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這卡歐窺嗎|影展評什麼?評審席上看電影 What Do Film Festivals Evaluate? Watching Movies from Jury’s Perspective ft.鄭秉泓 Zheng Bing-hong

06/01 @ 2:00 下午 - 6:00 下午

這次我們邀請到知名影評人、策展人 — 鄭秉泓老師來跟大家交流!


We are pleased to invite the renowned film critic and curator, Mr. Zheng Bing-hong, to engage with everyone!

As a highly experienced film critic, Mr. Zheng not only has extensive teaching experience but has also served as a preliminary judge for both the feature film and short film categories of Golden Horse Awards, and as a short film curator for Kaohsiung Film Festival. With his long-term focus on the trends and developments of Taiwan’s film and television industry, he offers insightful and unique perspectives known as “Zheng-style angles”. Creators navigating the vast sea of film festivals should not miss this opportunity.

 ▚ 活動資訊 Event Details ▞

主題 Topic:影展評什麼?評審席上看電影 What Do Film Festivals Evaluate? Watching Movies from the Jury’s Perspective

日期 Date:2024/06/01(六) (Saturday)

時間 Time:14:30-16:00(14:00開放入場 open for entry at 14:00)

地點 Venue:台北市中山區中山北路一段33巷1號 No. 1, Ln. 33, Sec. 1, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City(二條通劇匯)

票價 Fee:NT$250

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2405091139461723171030

 ▚ 講師介紹 Speaker Introduction ▞

鄭秉泓 Zheng Bing-hong|高雄人,寫影評、策畫影展,也在大學教電影,現為高雄電影節節目總監。 A native of Kaohsiung, Zheng writes film reviews, curates film festivals, and teaches film at universities. He is currently the Program Director of Kaohsiung Film Festival.

多次受邀擔任影展選片及電影獎評審,歷任第52, 55, 60屆金馬獎劇情長片類及劇情短片類初審、第49, 50, 55屆金鐘獎戲劇節目類評審,第37, 43屆金穗獎評審,2017釜山短片節奈派克獎評審、2021蔚州山岳影展國際競賽評審。評論文字見於網路媒體及報章雜誌。編著作品《台灣電影愛與死》、《她殺了時代:重訪日本電影新浪潮》、《台灣電影變幻時:尋找台灣魂》,監製作品《伏流》。

He has been invited multiple times to serve on film festival selection panels and film award juries, including as a preliminary judge for 52nd, 55th and 60th Golden Horse Awards for feature films and short films, and as a judge for 49th, 50th and 55th Golden Bell Awards for drama programs. He has also served as a judge for 37th and 43rd Golden Harvest Awards, 2017 Busan Short Film Festival NETPAC Award and 2021 Ulju Mountain Film Festival International Competition. His reviews can be found in online media and print publications. He has authored and edited works such as “The Love and Death of Taiwan Cinema”, “She Killed the Era” and “Taiwan Cinema in Transition: In Search of True Taiwan Spirit”. He produced the film “Flow”.

▚ 交流內容速速讀|短片要點x影展口味x參展終極指南 Key Discussion Points ▞

▘台灣影展,你可能不知道的二三事 Unknown Facts about Taiwanese Film Festivals

▘影展評審席:短片與長片的選片差異 Jury Insights: Differences in Selection Criteria for Short Films vs. Feature Films

▘給新銳創作者的參展指南 Participation Guide for Emerging Filmmakers


Are you also a film and television professional, or are you a newcomer stepping into the industry? We invite you to join this event. If you have any questions or topics you want to discuss, let’s meet and talk!

▚ 其他資訊 Additional Information ▞ 

▘活動備茶水、小點心 Tea and Snacks Provided

▘主辦單位保留分享內容異動之權利,更新資訊以活動網頁內容為主 The organizer reserves the right to change the content of the event. For the latest updates, please refer to the event website.

CREDITS 由一群深耕影視產業多年的工作者所創立,致力於集結影視界優秀人才、串起人才鏈「讓每位創作者的名字被看見」。

CREDITS was founded by a group of seasoned professionals who have dedicated many years to the film and television industry. The organization is committed to gathering outstanding talents in the industry and connecting the talent chain to “let every creator’s name be seen”.


2:00 下午 - 6:00 下午
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台北市, Taiwan
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