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洞心咖啡杯測分享會 Heartbeat Specialty Coffee Cupping Session|踏入精品咖啡的世界 Step into the World of Specialty Coffee

10/12 @ 2:00 下午 - 5:00 下午

活動內容 Event Details





For this event, we have specially acquired the 2024 auction lot coffee beans from El Injerto Estate, Guatemala.

During the event, we will introduce how specialty coffee beans are defined and explain the process of coffee cupping.

This event is perfect for beginners or those with no prior knowledge of coffee, as well as those who wish to explore coffee flavors and experience cupping.

Participants on the day will have the opportunity to become members of Heartbeat Specialty Coffee for the 2024-2025 year. Members will enjoy welcome gifts, discounts on lectures and courses, and priority access to purchase auction lot coffee beans across the years.

|茵赫特莊園 El Injerto 

  • 8次榮獲COE卓越盃冠軍,和翡翠莊園齊名的知名百年咖啡莊園-茵赫特,其最有名的就是來自翡翠莊園的傳奇藝伎咖啡豆!
  • Aguirre家族自1956年起就開始經營該農場,生產精品咖啡,保持對環境友善的基礎,專注生產高品質咖啡。
  • 農場位於微微特南果高地,海拔1900公尺,種植著最精緻和特別的咖啡品種,平均降水量為1600毫米,溫度為22°C,富含礦物質的土壤,造就了生產精品咖啡最磅的風土條件。
  • Renowned as a top-tier coffee estate, El Injerto Estate, which has won the Cup of Excellence (COE) championship eight times, is considered on par with the famous Hacienda La Esmeralda. The estate’s legendary Geisha coffee beans are particularly well-known.
  • The Aguirre family has been operating the farm since 1956, producing specialty coffee with a commitment to environmental friendliness and a focus on high-quality coffee.
  • Located in the Huehuetenango Highlands at an altitude of 1,900 meters, the farm grows the most exquisite and rare coffee varieties. With an average annual rainfall of 1,600 mm and a temperature of 22°C, combined with mineral-rich soil, the farm offers ideal conditions for producing premium specialty coffee.

洞心咖啡杯測分享會-咖啡豆介紹 Heartbeat Specialty Coffee Cupping Session – Coffee Bean Introduction

傳奇藝妓系列 9品項 Legendary Geisha Series – 9 Varieties

  • Legendary Geisha (Los Pinos) 厭氧處理 Anaerobic Process
  • Legendary Geisha (Los Pinos) 日曬處理 Natural Process
  • Legendary Geisha (Los Pinos) 水洗處理 Washed Process
  • Legendary Geisha (Las Milpas) 厭氧處理 Anaerobic Process
  • Legendary Geisha (Las Milpas) 日曬處理 Natural Process
  • Legendary Geisha (Las Milpas) 水洗處理 Washed Process
  • Legendary Geisha (Los Nogales) 日曬處理 Natural Process
  • Legendary Geisha (Los Nogales) 水洗處理 Washed Process
  • Legendary Geisha (La Calaca) 日曬處理 Natural Process

|摩卡 2品項 Mocca – 2 Varieties

  • Mocca 日曬處理 Natural Process
  • Mocca 水洗處理 Washed Process

|潘朵拉 3品項 Pandora – 3 Varieties

  • Pandora 厭氧處理 Anaerobic Process
  • Pandora 日曬處理 Natural Process
  • Pandora 水洗處理 Washed Process

|帕卡瑪拉 1品項 Pacamara – 1 Variety

  • Yellow Pacamara 水洗處理 Washed Process

洞心咖啡杯測分享會-活動流程 Heartbeat Specialty Coffee Cupping Session – Event Schedule

活動日期 Date:10/12 14:00-17:00

13:30~ 14:00 會前交流 & 學員加入 Pre-event Networking & Member Enrollment

14:00~ 14:20 莊園 & 活動介紹 Introduction to the Estate & Event

14:20~ 14:30 杯測介紹 Cupping Introduction(新舊制差異及國際杯測規定 Differences between the old and new methods, and international cupping standards)

14:30~ 16:00 開始杯測 Cupping Session(15品項,依衛生杯測辦法進行 15 varieties, conducted in accordance with hygienic cupping regulations)

16:00~ 16:30 手沖品嘗 Pour-over Tasting(5品項 5 varieties)

16:30~ 16:50 咖啡識別小活動 Coffee Identification Activity

16:50~ 17:00 競標等級咖啡豆預購 Pre-order for Auction Grade Coffee Beans

活動辦法 Event Information



This event is suitable for beginners or those with no prior knowledge of coffee who wish to learn about coffee cupping.

To maintain the quality of the event and prevent any interference with the coffee’s flavor, attendance is limited to 10 participants.

報名事項 Registration Details

活動費用 Fee:NT$1,500/人(含場地費、講師費、競標咖啡豆關稅、檢驗等耗材費用 includes venue fee, instructor fee, auction coffee bean customs fees, testing material costs, etc.)


Participants will have the opportunity to become members of Heartbeat Specialty Coffee for the 2024-2025 year. Members will enjoy welcome gifts, discounts on lectures and courses, and priority access to purchase auction lot coffee beans.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2409100535508039647440?utm_campaign=accu_feature&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web


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