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透視音像藝術展演 Perspectives Audio-Vusial Art

04/20 @ 6:00 下午 - 10:30 下午











Untitled, Undefined: The Boundless Realm of Audio-Visual Art

In an era overwhelmed by labels,
where they infiltrate our identities, thoughts, and creations,
even shaping our perception of the world—

We are categorized, defined.
At times, we seek belonging within these labels.
At times, we reduce ourselves to fit into predefined contexts,
until we become mere symbols, simplified and constrained.

But do human beings truly need to be classified?

When boundaries begin to blur,
when sound and image intertwine and evolve,
must we still adhere to predetermined frameworks?

This event is not just a live performance—
it is an experiment in thought and perception.
A collective exploration by artists,
examining the fluid relationship between sound, image, and space.

Here, different mediums and diverse styles collide,
generating an unnamed visual and auditory language.
The body becomes a field of perception,
while sound and image break free from narrative constraints,
reaching directly into intuition.

Deconstruct and reconstruct—
reshape our imagination of contemporary art and performance.
There is no need to seek belonging.

Because in this moment, this resonance is belonging.

Let go of definitions.
Let sound, image, body, and space co-create an immediate dialogue
beyond established boundaries—
No labels, no limits,
only the undefined present.


Byetone(Olaf Bender)

Born in Karl-Marx-Stadt, East Germany, in 1968, Olaf Bender began his creative journey experimenting with 16mm film. His passion for geometric motion and avant-garde expression led him to join the experimental music group AG Geige in 1988.

After the fall of the Berlin Wall, Bender co-founded the influential Raster-Noton label in 1999, merging sound and visual art with iconic minimalist design.Under the moniker Byetone, Bender gained recognition for his energy-driven, minimalist electronic music, highlighted in acclaimed releases likeDeath of a Typographer (2008) and Symeta (2011).

He has collaborated on sound projects for renowned fashion designers and formed the duoDiamond Version with Carsten Nicolai.Currently managing the rebranded Raster label, Bender continues to push boundaries with innovative installations and cross-disciplinary artprojects.

奧拉夫·本德(Olaf Bender)1968年生於東德卡爾馬克思城,最初以16mm電影進行實驗創作。1988年加入實驗音樂團體AG Geige,致力於幾何運動與前衛藝術表達。

柏林圍牆倒塌後,他於1999年共同創立Raster-Noton廠牌,融合聲音與視覺藝術,以極簡設計聞名。以Byetone之名發表《Death of a Typographer》(2008)與《Symeta》(2011),確立獨特的極簡電子音樂風格。

他曾為知名時尚設計師製作聲音作品,並與Carsten Nicolai組成Diamond Version。目前負責重塑後的Raster廠牌,持續推動創新裝置與跨領域藝術計畫。

Milian Mori

Mori shares his deep interest in combining mathematics, geometry and data with emotion, dance and fulfillment: technology meets nature, binary meets fluids, algorithm meets spirituality, dualism meets triality, machine meets human, randomness meets self similarity.

All of his works are trying to open the space which exceeds dualism. His art doesn’t want to answer, nor does it aim to question. His debut album AS YOU WERE LISTENING is being released via the Raster Media platform, and captures the spirit of his previous works as well as establishing a new vision in which he endeavours to fuse pop culture with the art world.

In AS YOU WERE LISTENING he’s using the distinct language of dub techno whilst attempting to expand the genre’s vocabulary with new changes, elements and aesthetics. Mori has been involved in numerous collaborations and a wide array of arts projects, as well as working as a composer, DIY installation artist, sound designer, recording and sound engineer.


首張專輯《AS YOU WERE LISTENING》由Raster Media發行,以dub techno為語言,並融入全新元素與美學,探索流行文化與藝術世界的交匯。Mori亦活躍於多領域合作,身兼作曲家、裝置藝術家、聲音設計師與錄音工程師。



喜歡實驗聲響。裝置作品經常探討聲音的空間性、發聲機制及訊號的轉譯,注重聲音生成的方法,同時透過運作的規則呼應生活中的經驗感受及議題。音像表演習慣透過編寫程式創作, 關注聲音與影像之間相互觸發的關係,常用最 單純的元素延展出豐富的可能性。

Born in 1999 in Hsinchu, he is an artist specializing in interactive art, sound and installations.

Passionate about experimental sound, his installation works often explore the spatiality of sound, sound generation mechanisms and signal translation. He focuses on methods of sound production while using operational rules to reflect personal experiences and social issues.

In audiovisual performances, he creates through programming, examining the interplay between sound and visuals. By utilizing the simplest elements, he extends them into rich and diverse possibilities.

Wu Cheng-Ru ( P B ) 吳承儒




曾參與《認夢 Dream Percept》、《未來視覺派對 FUTURE VISION LAB》、《聽說 Wisper》、《忘却回路 – Oblivion Circuit》等作品展演。

Born in 1999 in Chiayi, Taiwan, he graduated from the Transdisciplinary of New Media Department at Taipei National University of the Arts.

Currently focused on interdisciplinary art and audiovisual performances, his work explores experimental sound, real-time image generation and digital signal integration.

His artistic core centers on human relationships, investigating cognitive differences in mutual understanding through distortions in digital signal transmission. Actively engaged in interdisciplinary art, theater, dance and sound installations, he seeks to expand the innovative possibilities of new media art.

He has participated in exhibitions and performances such as Dream PerceptFUTURE VISION LABWisper and Oblivion Circuit.





A visual artist, motion designer, and digital media creator, he is of Atayal heritage, with his mother from Marepa, Ren’ai Township, Nantou. Growing up between the city and his indigenous community, he integrates multilayered digital visuals with personal experiences.

“Expressing my language in my own way”, he seamlessly blends music and visuals, adapting across electronic music events, animation, film production, TV commercials and exhibitions. Balancing commercial work with a deep exploration of his roots, he has recently focused on indigenous culture, self-identity and experimental theater performances.

【演出資訊 Performance Information】

演出日期 Date|2025/04/20(日 Sun)
演出時間 Time|18:30-22:30
開放入場 Admission|18:00-18:30
演出地點 Venue|台北流行音樂中心 Taipei Music Center Live House D(台北市南港區市民大道八段99號 No. 99, Sec. 8, Civic Blvd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2503061751461742313864

【交通資訊 Transportation Information】

捷運昆陽站 Kunyang Station|4號出口出站,向東步行約8分鐘 Exit 4 → Walk east for about 8 minutes
捷運南港站 Nangang Station|1A連通道出站,沿指標前行至CITYLINK B棟 Exit 1A Passage → Follow signs to CITYLINK Building B(由一樓走出大門後沿市民大道向西步行約11分鐘抵達)

【聯繫方式 Contact Information】

➤聯繫窗口 Event Contact|Tapas H.
→ 0977553551/pinsbkan@gmail.com
➤票務窗口 Ticketing Contact|張小姐 Ms Chang
→ 0989362520/shuwsuechang@gmail.com
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The event will proceed as scheduled. However, in the case of unforeseen circumstances such as extreme weather, natural disasters, public safety concerns, transportation disruptions, artist health conditions or other unpredictable incidents, certain performers or program content may be affected. The event organizers will make necessary adjustments based on the situation while striving to maintain the event’s quality. We appreciate your understanding and support regarding any unavoidable changes.

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6:00 下午 - 10:30 下午
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台北流行音樂中心LIVE HOUSE D
台北市, Taiwan
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