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烏來最秘境的部落:德拉楠文化營體驗 The Most Hidden Tribal Village in Wulai: Tranan Aboriginal Culture Camp

08/23 @ 9:00 上午 - 4:00 下午


德拉楠文化營粉絲團 https://iiil.io/iAQv



Hundreds of years ago, the migration paths of the Atayal people led them along the northern part of the Central Mountain Range to what is now known as Tranan Tribe in Wulai District (formerly known as Fushan Tribe). With its clean water sources and fertile soil, the Atayal people settled here, and it has remained pristine due to its location within a water source protection area.

Founder of Tranan Aboriginal Culture Camp: Qabay (pronunciation in the Atayal language)
Tranan Aboriginal Culture Camp Facebook Page: https://iiil.io/iAQv

After organizing the land, Teacher Qabay returned home to promote the Atayal hunter culture and forest wisdom.

Tranan Aboriginal Culture Camp has always been a close partner of the Forest Healing Season. Due to high demand for regular tours, we have specially arranged an exclusive session for the Forest Healing Season!

特色 Highlights

1. 新北市唯一的原民部落文化體驗(鄰近北市,交通時間安排比其他原民部落便捷)
2. 位於大台北地區水源保護區,保存原始乾淨的自然生態環境
3. 幾百年泰雅獵人文化傳承/部落歷史巡禮/自然生態/原民風味餐等

  1. The only indigenous cultural experience in New Taipei City (convenient transportation compared to other indigenous tribes, being close to Taipei).
  2. Located in the water source protection area of the Greater Taipei area, preserving the pristine natural environment.
  3. Centuries-old Atayal hunter culture heritage, tribe history tours, natural ecology, indigenous-style meals, and more.

****15人以上成團,最多不超過30人 Minimum 15 people, maximum 30 people ****

山林療癒季專場  2024/8/23(五)09:00-16:00
山林療癒優惠價 NT$1,350/人  (原價NT$1,500/人)

Special Session for Forest Healing Season
Date: Friday, August 23, 2024
Time: 09:00 – 16:00
Special Healing Price: NT$1,350 per person (Original Price: NT$1,500 per person)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407201154091476431187?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

集合地點 Meeting Point
德拉楠文化營09:00集合,進行報到 Meet at Tranan Aboriginal Culture Camp at 09:00
地址為新北市烏來區福山里卡拉模基2號之2 Address: No. 2-2, Kalamoji, Wulai Dist., New Taipei City

注意事項 Notes

  • The organizer reserves the right to make final modifications and interpretations of the event. All healing experiences are subject to the organizer’s announcements. In case of any changes after registration, the organizer will notify participants via email.
  • In the event of unforeseen circumstances, the organizer reserves the right to modify the event plan or cancel the event at any time.


新北市, Taiwan
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