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表創性藝術治療倫理與督導 Ethical and Supervisory Considerations in Expressive Arts Therapy

08/24 @ 9:30 上午 - 08/25 @ 4:30 下午

工作坊講師 Workshop Instructors

吳明富 Wu Ming-fu,國立彰化師範大學 輔導與諮商學系 專任副教授 Associate Professor, Department of Guidance and Counseling, National Changhua University of Education

美國聯合大學 跨領域研究─藝術治療博士 PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies – Art Therapy, Union University, USA

美國路易維爾大學 藝術治療碩士 MA in Art Therapy, University of Louisville, USA

紐約曼哈頓「希望之門」青少年中心藝術治療師 Art Therapist, “Door of Hope” Youth Center, Manhattan, New York

紐約大學藝術治療研究所藝術治療督導 Art Therapy Supervisor, Art Therapy Program, New York University

紐約視覺藝術學院藝術治療研究所藝術治療督導 Art Therapy Supervisor, School of Visual Arts, New York

專長領域 Expertise:表達性藝術治療、藝術教育、團體治療與督導、悲傷輔導 Expressive Arts Therapy, Art Education, Group Therapy and Supervision, Grief Counseling


章容榕 Chang Jung-jung,臺北市立大學 視覺藝術學系 兼任助理教授 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Arts, University of Taipei

美國麻州LELSEY UNIVERSITY表達性治療藝術博士 PhD in Expressive Therapies, Lesley University, Massachusetts, USA

專長領域包含表達性藝術治療、治療性遊戲、行為認知治療、EMDR眼動身心重建法、心理困擾與心理保健 Expertise: Expressive Arts Therapy, Therapeutic Play, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), Mental Health and Psychological Care

活動形式 Workshop Format—藝療督導、倫理研討、實務操作 Art Therapy Supervision, Ethical Discussions, Practical Operations

👫工作坊對象 Target Audience(如對報名資格有疑問請洽主辦單位E-CATA For any questions regarding eligibility, please contact the organizer E-CATA)

  1. 對表創造性藝術治療有興趣的心理健康服務人員,如醫療、教育、心理諮商、表創性藝術治療相關人士。
  2. 教育部承認之國內外大專院校藝術、心理、教育、醫療、社工等相關系所之研究所學生,並修習表創性藝術治療相關領域課程。
  1. Mental health professionals interested in expressive arts therapy, such as those in medical, educational, psychological counseling, and related fields.
  2. Graduate students in art, psychology, education, medical, and social work programs recognized by the Ministry of Education, and those studying courses related to expressive arts therapy.

工作坊簡介 Workshop Overview

本工作坊以演講、對話、案例探討來審視表創性藝術治療的倫理議題,包含 This workshop examines ethical issues in expressive arts therapy through lectures, discussions, and case studies, including:







  1. Ethical issues in the preparation of materials, space planning, and time management in expressive arts therapy from the perspectives of realistic conditions, multicultural considerations, and professional identity.
  2. The impact and challenges of the internet and social media on the ethics of expressive arts therapy.
  3. The influence, challenges, and ethical considerations of supervision in the professional development of expressive arts therapists.
  4. Ethical responsibilities of expressive arts therapists in research and publication.
  5. Experiencing art responses to deepen empathy and insight into cases and groups during the supervision process, and recognizing potential transference issues.
  6. Exploring and addressing ethical issues in practical work in expressive arts therapy.

課程費用 Fee

專業課程推廣價 Promotional Price for Professionals:NT$3,000/人 person

大專院校研究所學生/E-CATA會員優惠價 Discounted Price for Graduate Students and E-CATA Members:NT$2,800/人 person

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407040656222016184030

★注意事項 Notes

1. 報名即贈書《藝術治療督導理論與實務》。請自備手機、原子筆與一本筆記本。

2. 請自備手機、原子筆與一本筆記本。

3. 需事先報名,以便安排座位及準備教材,主辦單位將於上課前以電子郵件寄發報到提醒,若有訊息漏失情事,可逕洽主辦單位查詢。

4.  若因報名人數不足或不可預測之因素,主辦單位得保留本課程日期及內容之變更權利。

5. 如遇活動取消或延期,相關事宜請洽主辦單位。聯絡信箱:service@ecata.org.tw 聯絡電話:0903-522-015 朱小姐。

  1. Registration includes a complimentary book “Theory and Practice of Art Therapy Supervision.” Please bring a mobile phone, pen, and notebook.
  2. Please register in advance for seating and material preparation. The organizer will send a reminder via email before the class. For any missing information, please contact the organizer.
  3. The organizer reserves the right to change the date and content of the course if there are insufficient registrations or unforeseen circumstances.
  4. For event cancellation or postponement, please contact the organizer. Email: service@ecata.org.tw, Phone: 0903-522-015 Ms Zhu.




  • This workshop provides electronic proof of participation and a paper receipt.
  • Please wear a mask and do not attend if you have symptoms such as fever or cough.
  • Graduate students must present their student ID at check-in.

工作坊流程 Workshop Schedule

第一天 Day 1 8/24(六 Saturday)

時間 Time 課程主題 Topic
9:30-10:50 相見歡與倫理概論 Welcome and Introduction to Ethics

表創性藝術治療媒材準備、空間規劃和時間安排的倫理議題:現實、文化與認同的觀點 Ethical Issues in Material Preparation, Space Planning, and Time Management: Realistic, Cultural, and Identity Perspectives

11:00-12:30 網路和社群媒體對表創性藝術治療倫理的挑戰:案例探討 Challenges of the Internet and Social Media on the Ethics of Expressive Arts Therapy: Case Study
13:30-15:00 表創性藝術治療督導的倫理考量 Ethical Considerations in Expressive Arts Therapy Supervision

回應性創作體驗:口語與藝術的平衡兩難  Experiential Art Response: Balancing Verbal and Artistic Expression

15:10-16:30 表創性藝術治療研究與出版的倫理責任 Ethical Responsibilities in Research and Publication in Expressive Arts Therapy

融合書寫與藝術本位模式 Integrating Writing and Art-Based Methods


第二天 Day 2 8/25(日 Sunday)

時間 Time 課程主題 Topic
9:30-10:50 受督者和督導員需要知道的倫理和督導知識 Ethical and Supervisory Knowledge for Supervisees and Supervisors

表創性藝術治療實務督導保密和知情同意 Confidentiality and Informed Consent in Practical Supervision of Expressive Arts Therapy

11:00-12:30 表創性藝術治療督導的業務和行政面向 Business and Administrative Aspects of Expressive Arts Therapy Supervision

專業認同導航:證照、展現和關係 Professional Identity Navigation: Certification, Presentation, and Relationships

地點、地方與空間:督導形式與倫理 Location, Venue, and Space: Supervision Formats and Ethics

13:30-15:00 學科的差異:當你的督導員不是表創性藝術治療師;當你的受督者不是表創性藝術治療師 Disciplinary Differences: When Your Supervisor is Not an Expressive Arts Therapist; When Your Supervisee is Not an Expressive Arts Therapist

表創性藝術治療督導員、受督者和個案之間之多元文化差異 Multicultural Differences Among Supervisors, Supervisees, and Clients in Expressive Arts Therapy

15:10-16:30 個人、雙人和同儕督導、團體督導和遠距督導 Individual, Dyadic, Peer, Group, and Remote Supervision

治療師的自我關照 Self-Care for Therapists

治療情境下移情和反移情  Transference and Countertransference in Therapeutic Settings

倦怠與替代  Burnout and Substitution

書目 References

  1. 吳明富、江佳芸、章容榕、周大為(譯)(2023)。藝術治療督導理論與實務。台北市:洪葉出版。
  2. Y. Awais & D. Blausey (2021). Foundations of art therapy supervision: creating common ground for supervisees and supervisors. NY: Routledge.
  3. Moon, B. L. & Nolan, E. G. (2019). Ethical Issues in Art Therapy. 4th Edition. Charles C. Thomas Publisher.


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