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藝集生活 爵士音樂夜|王群婷 & 洪紹桓 & 蕭育融 The Trio ~【弎 The Trio】三重奏 Jazz Music Night|【The Trio】Featuring Refa Wang, Hung Shao-Huan, and Hsiao Yu-Jung

01/20 @ 6:00 下午 - 9:00 下午


弎 The Trio
王群婷 & 洪紹桓 & 蕭育融 The Trio ~ 三個⼈的演奏型態在英⽂就叫做 “Trio”。
⽽Trio⼀詞⼜可解讀為:我們這⼀“組” 、我們這⼀“班” 、我們這⼀“群”。

Event Information

The Trio
Featuring Refa Wang, Hung Shao-Huan, and Hsiao Yu-Jung, The Trio showcases a musical collaboration with an unique blend of the bass, sheng and guitar.
“Trio” refers to a musical ensemble of three performers, and the term can be interpreted as “our group,” “our team,” or “our gathering.”
As the Confucian Analects state, “When three people are walking together, there must be one I can learn from.”
We listen to each other, assembling our individual sounds into a harmonious blend, creating a musical representation with the sheng, guitar, and bass.

演奏者:Bass | 王群婷 Refa Wang

英國Guildhall School of Music and Drama – Jazz Performance​
2019獲得台中爵⼠⾳樂節新秀⼤賽第三名,同年更受邀擔任9m88《平庸之上Beyond Mediocrity》巡迴樂⼿。
除了參與不同的⾳樂類型演出與製作,也與國內外知名⾳樂家合作包括:Too Many T’s、Antonio Hart、Michael Philip Mossman、Jimmy Cobb、JohnRussel、Barry Green、Jason Rebello、許郁瑛、謝明諺、曾增譯、陳穎達、羅妍婷、春麵樂隊、9m88、⼩⼈、告野家等。
近年來更受邀到各⼤⾳樂節演出,包含:MONDOMiX Festival、Isle of Wight Festival、Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival、The Royal Wedding Bells Of Windsor Festival、Fete Quaqua Festival、 Spitalfields Music Festival、Live Green Festival、SXSW、TaiChung Jazz Festival、Taipei Jazz Festival、LUCfest等。

Guildhall School of Music and Drama – Jazz Performance
Holder of a diploma from the Music Department of Taipei National University of the Arts, this female musician boasts a solid foundation in classical music training while dedicating herself to jazz and interdisciplinary performances. In 2014, she was awarded the Best Bass Player at the Two Halls Jazz Summer Camp and served as a lecturer at the Two Halls Jazz Music Workshop the following year. From 2013 to 2016, she was invited to London, UK, to participate in music production and live performances for the fashion brand APUJAN.
In 2019, she clinched the third place in the Taichung Jazz Festival New Talent Competition and was invited to join the 9m88 “Beyond Mediocrity” tour as a musician. In 2020, she was selected as the Best Band at the Taipei Jazz Festival and performed on the main stage at Daan Forest Park.
Since her return to Taiwan in 2019, she has become a rising star in various jazz festivals. In 2022, she participated in the special production “Bonfire你怕⿊嗎?” jointly produced by the National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts and Fifth Floor Creative.
Apart from participating in different music genres and productions, she has collaborated with renowned musicians globally, including Too Many T’s, Antonio Hart, Michael Philip Mossman, Jimmy Cobb, John Russel, Barry Green, Jason Rebello, Hsu Yu-Ying, Hsieh Ming-Yen, Tseng Tseng-Yi, Chen Ying-Da, Luo Yen-Ting, Chun Mian Band, 9m88, Xiao Ren, Gao Ye Jia, and more.
In recent years, she has been invited to perform at various music festivals, including MONDOMiX Festival, Isle of Wight Festival, Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival, The Royal Wedding Bells Of Windsor Festival, Fete Quaqua Festival, Spitalfields Music Festival, Live Green Festival, SXSW, Taichung Jazz Festival, Taipei Jazz Festival, LUCfest, and others.

演奏者:Sheng|洪紹桓 Hung Shao-Huan

比利時布魯塞爾荷語皇家⾳樂學院爵⼠演奏碩⼠,以國樂器「笙」為主修,師事Diederik Wissels、Jeroen Van Herzeele及Thibault Dille。
畢業於國立台南藝術⼤學中國⾳樂學系主修「笙」,兩度獲選「國樂系 南藝之星協奏之夜」擔任協奏者;於台北市立國樂團擔任兼任演奏員;舉辦多場個⼈演奏會;獲選2014年「外交部國際青年⼤使交流計畫」並隨團參訪中南美四國。

Holder of a Master’s degree in Jazz Performance from the Royal Conservatory of Brussels in Belgium, specializing in the Chinese traditional instrument “sheng,” mentor under Diederik Wissels, Jeroen Van Herzeele, and Thibault Dille.
In 2016, he was admitted to the Jazz Department of the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, becoming the first student to enroll with a Chinese traditional instrument since the school’s establishment. Graduated from the Department of Chinese Music at the National University of Tainan, majoring in “sheng.” Twice selected as a concerto performer for the “Concerto Night of Nanya Stars” in the Chinese Music Department, he also served as a part-time performer in the Taipei Chinese Orchestra, held numerous solo concerts, and participated in the 2014 “Ministry of Foreign Affairs International Youth Ambassador Exchange Program,” touring four countries in Central and South America.
Active not only in the Taiwanese music scene but also globally, he has performed in the United States, China, Indonesia, Canada, Australia, Central and South America, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, and more, receiving acclaim and praise.
His musical versatility extends beyond jazz, including free improvisation, physical improvisational performance, electronic music, active composition, and attempting adaptations of various musical styles. Incorporating the unique tones of one of the oldest Chinese instruments, the “sheng,” he cleverly integrates these elements into his studies, developing a new era of “sheng” music style.

演奏者:Guitar|蕭育融 Hsiao Yu-Jung


Currently serving as the guitarist for Kuroshio, this individual has garnered notable recognition in the music scene. They achieved the First Prize and Best Live Performance Award at the 2021 Taiwan Popular Music Awards and received the Ocean Award at the 2023 Gongliao Ocean Music Festival.
Their musical personality is shaped by a love for folk, jazz, blues, R&B, as well as other genres like improvisational music and experimental sounds.
Having collaborated with various artists and groups such as Lo Yen-Ting, Szuchi, Mandark, Lily Hua, Chen Yi-Heng, Sabrina Lo, and the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra, they have contributed to both studio recordings and live performances. Their versatility allows them to thrive in diverse musical landscapes.

音樂會費用 Fees

每人NT$880 each
含特製套餐+音樂演出 Including a special set meal + musical performance

活動流程 Event Schedule

18:30-20:00 享用音樂夜專屬特製套餐 Indulge in a special set meal designed exclusively for the Music Night
20:00-21:00 欣賞音樂演出 Enjoy the musical performance

特製餐點 Special Set Meal

麵包 Bread
裸麥麵包 Whole Wheat Bread

湯品 Soup
煙燻玉米湯 Smoked Corn Soup

主餐(三擇一)Main Course (Choose One)
● 羅勒蕃茄海鮮麵 Basil Tomato Seafood Noodles
(海鮮為 旗魚 鮪魚鱸魚 鮭魚 馬頭魚)(Seafood includes swordfish, tuna, bass, salmon, and horse mackerel)
● 約克夏布丁、烤豬五花佐豬汁 Yorkshire Pudding, Grilled Pork Belly with gravy
● 烤茄子味噌蕃茄燉飯(蛋奶素) Grilled Eggplant Miso Tomato Risotto (Vegetarian)

飲品(三擇一)Beverage (Choose One)
● 咖啡 Coffee
● 紅茶 Black Tea
● 洋甘菊茶 Chamomile Tea



6:00 下午 - 9:00 下午
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(02)2768-1988 轉分機19


台北市, Taiwan
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(02)2768-1988 轉分機19