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礦山南丁格爾 The Nightingales of the Mine

10/06 @ 9:30 上午 - 10/20 @ 6:00 下午


The Nightingales of the Mine ~ Guardian Angels of the Mines



有一群曾經服務醫院多年的護士們,是這段過往歷史的見證者。這群礦山的南丁格爾們,年輕時即投入醫院的護理工作,在職場上提供專業的醫療服務 ; 在礦災後給予礦工們緊急的救護,是礦山醫療不可或缺的角色。本次展覽希望從她們的視角,回溯礦山的興衰變遷,並認識金瓜石醫院與礦山醫療的點點滴滴。

Jinguashi was once the largest precious metal mine in East Asia, attracting nearly 20,000 residents during its heyday. With a large population and the high risk associated with mining work, hospitals became one of the most important facilities in the mining area.

The mining company established a Medical Affairs Bureau in the 1900s, which was further expanded in the 1930s, becoming a relatively large hospital in the Ruifang area at that time. After the war, the Jinguashi Hospital was taken over and operated by the Taiwan Metal Mining Bureau and the Taiwan Metal Mining Corporation, remaining an important reliance for residents of the mining community. In 1987, as the mining company ceased operations, the hospital also became part of history, witnessing the life and death of the mining community over nearly nine decades.

There is a group of nurses who have served the hospital for many years, witnessing this historical past. These “Nightingales of the Mine” dedicated themselves to nursing at a young age, providing professional medical services in the workplace. They played an indispensable role in mine healthcare, offering emergency assistance to miners after mining accidents. This exhibition aims to trace the rise and fall of the mines from their perspective and shed light on the various aspects of Jinguashi Hospital and healthcare in these mines.

展期 Date:至 till 10/20 週一~週五 Monday – Friday 09:30~17:00,週六,週日及國定假日 Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays 09:30~18:00

展場 Venue:共學館2樓 2nd Floor, Gongxue Hall

票價 Fee:NT$80


新北市, Taiwan
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