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衛保組|歡迎報名挑戰 健康體位2.0 Campus Health Services Section | Welcome to Sign Up for the Healthy Posture 2.0 Challenge

03/29 @ 12:00 下午 - 2:00 下午

大學生活是人生中充滿活力和挑戰的重要階段,在追求學業成就、社交活動和個人成長的同時,保持身心健康更是大學生必須重視的核心議題之一;學務處衛保組將在台北校區辦理【健康體位2.0課程】,邀請大家一起重視健康永續的議題,凡本校教職員工及學生 BMI>25者,都可報名參加,全勤及集滿6堂規律運動課程之簽到,即可兌換精美禮品,報名自即日起至3/28(四)止,請直接至行政大樓一樓衛保組找明璇護理師(分機:2224)報名,活動期間將邀請有氧體能高手張詩宏教帶領大家一同迎向健康美味的生活。

活動將於3/29(五) 12:00-13:30在B901首開第一堂「營養課程」,教大家認識健康餐盤以及外食族該如何健康的選擇食物;除了飲食控制外,定期運動也是維持健康體重的不可或缺的部分,因此,動感十足的「健康體位2.0」課程則於4/9(二)至5/2(四)為止,每週二及週四的中午時段於F棟6樓佈告欄前進行有氧體能運動,想做出改變讓自己更健康卻又不知道從何下手的話,快快報名本次課程吧!額滿為止,一起養成運動好習慣吧!

College life is a vibrant and challenging stage in one’s life. While pursuing academic achievements, engaging in social activities, and personal growth, maintaining physical and mental health is essential. The Campus Health Services Section of the Student Affairs Division will be organizing the “Healthy Posture 2.0 Program” at the Taipei Campus, inviting everyone to prioritize the issue of health sustainability. All faculty, staff, and students with a BMI>25 are eligible to participate. Those who attend all sessions and complete 6 regular exercise classes will receive exquisite gifts. Registration is open from now until March 28th (Thursday). Please visit Nurse Practitioner Min-Hsuan at the Campus Health Services Section on the first floor of the Administration Building (extension: 2224) to register. During the event, aerobic fitness expert Danny will lead everyone towards a healthy and delicious lifestyle.

The first session, “Nutrition Course,” will be held on March 29th (Friday) from 12:00 to 13:30 in Room B901. Participants will learn about healthy eating habits and how to make healthy food choices for dining out. In addition to dietary control, regular exercise is an indispensable part of maintaining a healthy weight. Therefore, the dynamic “Healthy Posture 2.0” program will take place from April 9th (Tuesday) to May 2nd (Thursday), with aerobic fitness exercises held every Tuesday and Thursday at noon in front of the bulletin board on the 6th floor of Building F. If you want to make changes to become healthier but don’t know where to start, be sure to sign up for this course! Spaces are limited, so let’s develop good exercise habits together!



12:00 下午 - 2:00 下午
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