (Sunday) 2:30pm

Unforgettable Love:義大利國寶配樂大師Morricone永恆難忘的愛情旋律

若說好萊塢有稱霸影壇四十年的電影旋律大師約翰‧威廉斯(John Williams),那麼在歐洲只有一人能匹配甚至超過他,那就是義大利金獎作曲家恩尼歐‧莫里克奈(Ennio Morricone)。

以《狂沙十萬里》、《鏢客三部曲》、《教會》、《四海兄弟》、《新天堂樂園》、《海上鋼琴師》等經典配樂享譽國際的義大利傳奇電影配樂家,居然到87歲高齡,才憑藉與導演昆汀塔倫提諾合作的電影《八惡人》(The Hateful Eight),終於拿下人生第一座奥斯卡原創配樂大獎。


  • My Heart Will Go On,讓他寫到撞牆,卻全球大賣3000萬張?!
  • 新天堂樂園就靠兩條史上最強主題曲和副主題曲,征服無數影迷?
  • 海上鋼琴師170分鐘的電影,配樂家只寫了一首曲,莫非大師太懶?!

Unforgettable Love: Eternal Melodies by the Italian Master Composer Morricone The legendary Italian composer Ennio Morricone, renowned for his iconic film scores in classics like “Cinema Paradiso,” “The Legend of 1900,” “Once Upon a Time in America,” “The Mission,” and “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,” finally won his first Oscar for Best Original Score at the age of 87 for his work on “The Hateful Eight” with Quentin Tarantino. With over 600 film and television scores to his name, Morricone is hailed as one of the most influential and versatile contemporary film composers.

Sherry will delve into Morricone’s captivating compositions, revealing the secrets behind his timeless melodies and exploring the profound impact of his music on cinematic storytelling.

📍2024-4-24 (三) (Wednesday) 2:30pm

Bonjour Paris! 巴黎美人.香頌古典



在法國,男人常會兩手一攤,對天長歎: La Femme! “La femme”在法文是“女人“,也是法國男人對女人的沒輒的形容詞。法國女人無人能抗拒,她們風情萬種,浪漫卻也知性,有時狂野、有時溫柔,愛起來會死心踏地,事業心卻不少。尤其,香水和香頌,是軟硬兼施的巴黎美人最佳代表作。這次我們來看看金獎電影:《玫瑰人生》如何用音樂點高潮、《香奈兒和她的情人》用現代芭蕾調情、《愛密麗的異想世界》的圓舞曲讓人無藥可救的愛上鄰家女孩。Sherry以鋼琴、故事穿插配樂的精華。

還有4月30日即將於國家演奏廳登場的 《東方鳥的三景象》提味,讓你不醉也難!

  • 《玫瑰人生》如何用三首歌說完Edith Piath一生?
  • 怎樣用鋼琴刻畫出《愛蜜麗的異想世界》的浪漫綺麗?
  • 為什麼《春之祭》是史上最災難的音樂首演?

Bonjour Paris! Ode to Classical Elegance

When Russian musical genius meets French fashion icon, what romantic and artistic sparks will fly?

In France, men often raise their hands in surrender and sigh, “La Femme!” In French, “La femme” means “woman” and also serves as a descriptor for the indescribable allure of French women. French women are irresistible, with their allure, sophistication, and a blend of wildness and gentleness in love and career. Perfume and symphonies are their best representations. Join us as we explore award-winning films like “La Vie en Rose”, “Coco Before Chanel”, and “Amélie” to discover how they use music to evoke emotions and enhance storytelling.

Plus, get a taste of the upcoming performance of “The Three Scenes of the Oriental Bird” at the National Concert Hall on April 30, as Sherry provides a sneak peek into this captivating musical journey.

Discover how “La Vie en Rose” encapsulates Edith Piaf’s life in three songs, experience the romantic beauty of “Amélie” through piano compositions, and learn about the tumultuous premiere of “The Rite of Spring,” deemed one of the most disastrous in musical history.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to uncover the enchanting world of music with Sherry Shieh!

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2312220436061302075938

橫跨音樂、影視、教育與社會公益的謝世嫻(Sherry),12歲於瑞士受到英國菲利普親王Prince Philip of England榮譽接見,隔年受邀演出國際女星奧黛莉赫本葬禮。進入美國音樂系排名首屈一指的名校印地安那大學Indiana University,而後受到已故大師安東尼. 巴納范度拉(Anthony di Bonaventura)賞識進入其門下,成為波士頓大學最年輕的音樂博士生。曾和電影《追殺比爾》奧斯卡金獎大師Bacalov研製配樂,並獲配樂特獎。演奏足跡遍佈歐美亞三洲,含法國南錫音樂節、奧地利薩爾斯堡音樂節、與義大利西恩那電影節。


Sherry發行過6張專輯,於2012年成為台灣傳藝金曲奬最年輕入圍者。2015年,Sherry受中國江蘇衛視邀請,以特別嘉賓身分參加火紅益智節目『一站到底』,現場演奏並成功連斬三關對手(當晚收視為中國第一)。成立「相日魁電影」,以勵志、創新、影響力的故事帶給世人正能量。Sherry推出個人手機程式APP: sherry shieh,並被國際影音版權平台Audio Sparx選為『永久推廣藝術家』。Sherry第一部自製編導演的紀錄片《書屋》於2016年首映。

曾任台北扶輪社67屆秘書長與69屆副社長,藉由音樂完成許多公益項目;其中包含:為311日本海嘯募款的「心之喜悅」品牌曲發表會、讓1500名企業家走進音樂廳的「2015扶輪日音樂盛會」、協助台灣親愛國小自製的88把提琴傳送到世界各國偏鄉「親愛的琴!」,與緬甸和英國文化協會合作的「盲人青少年小提琴家計畫」,關懷台灣偏鄉教育紀錄片《書屋》等。因「送愛到紐約」COVID-19 Relief募款音樂會成為紐約扶輪社榮譽社友,並獲頒保羅哈里斯Paul Harris獎。於2020創立Leading Bull,致力於藝術、多媒體與社會公益發展。自新冠肺炎疫情後開始打造DRIM心靈冥想音樂,2023年發表新書『越來越愛電影配樂』榮登誠品和博客來藝術類排行榜第一名。目前致力推廣古典音樂與影視美學,2024年將出版音樂教育新書,並將籌備《東方鳥的三景象》與《皇朝》影像藝術與管弦樂版世界首演。

Sherry Shieh, a multifaceted talent spanning music, film, education, and social welfare, has had a remarkable journey marked by numerous achievements and contributions.

At the age of 12, Sherry was honored to meet Prince Philip of England in Switzerland, followed by an invitation to perform at the funeral of international star Audrey Hepburn the following year. She pursued her musical education at Indiana University, one of the top-ranking music schools in the United States, under the mentorship of the late maestro Anthony di Bonaventura, becoming the youngest music doctoral student at Boston University.

Sherry’s musical collaborations include working on the Oscar-winning score for the film “Kill Bill” with master composer Bacalov, earning accolades for her contributions to film scoring. She has performed extensively across Europe, America, and Asia, gracing renowned festivals such as the Nancy Music Festival in France, the Salzburg Music Festival in Austria, and the Siena Film Festival in Italy.

As a respected adjudicator in piano competitions and a prolific music columnist for MUZIK magazine in Taiwan, Sherry has also been actively involved in music education. She has collaborated with institutions like the Peisi Music Academy in Taiwan and taught film production and scoring courses at various universities and enterprises in Taiwan.

Sherry’s lectures are highly sought after, with audiences worldwide praising her performances as the most moving, inspiring, and intellectually stimulating experiences. She delivers an average of 100 lectures annually, captivating audiences with her unique perspectives and international insights.

With six albums to her name, Sherry was recognized as the youngest nominee at the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards in 2012. In 2015, she made waves as a special guest on the popular Chinese TV show “The Brain,” where she showcased her musical talents and impressively defeated three opponents in a row, earning the highest viewership ratings of the night in China.

In addition to her artistic pursuits, Sherry is a philanthropist and founder of “相日魁電影,” a production company dedicated to creating uplifting and innovative stories. She has been honored by the New York Rotary Club for her contributions to COVID-19 relief efforts and received the prestigious Paul Harris Award. In 2020, she established Leading Bull, focusing on the development of art, multimedia, and social welfare initiatives.

Sherry’s commitment to promoting classical music and cinematic aesthetics continues, with plans to publish a new book on music education in 2024 and prepare for the world premieres of “The Three Scenes of the Oriental Bird” and “Dynasty,” blending visual artistry with orchestral performances.


04/14 @ 2:30 下午
04/24 @ 4:30 下午
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