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設計落地創新解方 Innovative Solutions in Design|2024餐飲設計論壇 Restaurant Design Forum

09/19 @ 12:30 下午 - 4:30 下午

新思維|新管理|新實踐 New Ideas|New Management|New Practices


本次餐飲設計論壇邀請到《i 室設圈|漂亮家居》總編輯 張麗寶、TnAID台灣室內設計專技協會理事長 袁世賢、成功大學建築學系教授 劉舜仁、創夏設計TaG Living總監 王斌鶴、伴境空間設計總監 林承翰、黃家憶,共同分享餐飲空間中的科技新意與美學創意。


The “2024 Restaurant Design Forum” will be held on September 19, co-organized by the Taiwan Association of Interior Designers (TnAID) and iEcosyst. As the third event in this year’s design forum series, it aims to create a platform for cross-disciplinary design exchange and learning, providing a rare opportunity for the design industry to gain insights and new perspectives.

This forum will feature prominent speakers including iEcosyst Editor-in-Chief Zhang Li-Bao, TnAID Chairman Yuan Shi-Xian, National Cheng Kung University Architecture Professor Liu Shun-Ren, TaG Living Creative Director Wang Bin-He, Companion Space Design Director Lin Cheng-Han and Huang Jia-Yi. They will share their thoughts on technological innovations and aesthetic creativity in restaurant spaces.

In designing restaurant spaces, the goal is not just to create a comfortable dining environment, but to reflect new-generation dining habits and tastes. Designers will explore how to incorporate sustainable materials and digital technology to develop a sustainable business concept or integrate consumer aesthetics into space to convey the distinctive brand value of the owner. This forum will delve into these topics, and we invite designers and industry professionals to join us for this enlightening event.


主辦單位 Organizers

活動資訊 Event Information

❍時間 Date & Time❍

2024/09/19(四 Thursday)13:00~16:00,12:30開放入場 Entry starts at 12:30
※本次場地因有入場管制作業,逾時恕不保留座位,敬請準時入場。 Please arrive on time as seats will not be reserved for latecomers.

❍地點 Venue❍
商周書房 Business Weekly Working Space(台北市南港區昆陽街16號5樓 5/F, No. 16, Kunyang St., Nangang Dist., Taipei City)

❍付費報名 Fee❍
Registration includes a copy of iEcosyst 06: 2024 Restaurant Space Design Special Edition (valued at NT$499)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408080850408250793500

票種資訊 Ticket Information

➊ 一般票 NT$1,000(單場)

➋ TnAID有效會員本人 優惠票 NT$700(單場)

➌ i 室設圈網站 付費會員本人 優惠票 NT$700(單場)

General Ticket NT$1,000 (single session)

TnAID Valid Members Discount Ticket NT$700 (single session)
※ After registration, TnAID will verify eligibility. If not eligible, a NT$300 surcharge will apply.

iSpace Design Circle Website Paid Members Discount Ticket NT$700 (single session)
※ After registration, iEcosyst will verify eligibility. If not eligible, a NT$300 surcharge will apply.


※ If you have already registered for a four-session ticket at the previous two forums (March, May), please provide your registered phone number to the staff on the day of the event for verification and entry.


❍交通資訊 Transportation Information❍

商周書房 Business Weekly Working Space(台北市南港區昆陽街16號5樓 5/F, No. 16, Kunyang St., Nangang Dist., Taipei City

捷運 MRT

板南線昆陽站3號出口,步行五分鐘 Take the Bannan Line to Kunyang Station, Exit 3, and walk for 5 minutes

公車 Bus


.Take routes 203, 205, 276, 28, 306, 306区, 605, 605副, 605新台五, 629, 668, 678, 711, 1061, 1062 to Yu Cheng Elementary School Station, then walk for about 2 minutes

鄰近停車服務,如有需求請參考 Nearby Parking Services

  • 路邊停車格 Street Parking

汽車 Car:NT$20-30/小時 hour(收費時間 Charge between 09:00-17:00)

機車 Motorcycle:NT$20/次 entry

  • 玉成國小地下停車場 Yu Cheng Elementary School Underground Parking Lot

汽車 Car:08:00-18:00 NT$30/小時 hour,18:00-08:00 NT$20/小時 hour •當日最高 Daily Maximum NT$120/次 entry,月票 Monthly Pass NT$2,500/月 month

機車 Motorcycle:NT$20/次 entry •月票 Monthly Pass NT$300/月 month

  • 南港遠東科學園區停車場 Far Eastern Nangang Science Park Parking Lot

汽車 Car:NT$60/小時 hour

  • 168 Parking(限用悠遊卡 EasyCard only)

汽車 Car:NT$15/半小時 half-hour,當日最高 Daily Maximum NT$110/次 entry

  • 新新公園平面停車場 Xin Xin Park Surface Parking Lot

汽車 Car:NT$20/小時 hour(收費時間 Charge between 09:00-17:00)

活動流程 Event Schedule

擬定 Proposed Schedule:

時間 Time 主題 Topic 講者 Speaker
12:30-12:55 開放入場,交流時間 Registration, Networking
13:00-13:15 開場、共同主辦方代表致詞 Opening, Co-organizer’s Speech TNAID理事長 袁世賢

i室設圈│漂亮家居總編輯 張麗寶

13:15-14:00 當代循環建材與數位設計趨勢 Trends in Contemporary Circular Materials and Digital Design 成功大學建築學系 劉舜仁教授
14:00-14:45 餐飲場域實踐永續的設計策略 Sustainable Design Strategies in Restaurant Spaces 創夏設計 王斌鶴總監
14:45-14:55 中場休息/交流時間 Break/Networking Time
14:55-15:40 新世代消費美學下的整合設計 Integrated Design Under the New Generation of Consumer Aesthetics 伴境空間設計 林承翰、黃家憶總監
15:40-16:20 主辦單位交流/設計師會後交流 Organizer Networking/Designer Post-Event Exchange


注意事項 Notes

  1. 本活動委託ACCUPASS代為處理退款事宜,依退款規則辦理。如需申請退款請於「購買成功 24 小時後,並於活動票券有效開始日前 8 日」辦理,並將酌收票價10%退票手續費,逾期恕不受理。
  2. 活動發票將於活動結束14個工作天內寄出,寄至您報名時填寫的發票收件地址。
  3. 主辦單位保有最終修改、變更、活動解釋及取消本活動之權利,若有相關異動將會公告於i室設圈|漂亮家居 臉書,恕不另行通知。
  1. Refunds are handled by ACCUPASS according to their refund policy. Refund requests must be made within 24 hours of purchase and at least 8 days before the event. A 10% processing fee will be charged. No refunds will be accepted after this period.
  2. Event invoices will be mailed within 14 business days after the event to the address provided during registration.
  3. The organizers reserve the right to modify, change, interpret, or cancel this event. Any changes will be announced on the iEcosyst Facebook page without further notice.


12:30 下午 - 4:30 下午
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台北市, Taiwan
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