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釀聲音 O soni no pisakani’ 擊樂 X 阿美族傳統釀造 Brewing Sound: O soni no pisakani’ Percussion X Amis Traditional Brewing

08/23 @ 7:00 下午 - 08/31 @ 3:30 下午


This performance is led by Amis youth風曦. Brewing and music composition share many similarities: both involve controlling various individual elements to produce a sweet result. Traditional brewing techniques embody the indigenous people’s spirit of giving back to those who work far from home. Accompanied by live ceremonial songs and dances, the audience will join Feng Xi in “brewing with sound,” experiencing a journey filled with gratitude and hope through their senses of smell, hearing, and sight. The total program duration is approximately 50 minutes.

演出地點 Venue

【台北 Taipei】PLAYground南村劇場 PLAYground Theater

【花蓮 Hualien】花蓮縣臺灣原住民族文化館 Local Cultural Hall, Hualien

演出時間 Date & Time

【台北 Taipei】2024/8/23(五 Friday)19:00、2024/8/24(六 Saturday)14:30、19:00

【花蓮 Hualien】2024/8/31(六 Saturday)14:00

票價與折扣 Fee & Discount

【一般票 General Admission】

台北場 Taipei:NT$500/花蓮場 Hualien:NT$400

(釀聲音之友憑優惠碼享8折 Friends of Brewing Sound can enjoy a 20% discount with a promo code)

【藝文贊助票 Arts Patron Ticket】

台北場限定 Available only for Taipei:NT$700

(含沉浸座位區、純釀飲品與小禮,每場限量20張 Includes immersive seating, a special brewed beverage, and a small gift, limited to 20 tickets per show)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407040831521388542561?utm_campaign=accu_banner&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

製作群 Production Team

創意發想與聲音設計 Creative Concept and Sound Design:風曦
導演 Director:迦瑙.伊法蘭
視覺設計 Visual Design:鄧敦方
文化顧問 Cultural Consultant:舒米.如妮

注意事項 Notes

  1. 本節目中含有產生煙霧粉塵之橋段,易過敏者建議配戴口罩入場。
  2. 購買藝文贊助票享有含酒精性飲品,請遵守「酒後不開車、開車不喝酒」之原則。
  3. 本節目於開始前30分鐘進行驗票入場。
  4. 本節目無中場休息。
  5. 花蓮場辦理演後座談會 。
  6. 主視覺海報上8/24下午演出時間14:00為編輯有誤,實際演出時間為14:30,以售票平台時間為主。
  1. This program includes scenes with smoke and dust; those prone to allergies are advised to wear a mask.
  2. Arts Patron Ticket holders will receive an alcoholic beverage. Please adhere to the “Don’t drink and drive” principle.
  3. Ticket verification and entry begin 30 minutes before the program starts.
  4. There will be no intermission during the program.
  5. A post-performance discussion will be held at the Hualien venue.
  6. Please note that the time on the main visual poster for the 8/24 afternoon performance is incorrectly listed as 14:00. The correct time is 14:30, as indicated on the ticketing platform.


台北市, Taiwan
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花蓮縣, Taiwan
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