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跨國行銷工作者小聚,奢牌品味學加場!小聚 八月場 Transnational Marketers Meetup: Luxury Brand Strategy Add-On! August Meetup

08/24 @ 2:00 下午 - 5:30 下午

跨國行銷工作者 Transnational Marketers


– 你平常工作的內容
– 某個特別的專案經驗
– 你最近嚮往的工作規劃、人生狀態
– 你在的專業和可以幫助到在場朋友的地方

If you work in a multinational company and regularly coordinate with departments across different regions, or if you’re a digital nomad often traveling to various locations, or if you’re simply interested in transnational work and want to learn more, this meetup is for you. Please share your work experiences, and offer advice to fellow attendees who might be looking to enter your field.

Each participant will have 2 minutes to share:

  • The nature of your daily work
  • A unique project experience
  • Your recent career or life aspirations
  • Your area of expertise and how it can benefit others at the event

奢侈品策略 Luxury Brand Strategy


Continuing the recurring theme of luxury brand strategy, this time we’ll delve deeper into the design, transformation, and marketing tactics of star products within luxury brands. We’ll start with classic items and expand into the mass-market consumer strategies of luxury brands. Additionally, we’ll conduct a “Luxury Brand Strategy Health Check” to evaluate whether your brand, company, or product can adopt luxury strategies to enhance customer experience and brand value.

Mark和Kim小聚悄悄話 Mark and Kim’s Meetup Insights


We, M & K, the organizers, are thrilled to meet everyone again in August. After hosting many sessions with friends from various professions, we’re excited to discuss transnational work next. Join us to meet new friends and take home plenty of practical insights!

活動資訊 Event Details

時間 Date & Time:2024/8/24(六 Saturday)14:00-17:30

地點 Venue:小樹屋(報名後請務必在活動前兩天確認信件。 Please check your email two days before the event for the exact address.)

人數限制 Attendance Limit:小場制有人數上限,敬請提早報名! This is a small event with limited capacity, so please register early!

活動流程 Event Schedule

14:00 – 14:30  自我介紹認識彼此 Introductions and getting to know each other

14:30 – 15:40  工作場景分享 Sharing work scenarios

15:40 – 15:50  Break

15:50 – 16:50  奢侈品策略健檢 Luxury Brand Strategy Health Check

16:50 – 17:10  自由交流、聊天時間 Free networking and chat time

本場小聚適合誰來 Who Should Attend

小聚適合以下幾種人參與 This meetup is ideal for

  • 本身在做行銷、創意類型、品牌相關工作的主管
  • 在創業、開發產品的老闆或產品人
  • 對品牌策略有高度興趣的實戰家
  • 想要認識一群知識型朋友的人
  • 想要學習如何累積品牌敏感度的人
  • Marketing, creative, or brand-related managers
  • Entrepreneurs or product developers
  • Brand strategy enthusiasts
  • Those looking to meet knowledge-driven friends
  • Individuals wanting to learn how to develop brand sensitivity

活動價格 Fee

個人票 Individual Ticket:NT$700

雙人團購票 Pair Ticket:NT$1,300

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2406271709474469845220?utm_campaign=accu_banner&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

關於XD CINEMA體驗設計電影院 About XD CINEMA


We explore lesser-known human insights and infuse them into business, brand, and personal experiences. Here, you can find various applications of experience thinking and corporate branding cases, including PINKOI, COSTCO, McDonald’s, anime content ideas, shopping experiences, exhibition planning processes, personal life manuals, department stores, and more. Our scope ranges from private companies to personal life experience scenarios.

關於The Curators策展人們 About The Curators

一群策展愛好者的共創平台,讓大家看見體驗的更多可能性。在這裡,我們創造 1. 多樣的策展視角與評論 (案例分享) 2. 策展、活動企劃課程學習 3. 策展愛好者交流小聚

The Curators策展人們是一個「遊戲化體驗」的內容策展團隊;我們相信有趣、有互動感的展覽活動,最能帶給觀眾深刻印象,團隊為品牌打造專業展區、攤位、展場空間等,也製作農村、身心障礙議題的家庭親子體驗。實際服務項目包括線下活動、展場設計與製作、體驗劇本企劃、教育課程設計,也製作品牌沉浸式展覽、數位行銷、內容行銷等,協助品牌從創意到落地執行的完整規劃。

A co-creation platform for exhibition enthusiasts, showcasing the vast possibilities of experiential design. We create diverse exhibition perspectives and critiques, offer courses in exhibition and event planning, and host meetups for exhibition lovers. The Curators believe in fun, interactive exhibitions that leave a lasting impression. We offer professional exhibition areas, booths, and spaces for brands, as well as create family-friendly experiences on rural and disability topics. Our services include offline events, exhibition design and production, experience scriptwriting, educational course design, and immersive brand exhibitions, helping brands from creative concepts to execution.

📣聚會小叮嚀 Meetup Reminders

1. 根據活動通規定,活動前八天開始不能退票!

2. 請各位注意,當您參與此活動及表示同意授權活動方、「XD CINEMA」、「The Curators」具有本次活動的錄影、後製、影片展出的權利,包括肖像權、作品的著作權、著作財產權。

3. 本活動為實體活動,配合疫情政策及參加者權益,若身體體溫超過37.5度者,不得進入會場。

  1. According to event policies, no refunds will be issued within eight days before the event.
  2. By participating in this event, you agree to grant “XD CINEMA” and “The Curators” the right to record, edit, and display video footage of the event, including rights to your likeness, works, and intellectual property.
  3. This is a physical event. To ensure everyone’s safety, attendees with a body temperature exceeding 37.5°C will not be permitted entry.