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淡江資工AI課程 Tamkang University Computer Science AI Course|機器學習&數據分析入門 Introduction to Machine Learning & Data Analysis

08/17 @ 6:00 下午 - 08/25 @ 9:00 下午

場次 Sessions|8/17-8/20、8/23-8/25 18:00-21:00(共21個小時 Total 21 hours)
地點 Venue|線上 Online GoogleMeet
金額 Fee|NT$9,000
老師 Instructor|淡江資工系 張志勇老師 Professor Chang Chih-Yung, Department of Computer Science, Tamkang University
適合 Eligibility|高中以上不限年齡,不需會任何程式語言皆可報名 Open to anyone above high school level, no prior programming knowledge required

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2405080914591462196451

學員將學習到Python的基本語法和程式設計邏輯,以及不需編寫複雜的程式即可利用Orange Data Mining工具進行數據清洗、機器學習模型建構,並透過模型進行基本的分析以及預測。


Participants will learn the basic syntax of Python and programming logic. They will also utilize the Orange Data Mining tool to perform data cleaning and build machine learning models without writing complex code. Through these models, they will conduct basic analysis and make predictions.

By working on real-world cases and projects, students will be able to apply their skills to solve practical problems, showcasing their professional abilities and their concern for public issues. These valuable skills will help them demonstrate their learning outcomes from the course or practical projects, which can be continuously applied in both academic and professional careers.



With a visual interface, building machine learning models no longer requires writing lines of code.

課程大綱 Course Outline

主題二 Topic 2:機器學習&數據分析入門 Introduction to Machine Learning & Data Analysis(總時數 Total duration:21 hrs)

  • Python
    • 入門AI之首要課程,學習Python語言的邏輯、語法、指令、思維,掌握程式編寫至數據分析的全流程。 The primary course for AI beginners, covering the logic, syntax, commands, and thinking of Python. It includes the entire process from programming to data analysis.
    • 12 hrs
  • Orange數據分析及機器學習工具 Orange Data Analysis and Machine Learning Tool
    • 不寫程式的基礎下,進行產業數據清洗、特徵分析、數據分析、AI機器學習與模型建構、AI預測、AI分類、時間序列分析、模型效能評估等功能,挖掘資料特徵並進行可視化與預測。 Learn to clean industry data, perform feature analysis, data analysis, AI machine learning, model building, AI prediction, AI classification, time series analysis, and model performance evaluation without writing code. Discover data features and perform visualization and prediction.
    • 9 hrs

【老師介紹 About the Instructor】張志勇 老師 Professor Chang Chih-Yung

  • 淡江大學特聘教授、物聯網與大數據研究中心主任
  • 北京交通大學兼任客座教授、滁州學院特聘教授
  • 臺灣ACM SIGMOBILE Chapter共同主席
  • 多次擔任SCI期刊編輯委員
  • 發表300多篇論文,100多篇在SCI索引期刊,曾獲多項最佳論文獎
  • 出版臺灣首本「物聯網概論」書籍
  • 積極推動物聯網在兩岸的發展
  • 參與AIGO競賽並多次獲得特優獎
  • 研究領域包括人工智慧、大數據、物聯網、智慧居家照護、無線感測器網路
  • Distinguished Professor at Tamkang University and Director of the IoT and Big Data Research Center
  • Adjunct Professor at Beijing Jiaotong University and Chuzhou University
  • Co-Chair of the Taiwan ACM SIGMOBILE Chapter
  • Served as an editorial board member for several SCI journals
  • Published over 300 papers, with more than 100 in SCI-indexed journals, and received numerous Best Paper Awards
  • Author of Taiwan’s first book on the “Introduction to IoT”
  • Actively promotes the development of IoT across Taiwan and Mainland China
  • Multiple-time winner of the AIGO competition‘s top awards
  • Research interests include artificial intelligence, big data, IoT, smart home care and wireless sensor networks


Professor Chang Chih-Yung’s student team has won numerous national AI competition awards organized by Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs.


08/17 @ 6:00 下午
08/25 @ 9:00 下午
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