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流體藝術的奇幻療癒 The Magical Healing of Fluid Art

09/28 @ 1:00 下午 - 3:00 下午

活動特色 Event Features

色彩療癒卡 Color Healing Cards


Through card selection, the cards will reflect your current state, offering support and guidance for self-exploration. The chosen card will also help you find the destined color palette for your creation.

流體藝術創作 Fluid Art Creation


Learn how to use the depth and blending of colors to create unique fluid art patterns on a white base. With professional guidance, you can externalize your inner feelings and create your own personalized artwork.

活動流程 Event Schedule

  • 色彩占卜時間
  • 手作創作時間
  • 作品靜置晾乾,約4天
  • 等待通知作品領取
  • Color Divination Session
  • Hands-on Creation Time
  • Artwork Drying (Approximately 4 days)
  • Notification for Pickup

內容 Event Details

  • 活動:教學|材料|時尚感包裝|色彩占卜解析
  • 藝術創作體驗
  • 『托盤系列』任選一款
  • 專業幼教師及藝術顧問引導及協助
  • Includes: Teaching|Materials|Stylish Packaging|Color Divination Analysis
  • Art Creation Experience: Choose one from the “Tray Series”
  • Guidance: Professional kindergarten teachers and art consultants will assist and guide you

收費方式 Fee

  • NT$1,580/人 ( 已含療癒卡解牌費用 )
  • 須開三聯發票須提前告知,並於報名前提供公司抬頭&統編。
  • 成品可自取或宅配,宅配須另外付運費。
  • NT$1,580 per person (includes color divination card reading).
  • If an official three-part invoice is required, please notify in advance and provide your company’s name and tax ID before registering.
  • You may pick up your completed artwork or have it delivered (delivery fees apply).

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2409020705271835722310

注意事項 Notes

  • 本課程僅供單人操作,不可共同作畫。
  • 因顏料染上衣服不易清洗,請穿著耐髒衣物。
  • 只提供『定量』流體顏料,若有現場加購鑰匙圈,則使用原作品本身留下的顏料製作。
  • 體驗期間,會進行活動側拍,並將照片/影片公開分享於品牌社群平台上,也歡迎向我們索取照片,若不希望被攝影,請提前告知。
  • 課程中會有色彩占卜的環節,請尊重每個人的隱私,下課後請勿私下討論。
  • 預約後,因故無法參與,請於開課前2天『主動』致電主辦單位 02-23310939,可更改上課日期。
  • 現場有『店貓』,若怕貓者,須提前告知。
  • 若帶寵物,請提前告知,並記得關籠。
  • This course is for individual participation only; no joint artwork is allowed.
  • Since the paint may stain clothing and is hard to clean, please wear durable clothes.
  • Only a limited amount of fluid paint will be provided. If you purchase a keychain on-site, the paint leftover from your original artwork will be used to create it.
  • Photos and videos may be taken during the event for sharing on social media platforms. You can request copies of the photos. If you prefer not to be photographed, please inform us in advance.
  • Respect each participant’s privacy during the color divination session. Please refrain from discussing it afterward.
  • If you are unable to attend after booking, please proactively call the organizer at 02-23310939 two days before the class to reschedule.
  • There is a shop cat on the premises. If you are afraid of cats, please notify us in advance.
  • If you plan to bring a pet, please inform us beforehand and remember to keep it in a cage.


1:00 下午 - 3:00 下午
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台北市, Taiwan
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