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朝陽科大「2024銀髮服務產業生態系實務專題競賽」 Chaoyang University of Technology “2024 Golden-Ager Service Industry Ecosystem Practical Project Competition”

05/02 @ 8:00 上午 - 05/13 @ 5:00 下午

活動目的 Purpose

  • 為鼓勵全國大專校院學生將所學習之理論知識與實作結合,培養創新思考模式,以開創學生研究、溝通與整合能力,故舉辦「2024銀髮服務產業生態系實務專題競賽」。
  • The competition aims to encourage students from universities and colleges nationwide to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical skills, cultivate innovative thinking, and develop students’ research, communication, and integration abilities.

活動主題 Themes

  1. 高齡服務 Elderly services
  2. 高齡社會與終身學習 Aging society and lifelong learning
  3. 銀髮健康促進 Golden-ager health promotion
  4. 高齡人力再運用 Reutilization of elderly workforce
  5. 樂齡創新服務 Innovative services for the elderly
  6. 福祉科技與服務 Welfare technology and services
  7. 老人照顧 Elderly care
  8. 養生保健 Health maintenance
  9. 銀髮消費行為 Golden-ager consumer behavior
  10. 其他與銀髮相關研究議題 Other related research topics on the elderly

參賽資格 Eligibility

  1. 就讀各公私立大專校院在籍學生,對於銀髮服務產業有興趣者,不限科系與年級皆可報名參加。
  2. 參賽同學每隊參賽人數至多七人,可跨系或跨校組隊,完成報名後,競賽過程中不接受成員更換。
  3. 參賽團隊應設隊長一名,隊長為團隊與主辦單位之連繫窗口。
  4. 每隊均須有指導老師,一隊以二名指導老師為上限。
  5. 凡報名參賽之團隊,即視同承認並同意遵守本活動辦法(含附件)與公告的各項內容與規定,本競賽如有未盡事宜,主辦單位保有修改之權利。
  • Students enrolled in various public and private universities and colleges who are interested in the silver hair service industry, regardless of major or year of study, are eligible to participate.
  • Each team can have up to seven members, and cross-department or cross-school teams are allowed. Once registered, no changes to team members are accepted during the competition.
  • Each team must have a team leader who will serve as the main contact person with the organizers.
  • Each team should have at least one advisor, with a maximum of two advisors per team.
  • Teams registering for the competition are deemed to acknowledge and agree to comply with the rules and regulations of this event (including attachments) as well as the contents and provisions announced. The organizers reserve the right to modify the competition’s details as necessary.

活動時程 Schedule

  • 投稿收件日期:即日起至2024年5月13日(一)17:00止,截止期限後不再受理。
  • 公告進入決賽名單:2024年5月17日(五)
  • 決賽日期:2024年5月23日(四)
  • Submission deadline: From now until May 13, 2024, 17:00
  • Announcement of finalists: May 17, 2024
  • Final competition: May 23, 2024

報名方式 Registration

  1. 一律採取網路報名,資料上傳,不收紙本。 All registrations must be completed online, and no paper submissions will be accepted.
  2. 初賽應繳資料 For preliminary round, the following documents must be submitted
  • 個人資料蒐集、處理及利用之告知暨同意書:簽名後掃描上傳(pdf檔)
  • 投稿者基本資料暨授權書:簽名後掃描上傳(pdf檔)
  • 論文全文:以word & pdf格式上傳
  • 資料上傳網址:https://forms.gle/1geL6mqvQRnEKFFx5
  • Consent Form for Collection, Processing, and Use of Personal Data: Signed and scanned for upload (PDF file).
  • Basic Information and Authorization Form for Submitter: Signed and scanned for upload (PDF file).
  • Full Paper: Uploaded in both Word and PDF formats, following the provided format guidelines.
  • Upload the documents to the following URL: https://forms.gle/1geL6mqvQRnEKFFx5
  1. 決賽應繳資料:僅有進入決賽的大專校院組別需繳交簡報資料 For final round, only the teams from participating colleges and universities that advance to the final round need to submit presentation materials
  • 決賽簡報檔:每組需上傳PPT檔或PDF檔。若簡報內容有以影片呈現,請將影片上傳至YouTube並設定為「非公開」,將影片網址附在簡報檔內。決賽簡報檔繳交期限自決賽名單公告日至2024年5月21日(二)中午12:00止。
  • Presentation Slides for the Final Round: Each team must upload a PPT or PDF file. If the presentation includes videos, upload them to YouTube and set them to “Unlisted”, then include the video URLs in the presentation slides. The deadline for submitting the final round presentation slides is from the announcement of the finalists until 12:00 on May 21, 2024 (Tuesday).

評審規範 Judging Criteria

  1. 初賽:採書面審查,由主辦單位邀集學界、業界組成之評審委員團依評分標準進行評審,於各參賽組中擇優進入決賽。初審結果將於2024年5月17日(五)公告於「朝陽科技大學銀髮產業管理系」之系網站 http://gaim.cyut.edu.tw/, 並以email通知。
  2. 決賽:決賽將依專題報告書之內容以口頭方式發表並進行評審。決賽將於2024年5月23日(四),於「朝陽科技大學」舉辦。決賽結果將於決賽當日宣布並進行頒獎。
  • Preliminary Round: Evaluation will be based on written review by a panel of judges consisting of academia and industry experts according to the scoring criteria. Results will be announced on May 17, 2024 (Friday) on the website of the Department of Silver Hair Industry Management, Chaoyang University of Technology (http://gaim.cyut.edu.tw/) and notified via email.
  • Final Round: Presentations will be orally delivered based on the content of the project report and evaluated. The final round will be held on May 23, 2024 (Thursday) at Chaoyang University of Technology. Results will be announced and awards will be presented on the same day of the final round.

評分標準 Evaluation Criteria

  • 主題意義30%
  • 內容完整性30%
  • 創新表現20%
  • 流暢性 20%。
  • Theme significance: 30%
  • Content completeness: 30%
  • Innovation performance: 20%
  • Fluency: 20%

活動獎勵 Awards

  • 各組分別取前三名和佳作,前三名分別頒發下列獎金及獎狀,其餘佳作團隊頒發獎狀
  • 第一名:獎狀乙紙與4,000元獎金
  • 第二名:獎狀乙紙與3000元獎金
  • 第三名:獎狀乙紙與2,000元獎金
  • 佳 作:佳作數名,獎狀乙紙(決賽優秀作品)
  • 各組指導老師給予指導證明
  • First place: Certificate and NT$4,000 prize money
  • Second place: Certificate and NT$3,000 prize money
  • Third place: Certificate and NT$2,000 prize money
  • Honorable mentions: Certificates (for outstanding works in the finals)
  • Each team’s advisors will receive a certificate of guidance

注意事項 Notes

  1. 主辦單位為因應疫情舉辦活動需要,保留修改活動與獎項細節權利,無須事前通知,並有權對本活動所有事宜作出解釋或裁決。
  2. 參賽作品須於公告時間內上傳完成,除因不可抗拒之因素中斷競賽,逾期恕不收件。
  3. 主辦單位有將參賽作品進行產品研發、宣傳、刊印、展覽及再製之權利。
  4. 完成送件程序後,主辦單位恕不接受參賽者任何形式之修改。
  5. 凡報名參賽者,視同已充分瞭解競賽內容、規範及條款,參賽者須尊重此活動各項規定及評審結果,未遵守活動等參賽規定者視同棄權。
  6. 競賽活動報名表蒐集(C001辨識個人者)姓名、手機、E-mail,老師姓名等個人資料係為主辦單位進行參賽者報名管理、活動期間身分確認、活動聯繫、成績公告(如:獎項、姓名)等相關行政作業之用,並做為日後本競賽活動相關訊息聯繫。主辦單位將於臺灣地區(包括澎湖、金門及馬祖等地 區)利用參賽者的個人資料,其利用期間為至蒐集目的消失為止。
  7. 個人資料之權利及權益:參賽者得依個人資料保護法第3條就您的個人資料行使請求查閱、補充、更正、製給複製本及請求停止蒐集、處理、利用及請求刪除等權利,行使方式請洽朝陽科技大學銀髮產業管理系。
  8. 參賽者之「2024銀髮服務產業生態系實務專題競賽」報名表及個資使用同意書之個人資料欄位未填寫完整者,則喪失參加本競賽資格
  9. 凡報名參賽者,即視同承認本參賽辦法的各項內容及規定,若有未盡事宜得由主辦單位隨時補充、修正後公佈。
  • The organizer reserves the right to modify the details of the event and awards as necessary due to the COVID-19 situation, without prior notice, and has the authority to interpret or make decisions on all matters related to the event.
  • Participants must upload their entries within the specified time frame as announced, and late submissions will not be accepted except for reasons beyond control.
  • The organizer retains the rights to develop, promote, publish, exhibit, and reproduce the submitted works.
  • After the submission process is completed, no modifications from participants will be accepted.
  • All participants are deemed to have fully understood the content, regulations, and terms of the competition and must respect all rules and evaluation results; failure to comply with the competition rules will result in disqualification.
  • The personal information collected through the competition registration form (C001 identifying individuals), including name, phone number, email address, and teacher’s name, will be used by the organizer for participant registration management, identity confirmation during the event, communication, and announcement of results (such as awards and names), and for future communication related to this competition. The organizer will utilize the personal data of participants within Taiwan (including Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu) for the period necessary to achieve the purposes of collection.
  • Participants have the rights and interests regarding their personal data under Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act, including the right to request access, supplementation, correction, provision of copies, cessation of collection, processing, and utilization, as well as deletion. For the exercise of these rights, please contact Department of Golden-Ager Industry Management at Chaoyang University of Technology.
  • Participants who fail to complete all fields in the registration form and personal data usage consent form for “2024 Golden-Ager Service Industry Ecosystem Practical Project Competition” will forfeit their eligibility to participate in the competition.
  • By registering, all participants are deemed to have accepted all the contents and regulations of these competition rules, and any matters not covered herein may be supplemented or amended by the organizer at any time and announced accordingly.

相關單位 Organizers & Co-organizers

  • 主辦&協辦單位:臺灣高齡學習與服務管理學會、朝陽科技大學銀髮產業管理系 Department of Golden-Ager Industry Management, Chaoyang University of Technology

聯絡方式 Contact Information

  • 主辦單位 Organizers:臺灣高齡學習與服務管理學會、朝陽科技大學銀髮產業管理系 Department of Golden-Ager Industry Management, Chaoyang University of Technology
  • 聯絡人 Contact Point:朝陽科技大學銀髮產業管理系 Department of Golden-Ager Industry Management, Chaoyang University of Technology
  • 聯絡人信箱 Email:tphsieh@cyut.edu.tw
  • 聯絡電話 Phone:04-23323000-7643