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紳士宴|The Tuxedo Music Feast

08/18 @ 1:30 下午 - 4:00 下午




The event features unplugged live performances, including genres such as classical chansons, popular jazz, and creative adaptations. These high-quality pieces are presented interactively with the audience. We invite you to bring the most important gentlemen in your life to join us for an afternoon music feast, where you can relax and nourish your soul in a comfortable and leisurely atmosphere, enjoying the beautiful moments that life brings!

In the medieval period, Troubadours traveled between cities, sharing romantic love stories through music, expressing joy and sorrow, and singing of the heroic adventures of knights and their glory. Today’s Troubadour will pack their music stories and professional ensemble into their bags, embarking on a musical journey. They will lead the audience into a hall of elegance and grandeur in the midst of daily life, ready to share a series of captivating live performances with you!

樂手介紹 Musician Lineup

爵士樂擔當 Jazz|Bill evans 謝維椿/keyboard
獨立樂擔當 Indie|Felix張劭威/Drum
流行樂擔當 Pop|Hebe任常聿/Vocal、Pela宗佩忻/Vocal
古典樂擔當 Classical|Linda許朋妘/Cello、Vincent陳薪棚/Viola、Zoe劉思妤/Flute

活動內容 Event Highlights

美味饗宴 Gourmet Feast|包含下午茶、甜點、飲品無限供應。 Includes afternoon tea, desserts, and unlimited drinks.
互動呈現 Interactive Presentation|小巧思帶動現場觀眾,更融入樂曲感受,有機會獲得紀念小禮唷! Small activities to engage the audience, enhancing their musical experience, with a chance to win commemorative gifts!
樂手演出 Musician Performances|職業樂手,獨特編制,現場演奏。精心安排經典香頌、流行樂曲、爵士小品…等高質感歌單曲目,包含經典名歌重現、當紅日韓流行舞曲、耐人尋味的精緻小品,讓五感得同時沈浸在悅耳的情境當中。 Professional musicians with a unique ensemble perform live. The well-curated setlist includes classical chansons, popular songs, jazz pieces, and more, featuring classic hits, current popular K-pop and J-pop songs, and intriguing refined pieces, immersing all five senses in a delightful musical experience.

活動時間 Date & Time

2024/8/18(日 Sunday)Entry at 13:30進場,Start at 14:00開始

活動地址 Venue

Mixtio 秘地餐廳
台北市中正區仁愛路一段一號 No. 1, Sec. 1, Ren’ai Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City(台大醫院站 圖書館1F NTU Hospital Station, Library 1F)

報名費用 Fee

(8/8前報名前享早鳥88折優惠 Early bird 12% discount for registrations before August 8)

報名人數 Attendance


  • Limited to 70 seats per session, available until sold out.
  • Groups of 10 or more enjoy a 15% discount (discounts do not stack).
  • Groups of 30 or more can arrange an additional session.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2406202036101738104010?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2407110549548689344940

聯絡資訊 Contact Information

Tel : +886-2-2608-4585
Line ID : fuyue189
Mobile : +0966-087966(活動公關 Event PR 黃先生 Mr. Huang)
Add : 林口區公園路189號 No. 189, Gongyuan Rd., Linkou Dist.(可前往現場報名 On-site registration available)


Mixtio 秘地餐廳
台北市, Taiwan
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