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銘傳廣電系攝影畢業展《All in One》10/5-17台北中山堂展出 Department of Radio and TV Photography Graduation Exhibition “All in One” | October 5-17 at Zhongshan Hall, Taipei

10/05 @ 9:30 上午 - 10/17 @ 5:00 下午

銘傳大學廣播電視學系畢業製作《All in One》攝影展,將於10/5-17在台北市中山堂第一及第二展覽室展出,從香港來台求學的攝影師張銘晉,挑戰實驗性攝影藝術作品,透過抽象表現主義手法,以鮮豔色彩瞬間渲染與張力呈現多種情緒的融合,讓觀眾觀察並思考剎那間的情緒衝擊感。該系列作品榮獲國際攝影大獎International Photography Awards(IPA),2024年Official Selection官方精選肯定。

張銘晉從國中時加入攝影社團,接觸到相機,自始開啟了攝影的路途。在國三時跟隨專業攝影師Zulu Lo(現為香港專業攝影師學會HKPPN會員、英國皇家攝影學會會士)學習。中學期間專注在運動攝影並慢慢接觸商業攝影,曾為多位運動員拍攝形象照。此外,結合他從小就有學習音樂的優勢,經常參與過音樂會、舞台拍攝。

高中畢業後,從香港到台灣就讀銘傳大學廣播電視學系。大二時參與紀錄全國中等學校運動會(全中運)桌球項目,系列作品在2023年IPA國際攝影獎,獲得「榮譽獎」及「官方精選」兩項肯定。大三成為Canon校園攝影大使。2024年畢業作品《All in One》再次獲得IPA國際攝影獎「官方精選」肯定。

《All in One》攝影展,以情緒為發想,希望呈現情緒的多樣性。正面情緒與負面情緒兩者對等,互相依賴。多種情緒互相結合,形成一個整體,互不分離。人的情緒感受是多樣性的,正因為存在著多樣性,才使「人」完整。在這次攝影創作作品中,嘗試運用色彩來呈現人的情緒,以抽象表現手法展演情緒融合。希望讓觀眾能夠慢慢觀察並重新審視,自身如何應對各種情緒的方法。


The “All in One” photography graduation exhibition by the Department of Radio and TV at MCU will be held from October 5 to 17 at the first and second exhibition rooms of Zhongshan Hall, Taipei. Photographer Cheung Ming-Chun, originally from Hong Kong, presents experimental photography artworks, using abstract expressionism techniques. With vibrant colors and spontaneous bursts of emotion, the work explores a fusion of feelings, encouraging viewers to observe and reflect on the instantaneous impact of emotions. The series has been recognized by the International Photography Awards (IPA), earning an Official Selection for 2024.

Cheung Ming-Chun began his photography journey in middle school when he joined the photography club and first picked up a camera. In his third year of middle school, he studied under professional photographer Zulu Lo (a member of the Hong Kong Professional Photographers Network, HKPPN, and Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society, RPS). During high school, Cheung focused on sports photography and gradually transitioned into commercial photography, capturing portraits of athletes. His background in music, which he studied from a young age, allowed him to frequently participate in concert and stage photography.

After graduating from high school, Cheung moved from Hong Kong to Taiwan to study in the Department of Radio and TV at MCU. In his sophomore year, he documented the table tennis event at the National High School Games (All Taiwan Games). His work from this event received the Honorable Mention and Official Selection at the 2023 IPA International Photography Awards. In his junior year, he was named a Canon Campus Photography Ambassador. His 2024 graduation project “All in One” earned another Official Selection at the IPA Awards.

The “All in One” exhibition is based on the theme of emotions, aiming to showcase the diversity of emotional experiences. Positive and negative emotions coexist and depend on one another. These emotions blend into a unified whole, inseparable from each other. Human emotional experiences are diverse, and it is this diversity that makes us complete. In this photography series, Cheung explores the use of color to portray human emotions, employing abstract expressionism to illustrate the fusion of these feelings. He hopes viewers can take their time to observe and re-examine how they cope with various emotions.

This graduation exhibition will feature 44 works, divided into five chapters, showcasing Cheung’s journey as a photographer. Beginning with his earlier works, the chapters trace his life from growing up in the bustling city of Hong Kong, his uncertainty about the future before finishing high school, his adaptation to life in Taiwan, and his personal growth. Now, as a senior in college, he has finally found his path and direction.

第一章 繁華(攝影/張銘晉)
第一章 繁華 Chapter 1: Prosperity(攝影/張銘晉 Photography by Cheung Ming-Chun)


The first chapter captures the bustling landscape of Hong Kong, featuring Lion Rock and the cityscape bathed in the glow of thousands of lights.

第二章 迷茫(攝影/張銘晉)
第二章 迷茫 Chapter 2: Confusion(攝影/張銘晉 Photography by Cheung Ming-Chun)


In this chapter, Cheung focuses on confusion, portraying the sense of uncertainty that he and Hong Kong faced during his high school years.

第三章 前進 Chapter 3: Moving Forward(攝影/張銘晉 Photography by Cheung Ming-Chun)


After graduating high school, Cheung left Hong Kong to begin his university life in Taiwan. The third chapter depicts his emotions as he moved forward from Hong Kong. Rather than focusing on “leaving”, the chapter emphasizes “moving forward”, a sentiment shared by many students who leave their hometowns for university.

第四章 靜 Chapter 4: Calm(攝影/張銘晉 Photography by Cheung Ming-Chun)


After moving to Taiwan, Cheung took a long time to adjust to his new life. During this time, he missed the piano in his home. Having studied music from a young age, music brought him a sense of peace. As he adapted to life in Taiwan, he steadily worked toward his goals.

第五章 山峰 Chapter 5: Mountain Peak(攝影/張銘晉 Photography by Cheung Ming-Chun)


Through his four years of university, Cheung has gained much and found his direction during a period of calm. The primary image in the fifth chapter was taken at Wuling, Taiwan’s highest peak that Cheung has climbed to date. This represents the highest point he has reached so far in his life. As the saying goes, “there is always a higher mountain”. Cheung continues to look ahead and move forward, even as he finds his path.


10/05 @ 9:30 上午
10/17 @ 5:00 下午
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台北市, Taiwan
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