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海岸恰恰 Coastal Discovery – 八月場 ºᵒ••ᵒº°川谷之行˚°ºᵒ••ᵒº August Session: The Journey of Chuanyang Valley

08/24 @ 9:00 上午 - 2:00 下午

頭城背山面海,東臨太平洋,擁有長達28公里的海岸線,海岸線之變化也極具多樣性,其中頭城的大溪川源自中央山脈,又名大溪溪,為一位於台灣東部之縣市管河川, 主流發源於頭城鎮大溪里三分二山東麓,先向東北東流,經內大溪後轉東南,最終於大溪漁港南側注入太平洋。 為頭城北側最主要的自來水水源地,也是台灣洄游動物豐富的棲地熱區之一。


Toucheng, situated with mountains behind and facing the sea, borders the Pacific Ocean to the east and boasts a 28-kilometer coastline. The diverse coastline includes Daxi River, which originates from the Central Mountain Range and is also known as Daxi Stream. It is a county-managed river located in eastern Taiwan, originating from the eastern foothills of Sanfen Ershan in Daxili, Toucheng Township. The river initially flows northeast, then turns southeast after Neidaxi, and finally flows into the Pacific Ocean south of Daxi Fishing Harbor. It is the primary water source for northern Toucheng and a rich habitat for migratory animals in Taiwan.

The river’s clear water and pebble-strewn riverbed make it an ideal habitat for fish, waterfowl, and amphibians. The river mouth connects with the ocean, forming a unique estuarine ecosystem. Through a sensory experience and outdoor observation, we invite you to relax in nature, explore the stream, gather natural materials, and immerse yourself in the refreshing waters, experiencing the interconnectedness of nature and ourselves.


辦理單位 Organizers




活動資訊 Event Information

活動日期 Date & Time:8/24(六 Saturday)9:00-14:00

活動地點 Venue:頭城大溪川出海口及溯游向上 Daxi River Estuary and upstream, Toucheng

活動對象 Target Audience:一般大眾與親子 General public and families

活動人數 Number of Participants:20位(額滿為止 registration is on a first-come, first-served basis)

活動費用 Fee:每人NT$550 each,親子一組NT$890 for a parent-child pair(一大一小 one adult and one child)

(本活動部分經費由海委會計畫支持,內含講師費、保險費、茶點、活動體驗 This event is partially funded by the Ocean Affairs Council, covering instructor fees, insurance, refreshments, and activity experience.)

本活動可登錄環境教育時數3小時 Environmental Education Hours: 3 hours

活動帶領人 Event Leader:李其軒 Li Qi-xuan/小草囝仔 主理人


“If you climbed a tree as a child, you will have a bond with the forest as you grow up.”

⟡.·經歷 Experience

小草囝仔 主理人





CampTaiwan 輔導員

⟡.·戶外經驗 Outdoor Experience



⟡.·證照 Certifications


注意事項 Notes:

1. 夏季炎熱,請注意防曬措施以避免熱傷害。建議使用友善海洋的防曬產品,服裝上可考慮物理防曬。例如:墨鏡、遮陽帽/頭巾、長袖薄外套等。

2. 為避免嗅覺刺激,引發參與者偏頭痛或癲癇等症狀,活動期間請勿攜帶或塗抹味道強烈的物品。

3. 本活動報名委由ACCUPASS活動通辦理,若欲取消報名請於活動前8日自行申辦。逾期恕不另行退費。

4. 如遇颱風、地震、大雨、海嘯等不可抗力之因素,本館將視狀況調整活動,最晚於活動前一天中午通知取消,並全額或部分退費(視活動進行程度而定)。

5. 為響應環保及節能減碳,請自備環保瓶、飲水和筷子,恕不提供瓶裝水。

6. 活動進行間工作人員將適時拍攝活動相片或進行攝影,並使用於FB社群粉絲頁及後續教育推廣活動。若不同意肖像權使用,請於拍攝時告知工作人員或主動迴避。報名時所提供之個資將使用至活動結束後3個月止。請參閱個資保護法以維護自身權益。

7. 活動報名後務必確實出席,以免公有資源不必要浪費。未能提前請假或取消、遲到或早退30分鐘以上、無故不到者或未能遵守活動規定者,將列為爾後報名核准參考,敬請見諒。

  1. Sun Protection: Summer is hot; please take sun protection measures to avoid heatstroke. Use ocean-friendly sunscreen products and consider physical sun protection such as sunglasses, sun hats/scarves, and lightweight long-sleeve jackets.
  2. Fragrance-Free: To avoid olfactory triggers that could cause migraines or seizures, please do not bring or apply strongly scented products during the event.
  3. Registration Cancellation: The event registration is managed by ACCUPASS. If you need to cancel, please do so 8 days before the event. No refunds will be given after this deadline.
  4. Force Majeure: In case of typhoons, earthquakes, heavy rain, tsunamis, or other force majeure events, the museum will adjust the event accordingly and notify cancellation by noon the day before. Refunds will be given in full or in part, depending on the event progress.
  5. Environmental Protection: To support environmental conservation and carbon reduction, please bring your own reusable bottles, water, and chopsticks. Bottled water will not be provided.
  6. Photography and Filming: Staff will photograph and film the event for use on our Facebook page and future educational promotions. If you do not consent to your image being used, please inform the staff or avoid being photographed. Personal information provided during registration will be used until 3 months after the event ends. Please refer to the Personal Data Protection Act to protect your rights.
  7. Attendance Commitment: Please ensure your attendance once registered to avoid unnecessary waste of public resources. Those who fail to inform in advance, cancel, arrive late, leave early for more than 30 minutes, or fail to comply with event rules will be considered for future registration approval. We apologize for any inconvenience.

聯絡人 Contact Person

楊詩羽 Yang Shi-yu:03-9779700#208;lym99424043@gmail.com

羅育如 Luo Yu-rou:0921-912257


9:00 上午 - 2:00 下午
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宜蘭縣, Taiwan
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