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系卡拉「動物森友會」Department Karaoke Event

05/16 @ 5:30 上午 - 7:30 下午

由犯防與公行聯手舉辦的系卡拉「動物森友會」即將到來, 5/16(四)17:30於P102熱情展開,有舞台可以發揮外,更歡迎大家一起Dress Code扮演可愛的動物們,在森林中一起享受熱情與活力吧!更多活動詳情請洽【mcucj_112】。

A collaboration between Crime Justice and Public Affairs and Administration departments, the department karaoke event is set to take place. Participants are encouraged to showcase their talents on stage and dress up as cute animals. Let’s enjoy the enthusiasm and energy together in the forest! For more details, please contact [mcucj_112].

⚠️一人至多報名兩組,不論團體個人 Each person can register for up to two groups, regardless of whether it’s for a group or individual.
⚠️報名費用 Registration Fee:有繳系費 for those who have paid the department fee NT$50;沒繳系費 for those who haven’t $100
Dress Code折 Dress Code discount:$30(須一眼就看出來扮演的是什麼動物當場判斷為主 The resemblance to the chosen animal must be easily recognizable, and the judgment will be made on the spot)


桃園市, Taiwan