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陶語—中華民國陶藝協會特展 Vibrations — Featured Exhibition of Chinese Ceramic Association Taiwan

09/24 @ 9:30 上午 - 10/06 @ 5:00 下午



“Vibrations — Featured Exhibition of Chinese Ceramic Association Taiwan” is this year’s member exhibition, focusing on the theme of “sound” to showcase the unique charm of ceramic art, distinguishing it from other mediums. A total of 59 works will be on display, offering a rich and diverse experience. In addition to works submitted by members, the exhibition also invites senior ceramic artists to contribute pieces centered around the theme of sound, providing a wide variety of creative expressions.

This exhibition explores how “clay” can serve as a medium for transmitting sound. The artists use clay to represent various sound forms, including natural elements such as wind, rain, and ocean waves, as well as instinctual sounds like animal and insect calls. They also express the inner emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness through sound-inspired creations, allowing viewers to visually perceive the auditory phenomena conveyed by the artworks.

展覽時間 Date:9/6(五 Friday)~ 10/6(日 Sunday)

展覽場地 Venue:B1陶藝長廊 Ceramic Hallway

票價 Fee:NT$80


新北市, Taiwan
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