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深坑。深耕《手沖咖啡體驗》 Shenkeng: Cultivating the Art of Pour-Over Coffee Experience

06/29 @ 10:00 上午 - 07/13 @ 3:30 下午

“Wenn der Altenberg nicht im Kaffeehaus ist, ist er am Weg dorthin.”
Peter Altenberg
(彼得‧艾騰貝格,1859-1919,奧地利作家 Austrian writer)



Coffee aesthetics have begun to permeate every corner of life~

Let’s savor the unique aroma of coffee together in Shenkeng.

體驗價格 Experience Pricing

課程單人價 Single Person:NT$600/雙人優惠價 Pair Discount:NT$1,100

* 以上價格含工具材料費。 Prices include tools and materials.

體驗時間 Experience Duration

大約2小時 Approximately 2 hours

上午場 10:00 ~ 12:00

下午場 13:30 ~ 15:30

* 場次請於購票時選擇,名額有限售完為止。 Please select your session when purchasing tickets. Limited slots available, first come first served.

體驗內容 Experience Content


We have selected 5 types of fresh, high-quality beans. Step by step, we will provide detailed explanations so you can gain coffee knowledge, experience the techniques and joys of hand-brewed coffee, and enjoy a good cup of coffee at home!

|完成這堂課你將會學到 By completing this class, you will learn|

A. 精品咖啡由來 The origin of specialty coffee

B. 為何需要挑豆 Why bean selection is necessary

C. 影響手沖咖啡風味的因素 Factors influencing the flavor of hand-brewed coffee:

1. 正確的粉水比
2. 咖啡研磨度
3. 萃取(沖泡)時間
4. 水溫
5. 擾流
6. 水質
7. 適當的過濾方法

  1. Correct coffee-to-water ratio
  2. Coffee grind size
  3. Extraction (brewing) time
  4. Water temperature
  5. Agitation
  6. Water quality
  7. Appropriate filtration methods

D. 手沖體驗實作 Hands-on brewing experience

※請自備保溫杯,現場體驗沖泡的咖啡可以帶回家喝喔。 Please bring a thermos. You can take home the coffee you brew on-site.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2406050438522710057150?utm_campaign=accu_banner&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web


  • Each ticket includes one set of materials and is for the ticket holder only. Due to limited space and to maintain the quality of the class, companions are not allowed to attend.
  • Classes will not be held for fewer than two participants. If this occurs, we will notify you and offer the option to reschedule or receive a refund.
  • Designers must prepare materials in advance. Therefore, once tickets are sold, no refunds will be provided. If you are unable to attend, please transfer your ticket to another participant.
  • If you need to transfer your spot, please inform us of the new participant’s name and contact information.
  • Admission will be open 30 minutes before the event starts. Please present your QR code or provide the registered name for entry. To ensure a smooth experience, please do not be late as no refunds will be issued for tardiness.
  • In the event of cancellation due to natural disasters or other force majeure events, we will proactively contact you to reschedule or provide a refund.


新店戶政事務所 深坑區所
新北市, Taiwan
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