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當袋香蕉園 Banana Party

08/09 @ 10:00 上午 - 11:00 上午

簡介與背景 Background



The “Contemporary Banana Farm Project” aims to reduce plastic usage through creative integration: by using renewable materials to create banana bags, replacing traditional plastic bags, and reducing environmental pollution. It promotes SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and community participation, creating an innovative banana plantation area. This project is not only a combination of agriculture and environmental protection but also a cultural and educational exhibition platform.

講者背景介紹 Speaker Background

賴懿容 Jenny Lai(美麗台灣關懷協會/有春文化有限公司 創辦人)

自2012年起致力於推動旗幟再生利用。2012-2014年於華山1914文創區推百變旗幟計畫,邀請國小、國中、高中、大學不同學校學生一起參與旗幟再生創作。此外,於2016年受邀參加台南文創園區的「花象 Thinking 現地創作」以及台北當代藝術館的「跨社會—設計X藝術」。2017年因「旗幟香蕉套袋」推動獲得經濟部中小企業處的社會創新場域實驗計劃優勝獎。而後 於2018年,在桃園國際機場第二航廈台灣之窗策劃「台灣最美的環保文創」,展示了環保與創意結合的美學。

Since 2012, I have been dedicated to promoting the reuse of banners. From 2012 to 2014, I launched the “Transformative Banners Project” at Huashan 1914 Creative Park, inviting students from elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, and universities to participate in banner recycling and creation. Additionally, in 2016, I was invited to participate in “Cross Society – Design X Art” at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei. In 2017, I received the Social Innovation Field Experiment Plan Award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs Small and Medium Enterprise Administration for promoting the “Banner Banana Bag”. Later, in 2018, I curated “The Most Beautiful Eco-Friendly Creative Works of Taiwan” at the Taiwan Window in Terminal 2 of Taoyuan International Airport, showcasing the aesthetics of combining environmental protection and creativity.


Environmental Issues Need Everyone’s Awareness and Collective Effort to Face Them.

分享內容及流程 Event Content and Process

(一) 當袋香蕉園的故事 (Contemporary Banana Farm Project)

(二) 造型香蕉套袋創作 (The Creation of Artistic Banana Bags)


  1. Graffiti Banana Bags
  2. Displaying Results or Creative Transformations
  3. Recycled artworks will be sent to the banana farm for display (Results will be announced on You Chun Culture’s FB)

(三) 香蕉派對,一起吃香蕉補充體力 (Banana Party: Let’s Eat Bananas Together to Replenish Energy)


Each person will receive one French banana dessert and tea. Please bring your own eco-friendly cup, lunchbox, and utensils.

(四) 問答 Q&A

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407161334411596015579?utm_campaign=accu_banner&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

你可以支持此計劃的方式 Ways to Support This Project

  •    企業贊助支持:(1) 回收自有旗幟,再製香蕉套袋 (2) 循環教育推廣 (3) 農地認養。
  •    學校、民眾:參與當袋香蕉園參訪行程1天或2天1夜。
  •    消費採購:當袋香蕉園週邊商品採購。
  • Corporate Sponsorship: (1) Recycle your own banners to create banana bags (2) Promote circular education (3) Adopt farmland.
  • Schools and Public: Participate in a one-day or two-day-one-night visit to the banana farm.
  • Consumer Purchase: Purchase peripheral products from the banana farm.

單位介紹 Organization Introduction

美麗台灣關懷協會 Beautiful Taiwan Non-Governmental Organization


Based on care and concern, the association promotes the integration of environmental and cultural arts, industries, and academics, providing diverse opportunities for social service participation, encouraging youth to engage in care services, and beautifying Taiwan through practical actions. Examples of projects: Transformative Banners Exhibition, International Volunteer Projects in Cambodia, participation in Japan’s Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale, and Setouchi Triennale.

美麗台灣關懷協會官方網頁 | 旗幟零廢棄回收再生以關懷實踐環保 (beautifultaiwan.wixsite.com)

有春文化 You Chun Culture


You Chun symbolizes the endless vitality of nature and prosperity, representing abundance. Through the concepts of creativity and recycling, You Chun Culture aims to make beautiful affairs naturally moving and to fully utilize resources. Since 2020, the “Beyond Circles” curatorial format has connected businesses, local venues, and international partners to generate creative and environmental solutions across various fields and communities, promoting long-term and sustained efforts for the Earth’s environment.

2030超越圈圈展 | 一年一度循環經濟環保展|有春文化 (circular-cross.com)

果園先生 Mr. Orchard

一切故事開始於1924年的屏東潮州,由家中長輩白手起家做起的香蕉熟成產業。為了讓台灣農業被更多人看見,為了讓台灣的水果不再由『盛』果變成『剩』果,「果園先生 屏南商行」誕生了。精選台灣各地優質農產與水果,融入品牌的水果原汁、法式甜點及咖啡中。


The story begins in 1924 in Chaozhou, Pingtung, with the elder members of the family starting the banana ripening industry from scratch. To bring more attention to Taiwanese agriculture and to prevent Taiwanese fruits from going to waste, “Mr. Orchard Pinnan Trading” was established. They select quality agricultural products and fruits from across Taiwan, integrating them into brand offerings like fruit juices, French desserts, and coffee.

果園先生 屏南商行(@mrfruit02032016)• Instagram 相片與影片


台北市, Taiwan
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