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藝術小聚 Art Gathering|專案分享會 Project Sharing Session《從奇美到高美 – 暑期特展觀察》 “From Chimei to Kaomei – Summer Exhibition Observations”

09/18 @ 7:30 下午 - 9:00 下午

日期 Date & Time:9/18(三 Wednesday)19:30-21:00

形式 Format:線上參與,本活動使用Google Meet進行 Online participation via Google Meet

以溫馨小講座的形式,分享藝文服務生過往的專案經驗與看展觀察,活動專注於大眾對於藝文產業的問題點,創造相互間的深度交流。透過專案分享會討論台灣暑期特展現象,如奇美博物館《從拉斐爾到梵谷:英國國家藝廊珍藏展》、富邦美術館《真實本質:羅丹與印象派時代》、高雄市立美術館《瞬間-穿越繪畫與攝影之旅》、台北市立美術館《William Kentridge 威廉.肯特里奇》等,內容包含:國際展演洽談、國際運輸與佈展、台灣美術館合作、票務與現場執行、文創商品開發、贊助與行銷活動等展務面向,帶領參與者一同瞭解策展甘苦,培養觀展能力!

This intimate mini-lecture will feature a sharing of experiences and observations from past projects by art and culture professionals. The event will focus on the public’s concerns regarding the art and culture industry, creating a platform for in-depth exchanges. During the project sharing session, we will discuss Taiwan’s summer exhibition phenomena, such as Chimei Museum’s “From Raphael to Van Gogh: Masterpieces from the National Gallery, London”, Fubon Art Foundation’s “The Essence of Realism: Rodin and the Impressionist Era”, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts’ “Momentary – A Journey Through Painting and Photography” and Taipei Fine Arts Museum’s “William Kentridge”. The content will include international exhibition negotiations, transportation and installation, collaborations with Taiwanese museums, ticketing and on-site execution, cultural product development, sponsorships, marketing events and other aspects of exhibition management, guiding participants through the challenges of curating and cultivating their exhibition-viewing skills.

備註 Note:活動票卷將開立發票,於活動後開立電子發票寄送至參與者信箱。 Tickets for this event will include an invoice, which will be issued and sent to participants via email after the event.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408141231289145616700?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2408210526432978541550