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為ChatGPT賦能知識庫,動手實作RAG技巧 Empowering ChatGPT with the Knowledge Base: Hands-on Implementation of RAG Technique|極速上手體驗課 Quick Start Experience Course

05/14 @ 9:30 下午 - 10:30 下午

課程介紹 Course Introduction

現在主流的大型語言模型仰賴大量的歷史資料,經過訓練後擁有強大的語言推理能力。但LLM並非無所不知的百科全書,當面對具有時效性或非公開的問題時會存在所謂的幻覺現象。這堂 「極速上手體驗課」【為ChatGPT賦能知識庫,動手實作RAG技巧】將示範如何串接ChatGPT API並且實作RAG(Retrieval-Augmented Generation)技巧,為ChatGPT添加外部資料集,實現更豐富的知識範疇。

Today’s large-scale language models rely on vast amounts of historical data and extensive training to possess powerful language reasoning abilities. However, LLMs are not omniscient encyclopedias. They may encounter what is known as the “illusion of knowledge” when facing time-sensitive or proprietary issues. This Quick Start Experience Course titled “Empowering ChatGPT with the Knowledge Base: Hands-on Implementation of RAG Technique” demonstrates how to integrate the ChatGPT API and implement the RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) technique to add external datasets to ChatGPT, achieving a broader scope of knowledge.

時間與活動方式 Time and Format

時間 Date & Time:2024/05/14(二) (Tuesday) 21:30 – 22:30
地點 Venue:YouTube線上直播 YouTube Live(可重複播放 Replay available)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2405011504329568673010

這堂課你將學到 What You Will Learn

✅ 自然語言處理與向量資料庫 Natural Language Processing and Vector Databases
✅ ChatGPT API串接 Integration of ChatGPT API
✅ 利用LangChain實現RAG技巧 Implementation of RAG Technique using LangChain
🎁 隨課附贈:LangChain實作RAG完整範例 Bonus: Complete example of implementing RAG with LangChain

適合以下對象 Target Audience|課程難度 Course Difficulty:★★★☆☆

🙋‍♂️ 對ChatGPT等語言模型有使用經驗者 Individuals with experience using language models like ChatGPT
🙋‍♂️ 對自然語言處理原理與向量資料庫感興趣者 Those interested in natural language processing principles and vector databases
🙋‍♂️ 想串接ChatGPT API建構LLM應用服務者 Individuals interested in integrating ChatGPT API for LLM application services

講者資訊 Lecturer Information

➤ 張維元 Zhang Wei-yuan|資料科學與網站開發雙棲工程師 Data Science and Web Development Dual Engineer

擅長網站開發與資料科學的雙棲工程師,斜槓於程式社群【JSDC】核心成員及【資料科學家的工作日常】社群經營。同時在新創企業擔任資料工程師,同時也在中華電信、工研院與多所學校等單位持續開課。擁有多次國內大型技術會議講者與競賽獲獎經驗,曾獲得2018台灣總統盃黑客松 冠軍隊伍與2016微軟Imagine Cup台灣區冠軍,持續在不同的平台發表對 #資料科學、#人工智慧 或 #數據職涯 相關的分享。

Zhang Wei-yuan is a dual engineer specializing in web development and data science. He is a core member of the programming community “JSDC” and manages the community “DS Daily”. He also works as a data engineer in a startup and continues to teach at various institutions such as Chunghwa Telecom, ITRI, and several schools. He has spoken at numerous large-scale technical conferences and won awards in competitions, including the championship team of the 2018 Taiwan Presidential Hackathon and the 2016 Microsoft Imagine Cup Taiwan. He consistently shares insights on #DataScience, #ArtificialIntelligence or #DataCareer across different platforms.

常見問題 FAQs

① 請問這堂課課程適合什麼樣的人參加? Who is this course suitable for?

➟ 這堂課適合任何對資料科學有興趣的夥伴參與,只要抱著一顆不排斥了解理論、技術專有名詞的心即可;如果你計劃將資料科學納入未來的學習或職業發展中,這堂課程可以為你打下完整的觀念讓你更容易深入學習。

➟ This course is suitable for anyone interested in data science. You only need to approach it with a willingness to understand theories and technical jargon. If you plan to incorporate data science into your future learning or career development, this course can provide you with a comprehensive understanding to facilitate further learning.

② 課程與「Python資料科學教戰營」有什麼差別? What is the difference between this course and the “Python Data Science Bootcamp”?

➟ Python資料科學教戰營會透過數週的課程,從培養技能到學會應用完整的課程安排;

「極速上手體驗課」可以視為是Python資料科學教戰營的前導課,這堂課程會從不同的主題中針對新手比較難以了解部分做引導,替完整課程內容暖身並打好基礎。指定時間內完成【極速上手體驗課】指令任務者,將可以得到Python資料科學教戰營或進階課課程優惠卷。 🎁

➟ The Python Data Science Bootcamp spans several weeks and covers a comprehensive curriculum from skill cultivation to complete application.

The “Quick Start Experience Course” can be seen as a precursor to the Python Data Science Bootcamp. This course guides beginners through the more challenging aspects of different topics, warming up and laying a solid foundation for the complete curriculum. Participants who complete the tasks within the designated time for the “Quick Start Experience Course” will receive a discount coupon for the Python Data Science Bootcamp or an advanced course. 🎁

③ 如果當天時間無法參加直播課程怎麼辦? What if I can’t attend the live session on the scheduled date?

➟ 該課程分為「🎫 線上直播票」和「🎟 錄影回放票」兩種票種,無論當天而否參與課程直播結束後都可以存取錄影回放影片。

➟ The course offers two types of tickets: “🎫 Online Live Ticket” and “🎟 Recorded Playback Ticket”. Regardless of whether you participate on the scheduled date, you can access the recorded playback video after the live session ends.