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軍訓室 Military Training Office|交通安全有獎徵答即起開跑 Traffic Safety Quiz Contest starts now!

03/18 @ 8:00 上午 - 04/30 @ 12:00 下午

為宣導交通安全,軍訓室特地舉行了有獎徵答活動來增進大家對交通法規的熟悉度,期望透過這項活動能建立起各位同學對交通安全的概念,並減少意外發生的機率。本次有獎徵答自即日起至 4 /30(二)中午止,作答次數不受限制,完成後即有機會獲得頭獎現金NT3,000、ASUS ZenPower 10050mAh行動電源5台、NT$500現金6名、NT$200現金20名,各式豐富獎品等人抱回家,歡迎踴躍參與!另,軍訓室目前備有愛心傘、安全帽、吹風機等物品免費提供同學借用,歡迎有需要者前往詢問。


To promote traffic safety awareness, the Military Training Office is holding a quiz contest with prizes to enhance everyone’s familiarity with traffic regulations. Through this activity, we hope to instill a sense of traffic safety among students and reduce the chances of accidents. The quiz contest runs from now until April 30 at noon. There is no limit to the number of attempts, and participants have the chance to win the following prizes:

First Prize: NT$3,000 cash, 5 ASUS ZenPower 10050mAh power banks, 6 prizes of NT$500 cash, and 20 prizes of NT$200 cash, along with various other attractive rewards.

We encourage everyone to participate actively! Additionally, the Military Training Office currently provides items such as umbrellas, helmets, and hairdryers for free borrowing. Please feel free to inquire if needed.

Recently, Taiwan was labeled by CNN as a pedestrian traffic hell, sparking increased attention to the traffic environment. In 2023, over three thousand people died in traffic accidents, averaging eight deaths per day. Faced with such alarming statistics, we must consider how to address this issue. While legislation may provide short-term solutions, the key lies in adhering to traffic regulations and fostering proper road use habits to improve overall traffic conditions.

填答網址 Quiz Link:https://forms.gle/BQM8awGejXo1Hir18


03/18 @ 8:00 上午
04/30 @ 12:00 下午
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