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移地生活試住員 Digital Nomad Experiencer in Xinwu, Taoyuan|來到農村數位遊牧,交流、生活、工作、感受 Live, Work, Explore, and Connect in a Coastal Rural Village

10/13 @ 12:00 下午 - 10/31 @ 12:00 上午

一起來近海農村生活吧! Join us for a Rural Lifestyle Experience!

活動亮點 Highlights of the Event

  • 成為測試員,交換農村的優惠體驗!
  • 居住在農村的各種活動,都由大家一起討論出來,就像客製化一樣!
  • 空間將根據你體驗過後的建議,做進一步改善規劃。
  • 有機會遇到不同領域的遊牧者們,一起工作、生活、交流、探索~
  • Become a tester and enjoy exclusive rural experiences in exchange!
  • Activities are collaboratively planned by all participants, making it a customized experience!
  • Your feedback will help improve and enhance the space for future use.
  • Meet digital nomads from various fields, working, living, and exploring together!

✿ 活動內容 Event Details




Stay in a co-living apartment in a rural village, where you can arrange your work and leisure time at your own pace. Just outside the door are rice fields, and a 10-minute drive will take you to Yong’an Fishing Harbor. The airport, high-speed rail, and Zhongli City are all within a 40-minute drive, offering you a unique suburban living experience.

The apartment offers ample shared spaces for working, dining, relaxing, and chatting. You can cook with your roommates in a spacious kitchen, and still enjoy your privacy in an individual bedroom. The apartment includes three shared bathrooms, and the number of residents is limited to maintain a high-quality environment.




Each week, we will organize “Lecture Days”, “Shopping Days”, “Experience Days” and “Outing Days”.

The schedule is flexible and will be arranged based on the combination of participants each week, allowing everyone to discuss and decide the best days for the activities.






Lecture Days: “Together We Thrive”

Each week, the caretaker will set a theme for the lecture, inviting guest speakers from various fields such as design, photography, entrepreneurship, regional revitalization, or non-profit organizations.
In addition to formal lectures, we encourage open discussions on a topic, book, article, or even a painter.
Participants can also volunteer to lead a discussion or suggest a theme for the week.



我們會和你介紹ji house周邊,有哪些在地的媽媽/阿婆可以購買他們種的蔬菜,



Shopping Days: “Living”

Living in the suburbs might be a little different from the convenience of the city! We will introduce you to local farmers and vendors where you can buy fresh vegetables. A 15-minute walk will take you to a nearby convenience store or supermarket.

Once a week, we will organize a shopping day, where everyone carpools to shop for the week’s groceries (or dine out).







Experience Days: “Sensing”

There are plenty of fun things to do in the rural area. Visit a beekeeping farm, seedling nurseries, or meet young farmers who grow sweet potatoes. A 10-minute drive to Yong’an Fishing Harbor offers attractions like the Shell Museum, Guanyin Algal Reefs, and historic stone fish traps, or even clam digging!

If you prefer staying in, we can invite a wine-tasting expert, a barista, or a tea master for a relaxing activity at home.





Outing Days: “Exploring”

Since you’re here in Taoyuan, why not explore the area while you’re living here?

We will arrange carpools to visit nearby cafés for a change of work environment, exploring places like Zhongli, Longtan, Taoyuan, Guishan, or Daxi. We have plenty of favorite spots, and this is the perfect chance to visit them!



The ticket for this event includes only the space rental, cleaning fee, utilities, etc., for the co-living space. The specific activities will be discussed and decided upon arrival by you, your roommates, and the caretaker. (Any additional costs from unplanned activities will be shared equally among participants.)

———-共生公寓介紹 About the Co-living Apartment———-

❊ 共生公寓提供洗沐浴用品、吹風機、衛生紙,僅需自行攜帶私人換洗衣物、牙膏、牙刷、毛巾。
短暫體驗Co-living的居住方式,以老屋整修的ji house,


  • The apartment provides shampoo, body wash, hairdryers, and toilet paper. You only need to bring your own clothes, toothpaste, toothbrush, and towels.
  • Ji House is a renovated old house with shared living rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms, along with private bedrooms.
    We found that traditional rural family living has always followed the co-living lifestyle. Many modern terms simply reflect what has always existed, showing that old ways have never been fully replaced.


✿ 移地生活月 Relocation Month|10/13(日 Sunday)- 12/29(日 Sunday)


❊ 7/22 更新:因許多游牧者對於年底的時間有興趣,「移地生活月」活動期間,加碼開放短天數票卷。

❊ 為鼓勵交流祭的工作者二訪停留,同時也是希望大家能先在較短期的交流祭中,了解自己是否適合此地的居住習慣,特別推出了月票優惠價,此票需經審核,為參加過交流祭者享有購票資格。

❊ 與交流祭相同,每張票卷需連續停留該票卷指定天數,但在月票活動中,此舉目的並非要強制你停留在此地,無論你可能有些天數需要外出工作或旅遊,我們依舊會在您預定的這30天內保管好您的房間,歡迎以二地居的生活方式停留。

  • “Relocation Month” only offers monthly passes during the event period.
  • As of 7/22: Due to popular demand for shorter stays towards the end of the year, shorter passes are now available.
  • We encourage previous festival workers to apply for a second visit and offer a discounted monthly pass after a review. This allows participants to first explore whether this lifestyle suits them before committing to a longer stay.
  • Like the festival, each ticket requires a continuous stay for the specified duration. However, for the monthly pass, the goal is not to force a continuous stay. If you need to travel or work elsewhere, we will hold your room for you during your 30-day period.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408210805202048474917

✿ 注意事項 Notes

❊ 活動地點:ji house亼屋 – 生活居所(桃園市新屋區龍莊路450巷30號之一)
建議使用Google Map

❊ 活動地點大眾運輸不便抵達,建議自行開車或騎機車前往,也方便空閒時間可以到處繞繞。

❊ 共生公寓提供洗沐浴用品、吹風機、衛生紙,僅需自行攜帶私人換洗衣物、牙膏、牙刷、毛巾。

❊ ji house平時以彈性租期的月租公寓經營,僅體驗活動時才開放空間租賃配合活動。

❊ 本活動由屋蹐文化有限公司籌辦,報名費用使用於場地費、清潔費、工作人員鐘點費等。

❊ 請於報名表單填寫正確資料,將開立電子發票並寄至您填寫的電子郵件信箱中。

  • Location: Ji House (亼屋) – Co-living Residence (No. 30-1, Ln. 450, Longzhuang Rd., Xinwu Dist., Taoyuan City). We recommend using Google Maps for navigation.
  • Public transportation is inconvenient in this area, so we recommend driving or riding a scooter for easier travel.
  • Ji House is a flexible-term rental apartment, and the space is only available for events during the experience activities.
  • This event is organized by Wūjī Culture Co., Ltd., and registration fees cover venue, cleaning, and staff costs.
  • Please fill out the registration form with accurate information. E-invoices will be sent to the email address you provide.


10/13 @ 12:00 下午
10/31 @ 12:00 上午
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ji house
桃園市, Taiwan
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