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澳台精品咖啡品牌風格對談 Australian and Taiwanese Specialty Coffee Brand Style Dialogue|全球最佳50咖啡廳ST. ALi CEO首次來台 CEO of One of the World’s Top 50 Coffee Shops, ST. ALi, Visits Taiwan for First Time|品牌經營理念大揭密 Unveiling the Brand Management Philosophy

06/13 @ 2:00 下午 - 3:30 下午


咖啡迷不能不認識的 精品咖啡生活品牌ST. ALi首次來台快閃

Australian Specialty Coffee Wave Pioneers | Top 50 Best Coffee Shops in the World | Must-Visit Coffee Shops Recommended by Tourism Australia

Coffee enthusiasts must get to know the specialty coffee lifestyle brand ST. ALi, which is making its first pop-up appearance in Taiwan.

CEO Lachland台灣快閃期間唯一對外公開行程



CEO Lachlan’s only public event during his visit to Taiwan

Lachlan will personally share insights on the brand’s philosophy, the unique style of ST. ALi coffee shops, and the cross-disciplinary DNA of the team.

Exciting Taiwan-Australia dialogue featuring Zhuo Ri and TOK hosts.

品嚐ST.ALi現場沖煮 經典澳式咖啡

勺日咖啡廳人氣可頌 夏季限定款 鮮芒礦石小可頌

Taste classic Australian coffee brewed on-site by ST. ALi.

Zhuo Ri’s popular croissant and a summer special Fresh Mango Rock Croissant.

講座內容 Lecture Content

ST. ALi品牌介紹 品牌理念 Introduction to the ST. ALi brand and its philosophy.

勺日、TOK品牌介紹 品牌理念 Introduction to Zhuo Ri and TOK brands and their philosophies

ST. ALi CEO 勺日、TOK主理人對談 Dialogue between ST. ALi’s CEO and the hosts of Zhuo Ri and TOK

ST. ALi特調咖啡、勺日輕食品嚐 Tasting of ST. ALi’s specialty coffee and Zhuo Ri’s light refreshments

活動資訊 Event Information
2024/6/13(四) (Thursday) 14:00-15:30 (請提早10分鐘入場 Please arrive 10 minutes early)
勺日日好空間店2樓 2/F, Zhuo Ri(台北市大安區復興南路一段206號 No. 206, Sec. 1, Fuxing S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2405181431131649373229?utm_campaign=accu_banner&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

ST. ALi簡介 About ST. ALi

創立於2005年,ST. ALi推動澳洲精品咖啡浪潮,定義了墨爾本精品咖啡,成立近20年來,ST. ALi不論在咖啡豆烘焙、咖啡沖泡及早午餐食品等,一直處於澳洲同行領先地位

澳洲品牌首選咖啡合作夥伴,曾與Mercedes、Mr Black、Archie Rose和Koko Black等本地和國際企業的展開創意合作。近期更拓點亞洲,已在印尼雅加達及峇里島展店


Founded in 2005, ST. ALi has been a driving force behind the Australian specialty coffee wave, defining Melbourne’s specialty coffee scene. For nearly 20 years, ST. ALi has led the Australian industry in coffee bean roasting, brewing, and brunch foods.

ST. ALi is the preferred coffee partner for Australian brands, having collaborated creatively with both local and international companies such as Mercedes, Mr. Black, Archie Rose, and Koko Black. Recently, ST. ALi has expanded into Asia, with locations in Jakarta and Bali.

ST. ALi is a team of passionate individuals dedicated to brewing one perfect cup of specialty coffee after another.

活動場地提供 Venue Sponsor – 勺日咖啡廳 Zhuo Ri

台北東區最美的複合式咖啡廳-勺日Zhuo Ri



The most beautiful complex café in Taipei’s East District – Zhuo Ri

Designed by a renowned cultural design team, featuring a light cream color palette and floor-to-ceiling windows that let in natural light, giving the café a cozy Korean vibe. Simple meals, quality lifestyle goods, and soothing handmade workshops create a lifestyle-oriented complex space.

Pick up a spoon, eat slowly, live well, and make tomorrow’s self a better existence.

追蹤勺日咖啡廳 Follow Zhuo Ri on IG👉https://www.instagram.com/zhuori206/


台北市, Taiwan
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