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流光 Currents of Light–灰釉的脈絡與光譜 Tracing the Spectrum and Context of Ash Glaze

09/15 @ 9:30 上午 - 09/22 @ 5:00 下午


本次展覽以本館出版之《灰釉–植物灰的故事與應用 》一書為基礎,從個別材質的文化流變、科學特性到創作表現形態的梳理,集合跨越時空的窯口樣本、同一流派系統的作品共同展出,提供知識性建構的基礎之外,也是同一主題作品跨時代與類型並陳,體驗鑑賞的機會。


As materiality becomes a central focus in contemporary art and cultural studies, and the boundaries between craft and art blur, ceramics, with its highly technical expertise and rich cultural heritage, is increasingly gaining attention from art developers. For museums, examining the material characteristics and cultural significance of ceramics offers a new perspective on art history and opens up new avenues of exploration, making ceramics an asset for further expansion in the understanding of materials.

This exhibition, based on the museum’s publication Ash Glaze: The Story and Application of Plant Ash, traces the cultural evolution, scientific properties, and creative expressions of individual materials. It brings together kiln samples across time and space, as well as works from the same stylistic lineage, to offer both a foundation of knowledge and an opportunity to appreciate works of the same theme across eras and types.

Ash glaze, which transforms ash into a glassy surface on ceramics, has a history spanning thousands of years, from its discovery as natural falling ash to its deliberate collection and style development. It has permeated the brilliant history of East Asian civilization. Today, ash glaze is not only studied as a material but is also explored as a spiritual and social medium. This exhibition seeks to uncover new possibilities for the expression and meaning of ash glaze by examining its material properties and its relationship to the creative process.

從發現到探索 From Discovery to Exploration





The kiln is a universe of transformation.

Inside the kiln, clay bodies undergo physical changes as the temperature rises, becoming harder and more durable. The flames, air currents, and ash inside the kiln move about, leaving various traces on the surface of the clay. Alkaline substances from the ash of plant fuel combine with acidic substances in the clay at high temperatures, forming a glassy surface known as ash glaze.

The term “glaze” itself has only been used for about 1,000 years. However, artificial ash-glazed artifacts date back nearly 4,000 years to China’s Shang Dynasty. Early pottery with shiny surfaces, both inside and out, became more durable and water-resistant, making them ideal for practical use.

With the discovery and exploration of different types of plant ash, ash glaze evolved not only as a practical material for everyday use but also developed into a highly specialized craft in professional and imperial kilns, becoming a significant symbol of East Asian culture.

臺灣灰釉的系譜 The Lineage of Ash Glaze in Taiwan


In Taiwan, the use of ash glaze has been shaped by two main influences: the traditional method of natural falling ash from wood-fired kilns and the modernized techniques brought about by industrial and educational systems. Lin Bao-jia, who studied ceramics in Japan, was instrumental in acquiring a scientific understanding of ash glaze. After returning to Taiwan, he collected materials, conducted experiments, and provided advice to local factories and individuals. His “Taolin” studio greatly influenced many ceramic practitioners, including Cai Rong-you, his son-in-law Xue Rui-fang, and Zhang Ji-tao, who took up ceramics after retiring from the military. These individuals continued to develop their own styles and approaches to ash glaze based on Lin’s teachings, influencing subsequent generations of creators.

Despite the convenience of synthetic glazes, there are still those who are deeply passionate about the vast, unknown potential of natural falling ash and continue to challenge themselves with it. Artists like Lin Jin-zhong and Luo Shao-qi, for example, have experimented with local materials to establish their unique ash glaze systems, leaving remarkable contributions to the field.

與灰釉共享風格生活 Living in Style with Ash Glaze


Ash glaze can also be seen as an expression of lifestyle and value, distinct from the rarity and exclusivity often associated with traditional imperial kilns. Throughout history, ash glaze has served both a practical purpose and provided a direct aesthetic experience. In this section, pioneering ceramic artists Qiu Huan-tang and Shi Nai-yue share their silver-haired years of living with ash glaze through the ash-glazed painted plates they developed, and their daily life filled with music, language learning, and the joy of painting. Another couple, Qiu Yu-qi and Guo Ya-wen, who operate a ceramics school, balance their farming and teaching practices, passing on the craftsmanship they learned from veteran potters and sharing the elegance of ash glaze with the public.

Tea and ceramics have always been inseparable, and this exhibition explores how ash glaze and tea intersect in modern life. The transformation of traditional folk kilns and collaborations between art schools and rural communities in producing ash glaze make it a vehicle for social participation, presenting exciting possibilities for the role of ash glaze in the contemporary spectrum of daily life.

票價 Fee:NT$80


新北市, Taiwan
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