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舊室集vol.2|發光時刻 Moments of Light

08/18 @ 1:00 下午 - 7:00 下午

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407281327248661847480?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2407060657091617722440

第一場域 First Location:尋夢者的聚集與實踐地 A Gathering Place for Dream Seekers



In the first year of the old house’s opening, driven by passion, we hosted the first “Old House Gathering,” connecting three historic houses. Now, five years later, the old house remains, and our enthusiasm hasn’t waned! We’ve developed a deeper connection and exchange with this historical house, the old town district, this land, and with all of you.

On the afternoon of Sunday, August 18th, let’s gather at “Lao Zhai 56.3”! Through Cliff’s performance, three special short talks will be held, showcasing unique products and service experiences from different brands. Let’s share and enjoy this fleeting moment of brilliance in this place and time✨

活動地點 Venue:民生路老宅56-3 Lao Zhai 56.3(台中市西區民生路56巷3號 No. 3, Ln. 56, Minsheng Rd., West Dist., Taichung City)

開放時間 Date & Time:2024/8/18(日 Sunday)13:00-19:00

入場方式 Entry:ACCUPASS購票入場 Ticket purchase via ACCUPASS

室內市集 Indoor Market

9個品牌 不多也不少





9 brands—just the right number to satisfy a Sunday afternoon.
Some brands have been with the old house from the start, while others are new friends we’ve connected with through this event.
The importance of human interaction is palpable as you walk into this Japanese-style house on Minsheng Lane 56, surrounded by bougainvillea.

1位音樂創作者 ⸝克里夫 Cliff – Music Creator



如今剛以《吹過島嶼的風帶著我回家》入圍2024美國 #洲際音樂獎 亞洲流行音樂獎項


The first time we met, it was surprising to learn that Cliff switched careers from an engineer to a music creator at 32. He spoke of his creative process and mindset. Now, he’s been nominated for the 2024 InterContinental Music Awards in the Asia Pop category for his work “The Wind That Carried Me Home Across the Islands”. Let’s share in his joy and talk about the journey of music.

1位咖啡師 ⸝Ryan – Barista


無論是用手工莓果漿搭配炙燒草莓的那杯 「莓,什麼不一樣」



Ryan’s coffee creations leave a lasting impression. From the handcrafted berry sauce paired with torched strawberries in “Berry, Something Different” to the marshmallow and cocoa crispy concoction in “Not Entirely a Coincidence,” let’s delve into Ryan’s world of coffee and latte art.

1個咖啡品牌  ⸝coffee CHUAN 全部的全 – Coffee Brand


一起來探索關於全部的全 的全部

Ryan’s friend and a feast for the taste buds, offering dunes, tofu, and hand-brewed coffee. Let’s explore everything that “All of All” has to offer.

1位深夜創作藝術家 ⸝y.zhen 深夜日常 – Midnight Art Creator




Our first encounter was during the Christmas season of our first year, with y.zhen as a portrait artist. We talked about beautiful meetings, and now, in his black-and-white creations, a hint of gold brings those fragments of the soul to life. It’s all about creation, exploration, and the heartbeat of midnight.

1位土地創作藝術家 ⸝Chinz 青田玥辰 – Land Artist




From “Drawing Your Mind” where he sketches you as he sees you, to using twigs and leaves collected on walks, Chinz’s works always carry the magic of a time capsule. With his mobile studio recently in full swing, what new creations will Chinz bring this time?

1位礦物專家 ⸝地殼事務所 安安 – Mineral Expert




Always a crowd favorite, An An’s mineral expertise is absolutely top-notch. Let her guide you to see minerals from a different perspective, from their form and growth to the energy they emit, taking you from the Earth’s core to the universe.

1位花藥療癒師 ⸝花島川┃大地花藥療癒 – Floral Medicine Healer




Every time Huadaochuan sets up, the beauty is overwhelming. With a warm voice, Ting draws people closer. Come and experience Huadaochuan’s healing magic in the tatami room of the old house.

1位手寫設計家 ⸝喬心誌 – Handwriting Designer




If words have power, it’s deeply connected to the person writing and the sentiment of the moment. The words seem to respond to the cries of your soul. Qiao and Qiaoxin Zhi embody this gentle yet powerful presence.

1個選物品牌 ⸝私控選物 Out of Ctrl – Curated Goods Brand




Must a brand’s journey always start from scratch? Out of Ctrl has found its own path with a quirky Japanese style. Happy times wouldn’t be complete without these joyful little knick-knacks!

品牌短講 Brand Short Talks








As dream builders, we all aspire to create a better world. Starting with a passion, we then continue to explore endlessly. On this land of dreams, we walk forward step by step. Among the 9 brands at the indoor market, 7 will share their insights on creation, exploration, and the land through short talks.

⸝ 14:00-15:00 創作場 Creative Session

地殼事務所 安安 feat.  克里夫 Cliff x 私控選物 Out of Ctrl

⸝ 15:30-16:30 探索場 Exploration Session

克里夫 Cliff feat. 喬心誌手寫設計家 x y.zhen 深夜日常

⸝ 17:00-18:00 土地場 Land Session

地殼事務所 安安 feat.   花島川┃大地花藥療癒 x Chinz 青田玥辰

音樂演出 Music Performance X 主題體驗 Themed Experience

⸝ 大廳限定 Lobby Exclusive

音樂創作者  克里夫 Cliff





Experience the space with music that ties everything together.
Cliff’s creations, grown from the land, are sometimes warm and accompanying, sometimes impassioned and grand.
Ultimately, they become a beautiful companion on the journey of building a brand.

⸝ 廚房限定 Kitchen Exclusive

咖啡師 Ryan



或許下一個早晨 除了手沖也能為自己出杯愛心拿鐵

大膽嘗試 生活就該時刻滿足

Order a latte, and let the barista guide you in latte art.
This time, Ryan brings an approachable home coffee machine.
Perhaps the next morning, besides hand-brewed coffee, you can also make yourself a heartwarming latte.
Be bold and try it—life should always be satisfying.

  更多限定活動陸續揭曉…..請關注 民生路老宅56-3粉絲專頁 More exclusive activities will be revealed… Follow Lao Zhai 56.3 Facebook page

第二場域 Second Location:十年如一瞬的新舊想像 Ten Years of Blended Old and New Imaginations


After ten years of operation, it feels like a moment. This time, creators blend old and new, from 1931 to 2024. Different times offer different sceneries and faces. On the day, everyone is welcome to come for photography, tea, and a visit.

⸝ 活動地點 Venue:戶方 Who Found(台中市西區自治街21巷6號 No. 6, Ln. 21, Zizhi St., West Dist., Taichung City)

⸝ 開放時間 Date & Time:2024/8/18(日 Sunday)10:00-18:00

⸝ 入場方式 Entry:低消一杯飲品 Minimum order of one drink

在傳統寫真與數位新浪潮之間的寫真爆擊 Photography Clash Between Traditional and Digital

傳統攝影: 由  鉑鉑銀盐写真 J.C studio  Jerry帶來的行動拍立得寫真技術,以百年古董相機配合拍一張少一張撕拉片或寬幅拍立得為您留下充滿時光記憶的紀念寫真。

數位微噴: 造影所在 由阿德現場提供 明信片大小的影像數位微噴輸出,在現代影像之中展現細膩表現,帶來沖擊。

Traditional Photography:
J.C studio Jerry from Platinum Silver Photography brings action polaroid photography with a century-old camera, using peel-apart film or wide-format Polaroid to create memory-filled keepsake photos.

Digital Micro Printing:
Imaging Place by Ade offers on-site digital micro-printing of postcard-sized images, showcasing intricate details within modern imaging, delivering a powerful impact.

花與花的夏日大亂鬥 Floral Summer Showdown

和菓下午茶:初見花間 2024的新款戶方x花見菓子初乍現,充滿夏日氣息的品牌聯名,現場限量30組和菓子組合。

花藝展示: 四時花朝 藏匿在戶方的創作型花藝,以快閃形式恣意綻放在此的四時,重新探索日式空間與花藝創作的可能性。

Wagashi Afternoon Tea:
First Encounter with Flowers The new Who Found x Flower Wagashi 2024 collaboration debuts with summer-inspired wagashi sets, limited to 30 sets on-site.

Floral Exhibition:
Seasonal Flower Morning Hidden in Who Found, creative flower art bursts forth in a flash. Explore the possibilities of Japanese space and floral creation.

古著和服的創作和再利用 Vintage Kimono Creation and Upcycling

由擅長洋風優雅剪裁的 Telling 講話設計師Sara,以及 古著搭配 煙花靈境 靈子小姐遇到和服會如何用她們的創作力重新詮釋與再製,賦予和服新生命呢?

With Sara, the designer from Telling known for elegant Western-style cuts, and Ms. Lingzi from Firework Lingjing, what kind of creative reinterpretation and upcycling will they bring to kimonos? How will they give these kimonos new life?


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