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臺北護理健康大學辦理「2024全國健康科技創新創意競賽」活動 National Taipei University of Nursing Health Sciences hosts「National Health Technology Innovation and Creativity Competition」

05/01 @ 8:00 上午 - 05/13 @ 10:00 上午

國立臺北護理健康大學健康科技學院 College of Health Technology National Taipei University of Nursing Health Sciences
2024全國健康科技創新創意競賽活動辦法 National Health Technology Innovation and Creativity Competition Regulations











(一) 參賽隊伍之須先提供1000字以內之企劃書摘要,並於 2024 年 5 月 13 日(一)10:00前至活動官方網頁https://hticic.ntunhs.edu.tw/index.html上傳並完成報名手續,逾期、不符合格式之報名表或PPT檔案,恕不予受理,視同放棄參賽。

(二) 主辦單位將於 2024 年 5 月 31 日(五)17:00前公佈晉級決賽隊伍,決賽隊伍須於 2024 年 6 月 12 日(三)14:30前至活動官方網頁上傳完整企劃書及PPT簡報檔;逾期、不符合格式,恕不予受理,視同放棄參賽。

(三) 主辦單位將於 2024 年 6 月 14 日(五)17:00前公佈決賽報告順序,決賽將於 2024 年 6 月 17 日(一)13:30舉辦。


初賽收件截止 2024 年 5 月 13 日(一) https://hticic.ntunhs.edu.tw/index.html

決賽入選通知 2024 年 5 月 31 日(五)將以電子郵件通知錄取隊伍,並於競賽官方網站公告

決賽投影片收件截止 2024 年 6 月 12 日(三)繳交「全國健康科技創新創意競賽」簡報檔至官方網站

公佈決賽報告順序 2024 年 6 月 14 日(五)將公告於官網

決賽日期* 2024 年 6 月 17 日(一)

❖ 總決賽主辦單位可能將視新冠肺炎(Covid-19)疫情變化做部份調整,相關資訊請以官方網站為準。



產品創新 40%
商業模式 40%
企劃書摘要論述流暢度 20%


產品創新 30%
商業模式 30%
效益與成果 20%
簡報表現與現場回答問題 20%

(一) 初賽入選10隊,其中決賽入選5隊及特優5隊,特優各隊頒予電子獎狀。
(二) 決入選5隊,於決賽後除頒予獎狀外,另頒發禮卷,金額如下:
(1) 決賽冠軍1隊(禮卷 NT$9,000)
(2) 決賽亞軍1隊(禮卷 NT$6,000)
(3) 決賽季軍1隊(禮卷 NT$3,000)
(4) 佳作2隊(禮卷NT$1,500)

(一) 參賽作品如有一稿多投、抄襲、剽竊或其他違反法令、侵害他人權益之情事,經查證屬實者,將取消其得獎及參賽資格。得獎者應於指定日期內歸還主辦單位相關獎狀及獎品。相關法律責任則由該創作者自行負責。如造成其他損害,應另負損害賠償責任。
(二) 總決賽之參加隊伍應有3位以上組員至現場進行簡報,且應於頒獎典禮後始能離開;如違反本項規定,主辦單位得將該隊視為棄權。
(三) 參賽者應同意授權主辦單位公開展示作品,以及運用作品進行相關之推廣活動。
(四) 參賽作品均不退件,參賽者請自行保留參賽作品之原始檔備查。
(五) 參賽者,即視為同意本競賽簡章各項規範,若有不可抗拒因素異動,主辦單位保有變更內容、隨時修改及終止本活動之權利。事項將公布於本網頁,恕不另行通知。

❖ 聯絡窗口:國立臺北護理健康大學健康科技學院 王先生
❖ E-mail : zheyan@ntunhs.edu.tw
❖ 電 話:(02)2822-7101 #1203
❖ 地 址:112臺北市北投路明德路365號

  1. Purpose of the Event

In response to the healthcare needs of an aging society, the 2024 National Health Technology Innovation and Creativity Competition starts with the creativity of technology applications. By combining the development trends and current situations of leisure industries, healthcare businesses, long-term care, and speech therapy and hearing impairment, the competition explores the interdisciplinary possibilities of health promotion, management methods, information technology, speech therapy, and long-term care. It aims to shape innovative concepts of holistic health into tangible entrepreneurial projects. Continuing the spirit of the “2022 National Health Technology Innovation and Creativity Competition”, the event aims to create a health-promoting society through the application of smart technology. By integrating students’ creative ideas with the demands of healthcare and technological resources, the competition seeks to enhance students’ keen observation of healthcare needs in an aging society, break traditional thinking frameworks, foster teamwork, and entrepreneurial spirit, and create a domestically friendly environment for intelligent healthcare.

  1. Organizer

National Taipei University of Nursing Health Sciences, College of Health Technology

  1. Eligibility

Participants are students from national and private technical colleges and universities (master’s and doctoral programs, undergraduate programs, fifth-year vocational programs, and second-year technical programs). Each team must consist of 3 to 5 members, with each member participating in only one team. Each team must designate a team leader as the contact person. Each team must have at least one faculty member as an advisor, with a maximum of two advisors, not counted as part of the team.

  1. Competition Theme

In response to the aging population trend, and based on interdisciplinary collaboration in technology applications, the competition focuses on health promotion, healthcare business, long-term care, and speech therapy and hearing impairment. With smart technology as the core, based on the framework of IoT, smart technology, and big data analysis, participants are encouraged to devise innovative smart technology proposals that meet the needs of an aging society. The content of the innovative proposals can be presented in different forms such as business models, software applications, or products.

  1. Competition Format

The 2024 National Health Technology Innovation and Creativity Competition consists of two stages: preliminary and final. The preliminary stage emphasizes written review, while the final stage involves on-site presentations and Q&A sessions. Details regarding presentation and Q&A formats will be announced separately. Other regulations are as follows:

(1) Participating teams must first provide a project proposal abstract of no more than 1000 words. The abstract must be uploaded and the registration procedure completed on the official website of the event (https://hticic.ntunhs.edu.tw/index.html) by 10:00 on May 13, 2024 (Monday). Late submissions or registration forms/PPT files that do not comply with the format will not be accepted and will be considered as forfeiting the competition.

(2) The organizer will announce the teams advancing to the final stage by 17:00 on May 31, 2024 (Friday). Finalist teams must upload complete project proposals and PPT presentation files to the official website by 14:30 on June 12, 2024 (Wednesday). Late submissions or those not complying with the format will not be accepted and will be considered as forfeiting the competition.

(3) The organizer will announce the order of final presentations by 17:00 on June 14, 2024 (Friday). The final competition will be held on June 17, 2024 (Monday) at 13:30.

  1. Competition Schedule

Deadline for preliminary submissions: May 13, 2024 (Monday) – https://hticic.ntunhs.edu.tw/index.html

Notification of selection for the final round: May 31, 2024 (Friday) – Teams will be notified via email and announced on the official competition website.

Deadline for final presentation submissions: June 12, 2024 (Wednesday) – Submit the presentation slides for the “National Health Technology Innovation and Creativity Competition” to the official website.

Announcement of final presentation order: June 14, 2024 (Friday) – Will be posted on the official website.

Final competition date: June 17, 2024 (Monday)

Teams must present their projects in person on the day of the final competition. Location: National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Main Campus ❖ The organizers of the final competition may make adjustments based on changes in the COVID-19 pandemic situation. For relevant information, please refer to the official website.

  1. Evaluation Criteria

Preliminary Round
Written Review

Product Innovation 40%
Business Model 40%
Fluency of Proposal Abstract Description 20%
Proposal abstracts must not contain school names or participant names

Final Round
On-site Presentation

Product Innovation 30%
Business Model 30%
Benefits and Results 20%
Presentation Performance and Q&A Interaction 20%
Structure of the proposal document: Cover, Table of Contents, Abstract, Product Introduction, Market Analysis, Business Model, References, and Appendices

  1. Competition Awards

The following awards will be given in this competition:
(1) Ten teams will be selected in the preliminary round, including five teams for the final round and five teams as honorable mentions, with each honorable mention team receiving an electronic certificate.
(2) Among the five final round teams, after the final competition, awards will be given as follows:
(A) Champion (NT$9,000 voucher)
(B) Runner-up (NT$6,000 voucher)
(C) Second runner-up (NT$3,000 voucher)
(D) Two Honorable Mentions (NT$1,500 voucher each)

  • The number of awards may be adjusted according to the number of participating teams.
  • Each team will receive one certificate for the above awards.
  • Participation certificates will not be issued for this competition. Participants needing certificates should take a screenshot during registration.
  1. Notes

(1) If a participating work is found to be submitted to multiple competitions, plagiarized, or infringing upon laws or the rights of others, and such findings are confirmed, the winning status and participation qualifications will be revoked. Winners must return relevant certificates and prizes to the organizer by the specified date. The creators shall be responsible for any legal liabilities. If other damages occur, compensation shall be borne separately.
(2) Participating teams in the final competition must have at least three members present for the presentation and must remain until after the award ceremony. Violations of this regulation may result in disqualification by the organizer.
(3) Participants agree to authorize the organizer to publicly display and use the works for related promotional activities.
(4) Submitted works will not be returned. Participants should keep the original files of their submissions for reference.
(5) Participants are considered to agree to all the regulations in this competition. In case of uncontrollable circumstances, the organizer reserves the right to modify, amend, or terminate the event at any time. Updates will be announced on the official webpage without further notice.

10. Contact Point

College of Health Technology National Taipei University of Nursing Health Sciences Mr. Wang
E-mail: zheyan@ntunhs.edu.tw
Phone number: (02)2822-7101 #1203


05/01 @ 8:00 上午
05/13 @ 10:00 上午
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