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童話故事 Fairy Tales

03/17 @ 1:00 下午 - 6:00 下午

活動簡介 Event Introduction


2024 年會《童話故事》

📍2024.03.17 (日) 13:00 – 18:00 (票券有效時間: 13:00 – 15:30 / 16:00 – 17:00  *上下半場分開售票)


TEDxTaipeiFuhsingPrivateSchool is an officially licensed TED community that invites 8 to 10 influential speakers to give talks during its annual conference.

2024 Annual Conference “Fairy Tales”

📍 Date: March 17, 2024 (Sunday) 13:00 – 18:00 (Ticket valid from 13:00 – 15:30 / 16:00 – 17:00 *Tickets sold separately for each session)

📍 Venue: Taipei Fuhsing Private School B1 Auditorium

活動行程 Event Schedule

13:00-13:30 上半場進場及驗票 Session 1 Reception
13:30-15:30 上半場 Session 1





15:30-16:00 中場休息及下半場進場及驗票 Intermission & Session 2 Reception
16:00-17:00 下半場 Session 2





活動宗旨 Event Objective

📣 因此我們今年的主題是「童話故事」📣
小時候,我們時常在閱讀童話故事時對其抱持著憧憬和幻象,然而隨著成長,逐漸體會到現實世界與想像之間的差距。不同於童話故事,人生中並沒有所謂的「永遠」。分離、孤獨,以及死亡,都將會是人生中需要面臨的課題。所以我們要如何重新拾起童話故事所帶來的天真與熱情,在現實的殘酷中堅持,依然保持著初心,最終成為勝利者呢?這些如同童話故事般的童年夢想,在我們長大後又是如何一步一步被實現?這次年會,我們將邀請許多講者分享他們實現他們童話故事的過程,讓我們重新回到童年,用心去聆聽那些童話故事,在每一個章節中找到自己的影子,進而去創造屬於自己的童話故事。相信夢想、勇敢地面對挑戰、堅持追求自己的幸福,因為在每一個童話故事的背後,都有著一個美麗的真實世界,等待著我們去發現!💡 TEDxTaipeiFuhsingPrivateSchool 三月年會「童話故事」,希望能與你相見!💡

In everyone’s heart lies a fairy tale: a place of fantasy, beautiful princesses, brave princes, and countless adventures and miracles. Fairy tales are windows into imaginative worlds, offering an escape from reality. However, in real life, we may not always encounter our own prince charming or experience happily ever afters. So, how do we become the heroes of our own stories, take control of our destinies, and achieve seemingly impossible goals?

📣 Hence, the theme for this year is “Fairy Tales” 📣

As children, we often read fairy tales with admiration and wonder, but as we grow older, we realize the disparities between the imagined and the real world. Life doesn’t guarantee “forever.” Separation, loneliness, and death are inevitable parts of life. So, how do we reclaim the innocence and passion of fairy tales, persevere through the harsh realities, and stay true to our dreams to emerge victorious? How do we turn childhood fantasies into reality as we grow older?

At this conference, we will invite speakers to share their journeys of turning their fairy tales into reality. Let’s revisit our childhoods, listen to these fairy tales attentively, find ourselves in each chapter, and create our own fairy tales. Believe in dreams, face challenges courageously, and pursue our own happiness because behind every fairy tale lies a beautiful reality waiting for us to discover!

💡 Join us at TEDxTaipeiFuhsingPrivateSchool’s March conference “Fairy Tales” and let’s make our acquaintance! 💡

活動地點 Location

台北市私立復興實驗高級中學 B1 視聽教室 Taipei Fuhsing Private School B1

台北市大安區敦化南路一段262號 No. 262, Section 1, Dunhua South Road, Da’an District, Taipei City

票卷 Tickets

到ACCUPASS網頁點「立即報名」 Click “Register Now” on the ACCUPASS webpage.


半場 Half-Day Pass

一般票 General Admission NT$300
外校學生 Non-School Students NT$240
講者親友票 Speaker’s Guests NT$210
學校師生票/校友 School Staff/Alumni NT$210

全場 Full-Day Pass

一般票 General Admission NT$550
外校學生 Non-School Students NT$450
講者親友票 Speaker’s Guests NT$400
學校師生票/校友 School Staff/Alumni NT$400

常見問答 FAQ

Q1: 什麼是一般票? What is a dual session ticket?

A: 套票為上半場+下半場的票卷,而其價錢有折扣。

The Dual Session Tickets include both sessions and the price is cheaper.

Q2: 要怎麼付款呢? How to pay ticket fee?

A:我們接受信用卡,全家超商代碼付款,LINE PAY,ATM轉帳 !

We accept credit card, FamiPort payment, Line Pay, and ATM transfer payment.

Q3: 如果我沒有信用卡或是銀行帳戶,要怎麼付款? If I don’t have a credit card or a bank account, how can I do to pay for the ticket fee?

A: 在購票結帳時選擇 “全家Famiport代碼繳費”,憑代碼到全家的Famiport繳費,就可以用現金了 !

In this situation, please choose “FamiPort Payment” as the payment choice. Next, please take the given code to Family Mart then you will receive a reciept. At this point, you can pay the fee with cash instead of credit card.

Q4: 我購票完畢後,請問要去哪裡取票? After booking ticket on ACCUPASS, where should I get my ticket?

A: 通過ACCUPASS購買票後,ACCUPASS會提供電子票卷,請自行將票卷影印出來並在驗票時出示即可,我們會利用手機搜QR code來進行驗票。另外,我們在現場會發貼紙以示驗票,如出場後再進場也務必出示貼紙。

After buying your ticket in ACCUPASS, please print out the E-ticket and bring it to the ticket reception section and we will verify your ticket through the QR code on your ACCUPASS E-ticket. Also, we will give stickers after the reception, however, if you leave the auditorium and go back, audience must show their sticker in order to go in and out of the auditorium.

Q5: 如果我想要退票怎麼辦? If I want to cancel my booking, what should I do?

A: 如期舉辦的活動,報名人須於票券有效日開始8天前(票券效期開始日期起算)辦理申請,且退票將酌收票價10%的手續費用,逾期恕不受理。

If the event has not been canceled, the buyer should log in their ACCUPASS account and cancel the booked ticket eight days before the event starts (started from the expiration day of the ticket). After the cancelation, the buyer will have to pay 10% of the price as the processing fee. However, late cancelation will not be considered.

Q6: 購票後我要如何知道活動當天的座位? How do I know where I will be seated on the day of the event after I purchase my tickets?

A: 購票/座位的制度屬於先到先入座。

The ticketing/seating system is on a first-come, first-served basis.


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