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末日預言後的探險—滯台馬雅人的返鄉之旅 Post-Apocalypse Adventure: The Return Journey of the Maya in Taiwan

09/29 @ 2:30 下午 - 4:30 下午



Do you remember December 21, 2012?

There were rumors that the Maya predicted the end of the world on this day, causing widespread panic and global sensation. In reality, it wasn’t the end of the world but the beginning of a new calendar cycle. The Maya civilization had deep knowledge of astronomy and calendars, and though it has long faded from history, its grand historical relics continue to captivate people.


臺灣馬雅文化第一把交椅,自學臻於頂尖的奇蹟。臉書粉專:馬雅國駐臺辦事處大使「馬雅人」獨家分享追尋馬雅文化的故事,2013年開始數次的返鄉之旅,從貝里斯的考古營地,到瓜地馬拉叢林深處,甚至是墨西哥高地的仙人掌之地,都有追尋歷史與旅行的蹤跡。並且與自己的考古界偶像David Stuart一起進行考古工作!

The Maya’s Return Journey After the End of the World

For those who consider the Maya world as their homeland, the post-apocalypse journey home begins.

As Taiwan’s leading expert on Maya culture and a self-taught wonder, the Facebook page Maya Nation Embassy in Taiwan ambassador, “The Maya,” shares exclusive stories of his pursuit of Maya culture. Starting in 2013, he embarked on several return journeys, from archaeological camps in Belize to the deep jungles of Guatemala, and even the cactus-covered highlands of Mexico, following the footsteps of history and travel. He even conducted archaeological work alongside his idol, David Stuart!



Maya Ambassador in Taiwan × Self-Learning Journey × Dream Return to the Homeland

For many Taiwanese, Maya culture symbolizes mystery, a romantic fantasy from childhood. “Mayaman” pursued self-learning, steadily climbing to the pinnacle of Maya research in Taiwan, and eventually traveled into the tropical rainforests of Central America. There, alongside the world’s top Maya scholars, he uncovered the mysteries of Maya culture.




Maya Ambassador in Taiwan × Adventure Stories × Secrets of the Maya

This journey to Maya sites transcends ordinary travel arrangements, delving into the heart of the Maya civilization. It is a time-traveling adventure, with each story deeply embedded in frontline archaeology, visiting undisclosed Maya ruins and artifacts, and immersing in the pure historical emotions of the Maya culture.

講座內容 Lecture Content




  • The impetus for self-learning Maya culture
  • The post-apocalyptic dream journey to the Maya after 2012
  • Returning to the Maya! When travel turns into exploration and academic discovery

報名 To apply:https://tinyurl.com/2c9f8cfd

講師 Speaker|馬雅人 Mayaman






Mayaman, with a Master’s degree in History from National Taiwan Normal University, is a passionate devotee of Maya culture.

From an early age, he was deeply fascinated by Maya culture and has dedicated himself to promoting knowledge of it in Taiwan, treating the Maya world as his own homeland. Since 2013, he has embarked on several return journeys, from archaeological camps in Belize to the jungles of Guatemala, and even the cactus-covered highlands of Mexico, all in pursuit of history and adventure. Self-taught in Maya script, history, and culture, he is now arguably Taiwan’s foremost expert on Maya civilization.

著有 His published works include:《遇見世界古文明:歡迎光臨古馬雅》;《貓狗說的人類文明史:「故事」團隊,請喵喵汪汪說故事給你聽!》;《十六歲的壯遊課》等暢銷書

✦ 講座費用 Lecture Fee:NT$200/人 person

✦ 本場講座最低開課人數為10人,若未達開課門檻將退費予您。 A minimum of 10 participants is required to hold the lecture. If the minimum is not met, a full refund will be provided.

✦ 會場附手沖唐寧茶,為維護講座品質,場內禁帶外食。 The venue will provide freshly brewed Twinings tea. To maintain the quality of the lecture, no outside food is allowed.


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