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設計思考初階工作坊 Design Thinking Beginner Workshop

04/20 @ 2:00 下午 - 5:00 下午

|授課概要 Course Overview|



本工作坊教練Cha Cha老師,於2016年,前往史丹佛d.school進修設計思考這門課程,原汁原味的將史丹佛 d.school 的課程帶入,在整個學習過程中,運用循序漸進的學習方式,讓學員可以很清楚、很簡單的了解設計思考的知識原理,再透過遊戲任務來學習團隊合作、腦力互動及分享回饋,一起接受挑戰,完成限時的任務,在最後都會有超乎想像的加值效果!

這是一種新型態的互動體驗學習方式,讓學員捲起袖子,動動手也動動腦,讓想法不是空想,也不是放在心裡,真實把想法去實踐出來,當你走過一遍時,就不會忘記!這也是各企業單位 HR 及學校老師力薦的體驗學習課程!

The Design Thinking Beginner Workshop is suitable for participants without a design background. There are no textbooks or syllabi; instead, using teaching materials from Stanford, participants will learn to approach various work or life problems from a designer’s perspective through the five-step design thinking process.

Whether you are working or studying, you can apply the knowledge learned in the workshop to your workplace or school, and execute it effectively.

The workshop instructor, Cha Cha, attended the Stanford d.school in 2016 to study design thinking. She brings the authentic Stanford d.school curriculum into the learning process, using a step-by-step learning approach that allows participants to easily understand the principles of design thinking. Through games and tasks, participants learn teamwork, brain interaction, and sharing feedback. Together, they accept challenges and complete time-limited tasks, resulting in unexpected value-added effects!

This is a new form of interactive experiential learning that encourages participants to roll up their sleeves, use their hands and brains, and turn ideas into reality. When you go through it once, you won’t forget it! This is also an experiential learning course highly recommended by HR departments and school teachers.

|課程大綱 Course Outline|

  • 設計思考:認識設計思考及歷史典故
  • 成功案例:設計思考經典案例分享介紹
  • 動腦挑戰:少說大道理,直接動手做
  • 思考撞擊:體驗設計思考流程與步驟
  • Design Thinking: Understanding design thinking and its historical anecdotes
  • Success Stories: Sharing and introducing classic design thinking cases
  • Brain Challenges: Less talk, more action
  • Thought Impact: Experience the design thinking process and steps

|講師介紹 Instructor Introduction|

Cha Cha老師
目前為查查創意有限公司主理人及國際非營利組織Creative Mornings台北城市代表。

過去曾擔任學學文創公司的營運長,有著多年所累積的文化創意產業實戰經驗;在2011年第一次接觸到設計思考,也因著對設計思考充滿著學習的熱情,於是在臉書創立了Design Thinking設計思考粉絲團,至今已至企業、機關、學校、NGO等機構,教授百餘場的設計思考講座及工作坊。


Currently the founder of Cha Cha Creative Co., Ltd., and Taipei City representative of the international non-profit organization Creative Mornings.

Previously served as the COO of Xue Xue, with years of practical experience in the cultural and creative industries. Introduced to design thinking in 2011, Cha Cha founded the Design Thinking Fan Club on Facebook, and has since conducted over a hundred design thinking lectures and workshops for businesses, organizations, schools, NGOs, and more.

Due to the lack of information about design thinking in Taiwan, Cha Cha self-financed a study trip to the Stanford University d.school in 2016 to specialize in design thinking. In 2017, he was invited to participate in the Design Thinking Annual Conference at HPI University in Germany, where he exchanged ideas with design thinkers from around the world. He hopes to contribute his valuable experiences gained abroad to help Taiwanese society, businesses, and schools embrace creativity and put it into practice.

圖片來源:學學文創 Image source: Xue Xue

|講師經歷 Instructor Experience|

企業單位 Corporate Entities:Google Taiwan、羅氏藥廠、楊森藥廠、遠傳電信、新思科技、美律實業、中國信託商業銀行、國泰世華銀行、第一銀行、合作金庫、土地銀行、臺灣中小企業銀行、上海銀行、新光人壽、康健人壽、精誠資訊、學學文創公司、Justco、Citiesocial、台灣金融研訓院、BKA知識學校、Pinkoi Experience、哈拉影城心覺學苑、肌活力學創研所、瀚微科技、尼晞策略。

政府單位及非營利組織 Government Agencies and Non-Profit Organizations:交通部、文化部、台灣工研院、新竹縣政府文化局、連江縣政府交通局、學學文創教育基金會、雜學校、台灣國際特赦組織、台灣設計研究院、勞動部勞動力發展署高屏澎東分署青年職涯發展中心、愛無限協會、立賢教育基金會、桃園設計庫、農訓協會、南京東路禮拜堂、台北會幕堂、林口會幕堂、村苗教育發展協會、Workface Taipei、兒福聯盟。

學校機構 Educational Institutions:台灣大學、政治大學、臺北大學、中原大學、淡江大學、長榮大學、世新大學、銘傳大學、臺北護理運動大學、景文科技大學、嶺東科技大學、明新科技大學、健行科技大學、學學實驗教育機構、明倫高中、復興商工、板橋高中、新北市親少年培力團、小人小學、天母國小、宜蘭蓬萊國小。

|資訊連結 Information Links|

|課程時間 Course Schedule|

2024.04.20 (六) (Saturday) 14:00-17:00,共三小時 a total of three hours

|課程地點 Course Venue|

台北市中山區玉門街一號 / 雜學校 No. 1, Yumen St., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City / Za Share (Rebels Salon 造反咖啡)
鄰近圓山捷運站車站,步行約1分鐘。 Near Yuan Shan MRT Station, approximately 1 minute walk.


As Yuan Shan MRT Station and its surrounding area are vast with heavy foot traffic and numerous activities, if it’s your first time visiting Za Share, please refer to the “Classroom Route Map Video” to understand the actual location of the classroom to avoid difficulties finding it during class time.

|課程人數 Course Capacity|

預計約20±位。 Expected around 20± participants.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2403200323241401416437


2:00 下午 - 5:00 下午
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