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與大師茶香共舞.司茶聖手沈武銘.日式老宅導覽.無菜單私廚料理 Tea Tasting with Master Shen Wu-ming: A Guided Tour of a Japanese-Style Old Residence and Private Chef’s Menu-Free Cuisine|平溪太子賓館一日漫遊 One-Day Tour at Ikken

07/26 @ 10:00 上午 - 08/04 @ 5:00 下午

《坐饗茶香共舞 Enjoy Tea and Aroma Together》

本次活動,大師將領您拾起一段段歲月的芬芳。 In this event, the master will guide you to pick up the fragrance of the years.




The event will start with a guided tour, taking you through the largest privately-owned historic and antique art collection space in Taiwan, covering 600 ping. You will admire the Japanese wooden architecture built in the style of the Japanese Prince’s Pavilion, featuring a blend of Japanese and Western styles, exquisite craftsmanship, and well-preserved structures made primarily of Taiwanese cypress. As you wander through the buildings, you can smell the faint woody scent and deep sentiments.

Lunch will open your taste buds with a menu-free cuisine experience, savoring delicious dishes made from carefully selected ingredients in a historic setting. After the meal, renowned tea master Shen Wu-ming from the Chinese world will conduct a tea ceremony, where you will experience his unique tea skills, including roasting, infusing, stacking, chasing aroma, achieving perfection, and the finishing touch. Master Shen not only comprehends tea studies but also has profound classical Chinese knowledge. A tea conversation with Master Shen is worth more than reading a thousand books.

Since ancient times, tea and aroma have never been separated. In addition to admiring antique incense burners, Master Shen will use the convenient method of aroma and tea blending, enhancing each other, to bring you a natural and pleasant experience. This exhibition of tea and aroma will let you forget the bustling city.

沈師獨見之「廣大心量茶功法」與「茶香合乘」 Master Shen’s Unique “Great Heart Tea Method” and “Tea and Aroma Blending”

| 義 Meaning |
合於禮,發於悲心之廣大心量 In accordance with rituals, emanating from a broad-hearted compassion

| 意 Intent |
茶誠能濟世,安頓身心之一帖良藥 Tea can benefit the world and is a remedy for settling the body and mind

| 藝 Art |
執器猶軀體之延伸 Handling tools is like extending the body
茶湯即是心之液 tea soup is the liquid of the heart

| 易 Ease |
堆疊 追香 圓滿 回馬  日月易幻之瀹茗法 Stacking, chasing aroma, achieving perfection, finishing touch—an ever-changing tea brewing method

| 茶香 合乘 Tea and Aroma Blending |
獨見之茶與香互運,替合加乘,隨境輪換,疊趣而上,自然怡然 The unique interaction of tea and aroma, enhancing each other, adapting to the environment, naturally and comfortably

課程資訊 Course Information

日期 Date:2024/7/26(五 Friday)-8/4(日 Sunday)(任選一日 Choose any one day);其中7/30(二)、7/31(三)配合全館休館、暫不開放 closed on July 30 (Tuesday) and July 31 (Wednesday)

時間 Time:10:00-17:00

人數 Participants:每場次開放25人 25 people per session

地點 Venue:226新北市平溪區菁桐街167號 No. 167, Jingtong St., Pingxi Dist., New Taipei City 一見.菁桐古美術生活 Ikken

費用 Fee:每人 NT$3,900 each(四人以上報名 NT$3,600 for groups of four or more)

※ 費用含專人導覽、師資、私廚無菜單料理、品茗、茶點、香爐展。 The fee includes a guided tour, expert instruction, private chef menu-free cuisine, tea tasting, tea snacks, and incense burner exhibition.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2406130218221585638564?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

適合對象 Suitable for

  1. 喜歡輕旅行 / 博物館 / 美術館 / 古蹟參觀者
  2. 喜愛美食 / 無菜單美食搜奇
  3. 喜歡茶道 / 香道 / 茶藝 / 人文藝術
  1. Lovers of light travel / museums / art galleries / historical sites
  2. Food enthusiasts / seekers of menu-free cuisine
  3. Tea ceremony / aroma ceremony / tea art / cultural arts enthusiasts

在本次活動中,你將體驗及參與 During this event, you will experience and participate in

─ 坐忘、繁霓城囂 Forgetting the City Noise ─ 

市定古蹟專人導覽解說 A guided tour of the city-designated historic site


Explore the 600-ping historical site and antique art museum, visit the Japanese garden to enjoy flowers, and take a secret trip to the upper reaches of the Keelung River. Get your camera ready and explore the rich history, culture, craftsmanship, aesthetics, and ecology of Jing Tong.

坐嚐、私藏珍饈 Savoring Hidden Delicacies ─ 

無菜單美食料理午餐 Menu-free gourmet lunch



In the afternoon, enjoy a quartet performance by Four Seasons Bean Orchestra, featuring violin, flute, guitar, and piano, along with beautiful singing. At the same time, savor customized gourmet dishes prepared by a star chef. Dining in a historic site atmosphere is a rare opportunity for a sensory art and culinary journey!

※ 7月26日至8月3日期間,由「四季荳樂團」擔任演出嘉賓;8月4日則為「唐人雅集」擔任演出嘉賓。 From July 26 to August 3, 四季荳樂團 will be the performing guest; on August 4, 唐人雅集 will perform.

坐望、名師繹茶 Esteemed Tea Master ─ 

司茶聖手 Tea ceremony master ─沈武銘老師 Master Shen Wu-ming




「茶香合乘、方便香門」─料用薄耗而持遠 運香雅簡而意深


The only one who comprehends the true taste of tea, Master Shen Wu-ming, a tea master with decades of experience and revered in the Chinese tea community.

In the Great Heart Tea Method, tea is not just a drink but an art, a lifestyle, and a process of self-cultivation. Every step is carefully thought out and passed down, from the selection of tea utensils to the meticulous tea brewing actions, embodying the master’s understanding and insight into life.

 ─ 坐品、堆疊追香 Tea and Aroma Stacking ─ 

藏家首度曝光 First-time exposure of collectors’ treasures




Tea utensils and incense tools are precious artifacts. The fragrance of tea and incense is continuous, lingering, and ever-present. At the event, rare incense burners from the Yi Jian antique collection will be displayed, showcasing the craftsmanship and wisdom of ancient artisans, blending aesthetic and cultural elements.

 ─ 坐飲、獨門瀹茗 Unique Tea Brewing Method ─ 

瀹飲法以來第一人 Foremost tea brewer ─沈武銘老師 Master Shen Wu-ming

■ 廣大心量茶宗師 Great Heart Tea Master

■ 瀹飲法以來第一人,茶道資歷四十年 The foremost tea brewer with 40 years of tea experience





“My previous life was likely a small monk brewing tea in a Tang Dynasty temple”, says Master Shen, who adheres to the principle of “boiling water and brewing tea with focus”. For 40 years, he has followed this tea path diligently.

“The Tea Thief, a tea that steals away worries with one sip.” Master Shen will guide the event on how to brew a good cup of tea, sharing insights with tea lovers. The importance of the heart method and tea utensils, centered around the wind stove, are key to his teachings.

活動流程 Event Schedule


This single-day course runs from July 26, 2024 (Friday) to August 4, 2024 (Sunday), with 25 people per day. If you need a group booking, please contact: service@ikken.house, and we will create a tailored aesthetic experience for you.

場地介紹 Venue Introduction

一見如故 菁桐 Ikken

「一見.菁桐古美術生活」私人美術館,始建於昭和14年 ( 1939 ) ,為臺灣罕見的大型書院造日式建築,市定古蹟座落在占地600餘坪的日式園林,原為臺陽礦業公司平溪招待所,提供給日籍工程師住宿、會議、招待外賓使用,可見當時輝煌黑金歷史,現今為一見.菁桐為推廣人文、工藝、美學的文化空間。

Ikken is a private museum built in 1939 (Showa 14), featuring a rare large-scale Shoin-zukuri Japanese architecture in Taiwan. This city-designated historic site, covering over 600 ping, originally served as a residence and guesthouse for Japanese engineers of the Taiyang Mining Company. Today, Ikken promotes culture, craftsmanship, and aesthetics.

交通資訊 Transportation Information

更多一見菁桐資訊 More Ikken Information

走讀市定古蹟系列活動預告 Upcoming city-designated historic site activities





  • Spring: Spring Fragrance Tea
  • Summer: Firefly Season
  • Autumn: Tea and Aroma Dance
  • Winter: Thangka Painting

未來一見相關活動內容,歡迎持續關注。 Stay tuned for more related activities on the official website, Facebook fan page, and official Line.

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精彩影片 Exciting Video

報名須知 Registration Notes

◆ 購票後,若有特殊情況請聯絡主辦方,遇不可抗力之因素,如疫情、天災等情況,主辦方一見.菁桐保留取消、延後等權利。
◆ 報名後因故不能參加本次活動時,請儘早致電主辦單位告知,名額將會為您保留至其他一見相關系列體驗活動折抵費用。
主辦方一見 ‧ 菁桐 聯絡電話:02-2558-0101

  • In case of special circumstances, please contact the organizer. The organizer reserves the right to cancel or postpone the event due to uncontrollable factors such as pandemics or natural disasters.
  • If you cannot attend the event after registration, please inform the organizer as soon as possible. Your spot will be reserved for other related series activities at Ikken. Contact: 02-2558-0101

活動參與說明 Participation Instructions

  1. 最晚請於開課前15分鐘至現場完成報到手續,課程準時開始。
  2. 費用含專人導覽、師資、私廚無菜單料理、品茗、茶點、香爐展。
  3. 限購票者參與入席,未購票者不得共同參與體驗。
  1. Please complete the check-in process 15 minutes before the course starts. The course will start on time.
  2. The fee includes a guided tour, expert instruction, private chef menu-free cuisine, tea tasting, tea snacks, and incense burner exhibition.
  3. Only ticket holders are allowed to participate; non-ticket holders are not permitted to join the experience.


  1. 敬請著襪,保護古蹟。若無襪子,現場亦有提供和式二指襪(酌收100元/雙)。
  2. 基於古蹟場域安全考量,僅接待12歲以上貴賓。
  3. 為維持古蹟原貌,未設無障礙設施,恕不接待各種寵物入園(值勤導盲犬除外)。
  4. 歡迎拍照,禁用腳架、自拍棒,全區禁止錄影。
  5. 禁帶外食或其他經本館認定影響安全之物件進場;禁止吸菸(含電子菸)。
  6. 嚴禁踩踏枯山水與草皮,若致使場域任何損害,本館得對其行使求償權利。
  7. 主辦方一見 ‧ 菁桐保有修改、終止、變更活動內容細節之權利。
  1. Please wear socks to protect the historic site. If you don’t have socks, two-toe Japanese socks are available on-site (NT$100/pair).
  2. For safety reasons, only guests aged 12 and above are allowed.
  3. To maintain the historic site’s integrity, no accessible facilities are provided, and pets are not allowed (except for service guide dogs).
  4. Photography is welcome, but tripods and selfie sticks are prohibited. Video recording is not allowed.
  5. No outside food or items deemed unsafe by the venue are allowed; smoking (including e-cigarettes) is prohibited.
  6. Stepping on dry landscapes and lawns is strictly prohibited. Any damage to the site may result in compensation claims.
  7. The organizer Ikken reserves the right to modify, terminate, or change event details.

**報名即為同意以上事項 By registering, you agree to the above terms.


新北市, Taiwan
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