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明日的劇場設計 To Future Theatre and Beyond ──永續劇場國際論壇 Sustainability in Theatre Design and Technology Symposium

08/23 @ 2:00 下午 - 08/25 @ 6:00 下午


臺灣表演藝術近年以「綠色劇場」為目標,在場館營運及節目製作面創造劇場的永續力;本次OISTAT國際劇場組織邀請大家切換視角看永續,從「劇場設計」和「國際交流」的角度認識永續的各種面向,包括平權、教育、多元夥伴關係等等。本次論壇集結了10個國家的劇場設計師、技術師、建築師、策展人以及藝術管理人, 解析永續的各種思索途徑。

2天 ╳ 8場 ╳ 10國專業劇場工作者



  • 拓展職涯發展力,專業不限劇場裡
  • 國際組織carry你,開啟跨國新契機
  • I人交流必殺技:掌握趨勢談國際


  • 劇場幕後大解密,認識劇場設計力
  • 生態美學零距離,永續思維助設計
  • 多元共融新議題,討論平權不缺席

How do you envision the theatre of the future?

OISTAT invites you to join us for a thought-provoking exploration on sustainability in theatre. Over the two-day agenda, we bring together speakers from 10 different countries, including theatre designers, curators, architects, technicians, and artistic directors, to explore the ideas and practices of sustainability from the perspectives of theatre design and international collaborations.

《明日的劇場設計──永續劇場國際論壇》|專業篇 Symposium for Professionals 

時間:2024/8/23 (五) 14:00 – 17:00

August 23, 2024 (Friday) 14:00 – 17:00
Tailored for theatre professionals, this symposium offers insights on how theatre practitioners can take the first steps in engaging with global theatres and interdisciplinary fields.


專題演講 Theater’s Role in Shaping Diverse Fields

講者 Speaker|Jan K. Rolník(捷克 Czeck Republic|捷克Capacity Expo共同合夥人 Co-Owner, Capacity Expo)


對談 Panel / OISTAT Meets Taiwan Professionals: How to Lauch International Collaborations

主持人 Moderator|魏琬容 Wan-Jung Wei(臺灣 Taiwan|OISTAT國際劇場組織執行長 Executive Director of OISTAT)

與談人 Panelist|
Aby Cohen(巴西 Brazil|英國Academy of Live Technology研究所所長 Head of Postgraduate Department, Academy of Live Technology)
Bert Determann(荷蘭 The Netherlands|文化領域獨立創業家 Entrepreneur in the Cultural Field)
Patrick Rizzotti(美國 USA|加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學劇場與電影學系副教授 Associate Professor, Department of Theatre & Film, The University of British Columbia)
黃國威 Raymond Wong(臺灣/香港 Taiwan / Hong Kong|衛武營國家藝術文化中心營運副總監 Deputy General Director of the National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying), Taiwan)

《明日的劇場設計──永續劇場國際論壇》|大眾篇 Symposium for General Public

時間:2024/8/25 (日) 10:00 – 18:00

August 25, 2024 (Sunday) 10:00 – 18:00

Open to anyone interested in theatre, performance design and sustainability, this symposium explores how theatre practitioners unveil different lenses of viewing theatre sustainability.


對談 Panel / My Approach to Theatre Design

主持人 Moderator|魏琬容 Wan-Jung Wei(臺灣 Taiwan|OISTAT國際劇場組織執行長 Executive Director of OISTAT)
與談人 Panelist|
Aby Cohen(巴西 Brazil|英國Academy of Live Technology研究所所長 Head of Postgraduate Department, Academy of Live Technology)
王世信 Samuel Shih-Hsing Wang(臺灣 Taiwan|國立臺北藝術大學戲劇學院院長 Dean of Theatre School, Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA))


專題演講 Sonic Voyages: The Importance of Sound Design in Designing Theatrical Spaces and Experiences

講者 Speaker|Bradlee Ward(美國 USA|Apeiro Design資深專員 Senior Associate, Apeiro Design)


專題演講 Embedding Eco-Creativity into Australian Performance Design and Performance Technologies

講者 Speaker|Tessa Rixon(澳洲 Australia|澳洲昆士蘭科技大學資深講師 Senior Lecturer, Queensland University of Technology)


專題演講 Embracing Diversity and Equity in Lighting Design: A Call for Inclusivity in Theatre Pedagogy and Practice

主持人 Moderator|Adam Mendelson(美國 USA|馬里蘭大學巴爾的摩縣分校資深講師 Senior Lecturer, University of Maryland Baltimore County)
講者 Speaker|Dinesh Yadav(印度 India|美國德州農工大學戲劇學系副教授 Associate Professor of Devised Theatre, SPVFA, Texas A&M University)


專題演講 Sustainable Threads: Initiatives and Actions for Ecological Costume Practice

講者 Speaker|Sofia Pantouvaki(希臘 Greece|芬蘭阿爾托大學服裝設計教授 Professor of Costume Design, Aalto University)


對談 Panel/ Stage Insights: Exploring Trends in Theatre Design, Technology, and Architecture through International Collaborations

主持人 Moderator|魏琬容 Wan-Jung Wei(臺灣 Taiwan|OISTAT國際劇場組織執行長 Executive Director of OISTAT)
與談人 Panelist|
April Viczko (加拿大 Canada| 加拿大亞伯達大學戲劇學系系主任 Department Chair, Department of Drama, University of Alberta)
Maaike Westinga(荷蘭 The Netherlands|TenBrasWestinga建築、室內設計暨都市設計事務所總監 Director, TenBrasWestinga Architecture / Interior Design and Urban Design)
Loren Schreiber(美國 USA|美國聖地牙哥州立大學影視學院名譽教授 Emeritus Professor, Director of Technology, San Diego State University)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2404230640591060484437?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2407110930481933574575

注意事項 Notes

  • 本活動需繳交保證金300元,保證金於論壇當天結束後現場退還,未到場者恕不退還。
  • 報名與繳、退費規定請遵照ACCUPASS平台規範。報名完成後,如需退費請於活動開始前8日於ACCUPASS完成退費程序(系統將酌收10%手續費)。
  • 現場備有中英同步口譯,請攜帶證件以借用口譯設備。
  • 請確實填寫出席人聯絡資訊,主辦單位將透過E-mail寄發通知及注意事項。
  • 請依指定時間及地點報到,並出示「ACCUPASS電子票券憑證」,一人一票認證後入場。
  • 報名參加即同意主辦單位就活動過程進行攝、錄影,並無償授權作為活動紀錄及行銷宣傳與藝文推廣之用。
  • 主辦單位保有活動異動之權利,若有未盡事宜得隨時修正公佈之。
  • 聯絡窗口:OISTAT專案管理專員 戴小姐 02-25962294。請於週一至週五 09:30─17:30來電
  • A deposit of NT$300 is required, which will be refunded at the end of the event. No-shows will not be refunded.
  • Registration and payment/refund procedures must comply with ACCUPASS platform regulations. If a refund is needed after registration, please complete the refund process on ACCUPASS at least 8 days before the event starts (a 10% handling fee will be charged by the system).
  • Simultaneous interpretation from Mandarin to English will be available on-site. An ID card is required to borrow interpretation equipment.
  • Please ensure the contact information of attendees is accurate. The organizer will send notifications and important information via email.
  • Each person must show an e-ticket from ACCUPASS for admission.
  • By registering for this event, you agree to allow the organizer to take photos and record the event. These recordings may be used for event documentation and non-profit purposes such as event marketing or cultural promotion.
  • The organizer reserves the right to modify /make changes to the event. Any updates will be announced promptly.
  • Should you have any queries, please contact Hsi-Lun Tai, Project Coordinator of OISTAT at hltai@oistat.org.


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