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知卡宣農村自然療癒體驗 Cikasuan Rural Natural Healing Experience

08/10 @ 10:00 上午 - 08/25 @ 3:00 下午

開放時間 Opening Hours:週六及週日 Saturdays and Sundays
活動地點 Venue:知卡宣綠森林親水公園內種子圖書館 Seed Library in Cikasuan Water Park
體驗時段 Experience Sessions:10:00-11:00 / 14:00-15:00
製作時間 Duration:依照課程而有所不同 Depends on the course

場次介紹 Session Introduction

【8月10日 August 10】

上午場 Morning Session 10:00-11:00 貓公部落 Maokong Tribe

體驗課程 Experience Course:麻線杯袋 Hemp Rope Cup Bag
課程介紹 Course Introduction:苧麻是貓公部落不可或缺的纖維材料之一,過去多用在織布及男子的工作衣,學習捻線的技法製作屬於自己的環保杯袋! Ramie is one of the essential fiber materials of the Maokong Tribe, traditionally used for weaving and men’s work clothes. Learn the technique of spinning yarn to make your own eco-friendly cup bag!
報名費用 Fee:NT$200/人 person

下午場 Afternoon Session 14:00-15:00 七星柴魚博物館 Chihsing Tan Katsuo Museum

體驗課程 Experience Course:柴魚跳跳章魚燒 Katsuobushi Jumping Takoyaki
課程介紹 Course Introduction:先以特製的刨片刀具將整條的柴魚塊透過雙手合力來進行刨片的體驗,完成之柴魚片可直接食用!或是攜回調製湯品、佐麵拌飯等等!再透過章魚燒器具與新鮮的食材,翻轉出挑逗味蕾的章魚燒丸子,最後淋上柴魚花與照燒醬汁,增添旅途的絕妙體驗感受。 Use a special shaving tool to shave a whole piece of katsuobushi with both hands. The shaved katsuobushi can be eaten directly or taken home to prepare soup, noodles, etc.! Then, using takoyaki equipment and fresh ingredients, create delicious takoyaki balls. Finally, drizzle with katsuobushi flakes and teriyaki sauce for an extraordinary taste experience.
報名費用 Fee:NT$250/人 person

【8月11日 August 11】

上午場 Morning Session 10:00-11:00 干城社區 Gancheng Community

體驗課程 Experience Course:創意貼石盆栽 Creative Potted Succulents
課程介紹 Course Introduction:挑選自己喜愛的多肉植物栽種至盆栽內,並挑選不同形狀的小石頭拼貼出屬於你的創意多肉盆栽。 Choose your favorite succulent plant and pot it, then pick different shapes of small stones to create your own creative succulent pot.
報名費用 Fee:NT$200/人 person

下午場 Afternoon Session 14:00-15:00 干城社區 Gancheng Community

體驗課程 Experience Course:精靈種子樹 Elf Seed Tree
課程介紹 Course Introduction:挑選各式各樣的種子及裝飾品,栽種至盆栽內,搭配空氣植物,製作自己的精靈種子樹吧! Select various seeds and decorations, plant them in a pot, and pair them with air plants to create your own elf seed tree!
報名費用 Fee:NT$200/人 person

【8月17日 August 17】

上午場 Morning Session 10:00-11:00 廖快菸樓 Liao Kuai Tobacco Building

體驗課程 Experience Course:豆腐乳DIY DIY Fermented Tofu
課程介紹 Course Introduction:可是從黃豆耕種、板豆腐、醃曬成豆腐塊。 再加入自家發酵的米豆麴,經適當的配比,裝瓶熟成3個月以上,這樣的發酵製成的豆腐乳,可拉長保存的時間, 又可增添美味,更是古早老味的傳統作法唷! From soybean cultivation, making tofu, to fermenting tofu cubes. Add homemade rice and bean koji, mix properly, and bottle for over three months to ferment. This traditional fermented tofu can be stored longer and tastes delicious.
報名費用 Fee:NT$50/人 person
(!!!因系統最低設定售價為NT$100,此場次報名費為NT$50,故報名此場次之參與者將於現場退還NT$50。 Note: Due to the system’s minimum price setting of NT$100, participants of this session will be refunded NT$50 on-site.)

下午場 Afternoon Session 14:00-15:00 廖快菸樓 Liao Kuai Tobacco Building

體驗課程 Experience Course:金包銀紅龜粿 Golden-Silver Red Turtle Cake
課程介紹 Course Introduction:台灣盛產稻米,人們除了以米為主食之外,也善於用米,製作各式糕粿,每逢拜神祭祖婚喪喜慶的時候,就用來當作供品。糕粿形狀多以「圓」為主,取團圓和諧之意。 古人說:喜則金包銀,忌銀包金,正確紅龜粿的作法是金包銀,是指外紅,內白之意思。 Taiwan produces a lot of rice, and besides using it as a staple food, people also make various cakes. These cakes are used as offerings during rituals and celebrations. The traditional “Golden-Silver” Red Turtle Cake is red outside and white inside.
報名費用 Fee:NT$50/人 person
​​​​​​​(!!!因系統最低設定售價為NT$100,此場次報名費為NT$50,故報名此場次之參與者將於現場退還NT$50。 Note: Due to the system’s minimum price setting of NT$100, participants of this session will be refunded NT$50 on-site.)

【8月18日 August 18】

上午場 Morning Session 10:00-11:00 花蓮縣原住民族野菜學校 Hualien Indigenous Wild Vegetable School

體驗課程 Experience Course:祝福小米串 Blessing Millet String
課程介紹 Course Introduction:用真的小米來製成一串串的吊飾,可以把吊飾掛在鑰匙圈或背包上象徵祝福跟在你身邊唷! Use real millet to make a string decoration. You can hang it on your keychain or backpack as a symbol of blessing.
報名費用 Fee:NT$150/人 person

下午場 Afternoon Session 14:00-15:00 花蓮縣原住民族野菜學校 Hualien Indigenous Wild Vegetable School

體驗課程 Experience Course:薏苡串珠 Job’s Tears Beads
課程介紹 Course Introduction:薏苡是原住民傳統穀類,有驅邪的作用, 它表面天然的琺瑯質,有天然石的美,且依生長區域的不同而展現不同的形狀和顏色,其質地堅硬,因此常被串成裝飾用的手環及項鍊。 Job’s tears are a traditional grain with protective properties. They have a natural enamel surface, resembling natural stones in various shapes and colors depending on their growing region. Their hard texture makes them suitable for making bracelets and necklaces.
報名費用 Fee:NT$100/人 person

【8月24日 August 24】

上午場 Morning Session 10:00-11:00 貓公部落 Maokong Tribe

體驗課程 Experience Course:輪傘草杯墊 Umbrella Grass Coaster
課程介紹 Course Introduction:將部落傳統草蓆縮小成迷你的,一起認識手作輪傘草杯墊的做法吧! Learn to make mini traditional grass mats into umbrella grass coasters.
報名費用 Fee:NT$200/人 person

下午場 Afternoon Session 14:00-15:00 七星柴魚博物館 Chihsing Tan Katsuo Museum

體驗課程 Experience Course:柴魚跳跳章魚燒 Katsuobushi Jumping Takoyaki
課程介紹 Course Introduction:先以特製的刨片刀具將整條的柴魚塊透過雙手合力來進行刨片的體驗,完成之柴魚片可直接食用!或是攜回調製湯品、佐麵拌飯等等!再透過章魚燒器具與新鮮的食材,翻轉出挑逗味蕾的章魚燒丸子,最後淋上柴魚花與照燒醬汁,增添旅途的絕妙體驗感受。 Use a special shaving tool to shave a whole piece of katsuobushi with both hands. The shaved katsuobushi can be eaten directly or taken home to prepare soup, noodles, etc.! Then, using takoyaki equipment and fresh ingredients, create delicious takoyaki balls. Finally, drizzle with katsuobushi flakes and teriyaki sauce for an extraordinary taste experience.
報名費用 Fee:NT$250/人 person

【8月25日 August 25】

上午場 Morning Session 10:00-11:00 東里社區 Dongli Community

體驗課程 Experience Course:3D果凍花 3D Jelly Flower
課程介紹 Course Introduction:果凍花是由海藻粉及蒟蒻粉成分,以粉水比例製作成晶瑩剔透的果凍,再從新鮮蔬果萃取天然顏色,並用工具及雕花的技巧反方向注入果凍內,最後以喜歡的食材口味做為封底,完成一體成形宛如水中花般的夢幻,手作過程是很有趣也很療癒,歡迎親子一起體驗果凍花。 Made from agar and konjac powder, the jelly is crystal clear. Natural colors are extracted from fresh fruits and injected into the jelly using tools and flower carving techniques, creating a stunning flower inside. The bottom layer is flavored to your liking, making the process fun and therapeutic. This activity is suitable for parents and children.
報名費用 Fee:NT$160/人 person

下午場 Afternoon Session 14:00-15:00 東里社區 Dongli Community

體驗課程 Experience Course:3D果凍花 3D Jelly Flower
課程介紹 Course Introduction:果凍花是由海藻粉及蒟蒻粉成分,以粉水比例製作成晶瑩剔透的果凍,再從新鮮蔬果萃取天然顏色,並用工具及雕花的技巧反方向注入果凍內,最後以喜歡的食材口味做為封底,完成一體成形宛如水中花般的夢幻,手作過程是很有趣也很療癒,歡迎親子一起體驗果凍花。 Made from agar and konjac powder, the jelly is crystal clear. Natural colors are extracted from fresh fruits and injected into the jelly using tools and flower carving techniques, creating a stunning flower inside. The bottom layer is flavored to your liking, making the process fun and therapeutic. This activity is suitable for parents and children.
報名費用 Fee:NT$160/人 person

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407242321521877099583?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2407170608519215368340


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