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朝思木想─蘭博文物銀行木質文物保存維護工作坊 Wooden Heritage Preservation and Maintenance Workshop: Memories in Wood — Lanyang Museum’s Heritage Bank

09/13 @ 8:30 上午 - 5:30 下午



Since 2021, Lanyang Museum has initiated the “Heritage Bank” project! This project focuses not only on the structural renovation of the artifact warehouse in Zhongli but also on relocating, cataloging, and organizing the artifacts. The goal is to enhance the public value and educational significance of these valuable collections.

This workshop is both informative and practical. Participants will be introduced to professional knowledge about museum collection management and artifact preservation, improving their ability to assess and maintain artifacts in daily life. If you’re interested in exploring the cultural treasures of Lanyang Museum and reconnecting with the local heritage of Yilan, this is an excellent opportunity that combines knowledge with fun!

  • 活動時間 Date & Time:2024/9/13(五 Friday)08:30~17:30
  • 活動地點 Venue:蘭陽博物館 1F 研習教室 Lanyang Museum, 1F Seminar Room(宜蘭縣頭城鎮青雲路三段750號 No. 750, Sec. 3, Qingyun Rd., Toucheng Township, Yilan County)
  • 活動對象 Target Audience:歡迎15歲以上一般大眾報名參加 Open to the general public aged 15 and above
  • 活動人數 Participants:40位 people(額滿為止 first-come, first-served)
  • 活動費用 Fee:每人300元 NT$300 per person(內含午餐和保險 includes lunch and insurance)
  • 報名日期 Registration Deadline:即日起至民國113年8月29日(四)止 Until Thursday, August 29, 2024
  • 報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408170244351584330204?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2408100243051249668665


時間 Time 主題 Topic 內容 Content 講師 Lecturer
8:20~8:30 報到 Registration
8:30~9:00 文物銀行理念

Concept of Heritage Bank

  • 蘭陽博物館文物銀行的願景與未來方向。
  • Vision and future direction of Lanyang Museum’s Heritage Bank.

Lanyang Museum

9:00~10:30 文物整飭

Heritage Arrangement

  • 文物銀行整飭介紹。
  • 保存現況概述。
  • 文物整飭經驗分享。
  • Introduction to heritage arrangement, current preservation status, and experience sharing.


10:30~12:00 文物保存與維護

Preservation and Maintenance

  • 保存與維護概述。
  • 文物修復簡介。
  • Overview of preservation and maintenance, introduction to heritage restoration.

Restoration Specialist

12:00~13:00 用餐&午休 Lunch Break
13:00~15:00 文物狀況檢視 Inspection of Wooden Heritages
  • 認識木質文物劣化。
  • Understanding the deterioration of wooden heritages.

Restoration Specialist

15:00~17:00 文物狀況攝影 Heritage Photography
  • 文物攝影概述與案例分享。
  • Overview and case studies of heritage photography.
17:00~17:30 綜合討論 Group Discussion

蘭陽博物館 學習與活動 資訊

報名與繳/退費注意事項 Registration and Refund Policy

  • 本活動報名委由「ACCUPASS活動通」辦理,若欲取消報名,請於活動前8日自行於平台上申辦,平台將酌收票價10%退票手續費,逾期恕不另行退費。退票規則請參閱ACCUPASS平台相關規定。
  • 如遇颱風、地震、大雨、海嘯等不可抗力之因素,將視狀況調整活動,最晚於活動前一天中午通知取消,並依ACCUPASS平台相關規則辦理退費。
  • 活動聯絡人|李小姐 03-9779700#303、朱小姐 02-28978829

Registration for this event is handled via the ACCUPASS platform. If you wish to cancel your registration, please do so at least 8 days prior to the event on the platform. ACCUPASS will charge a 10% cancellation fee. No refunds will be given after this period. Please refer to the ACCUPASS platform for refund policies.

In case of unforeseen events such as typhoons, earthquakes, heavy rain, or tsunamis, the event may be adjusted or canceled, with notification provided no later than noon the day before. Refunds will be handled according to ACCUPASS rules.

Contact Information:

  • Ms Li: 03-9779700 ext. 303
  • Ms Zhu: 02-28978829

辦理單位 Organizers

  • 指導單位|文化部、宜蘭縣政府、宜蘭縣政府文化局
  • 主辦單位|宜蘭縣立蘭陽博物館
  • 執行單位|三間SJAC

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