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日本山水會25周年紀念特展暨和菓子講習會 25th Anniversary Special Exhibition of Japan Sansuikai and Wagashi Workshop

10/26 @ 9:30 上午 - 10/27 @ 4:00 下午

日本《山水會25周年紀念特展》海外首展 Sansuikai’s 25th Anniversary Special Exhibition in Taiwan ● 秋天登臺 Autumn Debut



Kyoto, with over 1,200 years of rich cultural heritage, has nurtured various lifestyle arts such as tea ceremonies and ikebana (flower arrangement). Wagashi, as part of Japan’s culinary culture, has also been passed down through generations. Kyoto’s unique commitment to tradition has made its name synonymous with authenticity. Many traditional techniques have been preserved for hundreds of years due to this dedication, creating a legacy that transcends time.

Wagashi and the tea ceremony are closely intertwined in Japanese culture. The Beitou Museum, a significant center for promoting the tea ceremony in Taiwan, has taken the rare opportunity to introduce masters from some of Kyoto’s century-old wagashi shops to share their authentic and professional knowledge of wagashi with the Taiwanese public.

「山水會」簡介 Introduction to Sansuikai




In March 1999, a group of young artisans from Kyoto wagashi families spontaneously founded the “Sansuikai”. Currently, there are 12 members, each bearing the responsibility and mission of inheriting their family businesses. They learn from one another with mutual respect, sharing experiences, and actively promoting wagashi culture. The members include both centuries-old shops and innovative new ones.

Since its establishment, Sansuikai has widely conducted various training activities to deepen the learning and promotion of traditional culture. They collaborate with various organizations and department stores, hosting events that have been well-received. As Sansuikai continues to grow, they have organized multiple wagashi craft exhibitions, published professional books, and promoted wagashi culture. In 2024, Sansuikai celebrates its 25th anniversary and held a grand commemorative exhibition at the Kyoto Museum of Culture in June, drawing significant attention.

Following the Kyoto exhibition, the Beitou Museum, in cooperation with the Urasenke Beitou Association, has invited Sansuikai to Taiwan in October to host the overseas debut of the Kyoto exhibition. This marks the first time that Kyoto’s renowned wagashi artisans will gather in Taiwan to promote wagashi culture. The Beitou Museum has specially planned a variety of authentic activities, including exhibitions, workshops, and hands-on courses, offering Taiwanese enthusiasts the opportunity to experience the essence of Kyoto’s wagashi culture without leaving the country.

匠心匯聚 ● 和菓子百年工藝首次來臺展出 A Hundred Years of Wagashi Art Comes to Taiwan for the First Time

北投文物館將於10/26(六)- 10/27(日)舉辦《日本山水會25周年紀念特展》,匯聚12間京都百年老舖職人們精湛手藝,透過職人巧手讓和菓子呈現是菓、是詩、是畫、是歌頌季節的篇章,保存期限短暫的干菓子,如曇花一現的展覽同時也代表著「一期一會」精神體現。

On October 26 and 27, the Beitou Museum will host the “25th Anniversary Special Exhibition of Sansuikai”, showcasing the exquisite craftsmanship of 12 Kyoto wagashi masters. Through their skillful hands, wagashi will be presented as poetry, painting, and seasonal expressions. The short-lived dry confectionery, akin to a fleeting bloom, embodies the “Ichigo Ichie” spirit—a once-in-a-lifetime encounter.


京都菓子名店與老舖職人齊聚,首次來臺授課 Kyoto’s Renowned Wagashi Masters Gather in Taiwan to Teach





During these two days, four artisans will personally conduct workshops and hands-on wagashi classes, interacting with Taiwanese wagashi enthusiasts. Participants will have the rare opportunity to ask questions directly and learn wagashi-making techniques from the masters. They will impart knowledge on the design and craftsmanship of “Kyo-gashi” (Kyoto wagashi), offering an invaluable opportunity for Taiwanese wagashi professionals.

Unlike common wagashi-making courses in Taiwan, which often focus on nerikiri (a type of wagashi), the Beitou Museum has invited the artisans to showcase the “endless variety and possibilities” of wagashi.

The workshops will emphasize key aspects of wagashi, such as its design, the operation and inheritance of century-old shops, and the use of local ingredients.

Through the experience and heritage of Kyoto artisans, the workshops will open new perspectives for Taiwan’s wagashi lovers.

鍵善良房|今西善也 Imanishi Zenya
演講主題 Lecture themes:「老店的經營與傳承」及「和菓子職人的養成」 “Managing and Inheriting a Centuries-Old Shop” and “Training Wagashi Artisans”

塩芳軒|髙家啓太 Takaya Keita
演講主題 Lecture themes:「京菓子的美學與設計」及「現代和菓子的創作與設計」 “The Aesthetics and Design of Kyo-gashi” and “The Creation and Design of Modern Wagashi”

本次來臺四位店主 The four visiting masters to Taiwan are
千本玉壽軒|元島真弥 Motojima Shinya、鍵善良房 |今西善也 Imanishi Zenya、船屋秋月|坂井敏宏 Sakai Toshihiro、塩芳軒|髙家啓太 Takaya Keita

 一張含有 文字, 人的臉孔, 男人, 服裝 的圖片自動產生的描述一張含有 文字, 人的臉孔, 服裝, 人員 的圖片自動產生的描述 一張含有 文字, 人的臉孔, 服裝, 人員 的圖片自動產生的描述一張含有 文字, 服裝, 人的臉孔, 人員 的圖片自動產生的描述

絕版禮盒 Exclusive Gift Box ● 臺灣經典再現 A Taiwan Reissue


In celebration of Sansuikai’s 25th anniversary, the Kyoto Museum of Culture featured a special limited-edition dry wagashi gift box, “Saihyogasen”, created by the 12 member shops of Sansuikai. Each piece of dry wagashi in the box was crafted by a different century-old shop, showcasing diverse techniques and unique characteristics. The gift boxes sold out quickly during the Japanese exhibition.


For this special overseas exhibition in Taiwan, the Beitou Museum has worked with Isetan Department Store to reissue the exclusive “Saihyogasen” gift box, with 50 boxes available daily for attendees of the wagashi workshops.

對象 Target Audience|和菓子執業者、日本茶道學習者、日本料理執業者、日本文化深度愛好者 Wagashi professionals, tea ceremony practitioners, Japanese cuisine professionals, Japanese culture enthusiasts

時間 Date & Time|2024/10/26(六 Saturday)- 10/27(日 Sunday)每日 Daily 09:30-16:00

地點 Venue|北投文物館 Beitou Museum(台北市北投區幽雅路32號 No. 32, Youya Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City)

日程 Schedule|

  • 09:30-11:30 職人講習會 Artisan Workshops
    【 主講者 Lecturers:鍵善良房|今西善也 Imanishi Zenya、塩芳軒|髙家啓太 Takaya Keita】鍵善良房|今西善也 Imanishi Zenya
    主題一「老店的經營與傳承」 “Managing and Inheriting a Centuries-Old Shop”(30分鐘 Minutes)
    主題二「和菓子職人的養成」 “Training Wagashi Artisans”(30分種 Minutes)塩芳軒|髙家啓太 Takaya Keita
    主題一「京菓子的美學與設計」 “The Aesthetics and Design of Kyo-gashi”(30分鐘 Minutes)
    主題二「現代和菓子的創作與設計」 “The Creation and Design of Modern Wagashi” (30分鐘 Minutes)
  • 11:30-13:00 怡然居特製御膳 Special Lunch
  • 13:30-16:00 手作和菓子課程 Wagashi-Making Workshop
    【主講者 Lecturers:千本玉壽軒|元島真弥 Motojima Shinya、船屋秋月坂井敏宏 Sakai Toshihiro】

※本活動為專業內容,建議18歲以上參加, 講座 / 手作全程以日文授課,現場有中文翻譯。 This event is intended for professionals and is recommended for participants aged 18 and above. The lectures and hands-on sessions will be conducted entirely in Japanese, with on-site Chinese translation provided.

內容 Content|

  • 北投文物館古蹟參觀門票
  • 日本山水會25周年紀念特展(首次來臺展出)
  • 京都百年老舖店主分享交流 (限講習會)
  • 京都百年老舖店主親授製作技巧、日本空運材料小組教學(限和菓子手作課)
  • 獨家限量絕版和菓子禮盒、職人親簽和菓子原文書優惠加購
  • Admission ticket to Beitou Museum
  • The 25th Anniversary Commemorative Exhibition of Japan’s Sansuikai (First-time exhibition in Taiwan)
  • Interaction and sharing with the masters of Kyoto’s century-old traditional sweet shops (limited to the lectures)
  • Hands-on instruction by Kyoto’s century-old masters on traditional Japanese sweets-making using air-shipped ingredients from Japan (limited to the hands-on workshops)
  • Exclusive limited-edition traditional sweets gift box, signed Japanese confectionery book with discounted pre-purchase offer

費用 Fee| ※講座每日限額50位 / 手作體驗每日限額25位 Each lecture is limited to 50 participants per day / hands-on workshop to 25 participants per day

  • 店主職人講習會 Master’s Lecture NT$1,800
    (凡報名講習會,即贈限量絕版干菓子禮盒『彩瓢菓撰』一盒,市價NT$760 Includes a complimentary limited-edition traditional sweets gift box “Saihyou Kasen” worth NT$760)
  • 怡然居特製御膳 Special Set Lunch by Yiranju NT$900
    (原價NT$1,100 限參加本次活動學員享此優惠 Original price NT$1,100, offered at a discount for participants of this event)
  • 手作和菓子課程 Hands-on Japanese Sweets Workshop NT$4,800

※ 課程含講義,成品可帶回。 Workshop includes instructional materials, and participants can take their creations home.
(上生菓子2顆「金団」、「茶巾絞り」 ,干菓子2種「生砂糖」秋冬樣式、「押し物」遠山 Includes: 2 types of fresh sweets “Kinton” and “Chakin Shibori”, 2 types of dry sweets “Nama Satou” autumn/winter style and “Oshimono” Tozan)

★ 限量超早鳥優惠價 Limited Early Bird Offer ★
職人講習會 Master’s Lecture NT$1,600 / 手作和菓子課程 Hands-on Workshop NT$4,500
(9/30前報名,名額有限,售完為止 Register by 9/30, limited spots available, while supplies last)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408170931171883223720?utm_campaign=accu_banner&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

「生砂糖」秋冬樣式、「押し物」遠山 “Nama Satou” autumn/winter style, “Oshimono” Tozan

※照片為職人示範本次課程之干菓子,實際帶回成品因個人操作因素有所差異 The photo shows a demonstration of dry sweets from this course by the masters. Actual products may vary depending on individual handling.

限量85折加價購 Limited 15% Discount Add-On

凡報名任一場次活動,即可以優惠價限定加購下列限定商品,『彩瓢菓撰』干菓子禮盒因需重新開版製作,書籍也有貨運運送時間,預購至9/15止。 When registering for any session, participants can pre-order the following exclusive items at a discounted price. Due to the re-production of the “Saihyou Kasen” traditional sweets gift box and shipping times for books, pre-orders are open until 9/15.

1. 日本伊勢丹百貨 x 山水會聯名獨家絕版商品 Isetan Department Store x Sansuikai Exclusive Limited-Edition Item
『彩瓢菓撰』干菓子禮盒乙盒 “Saihyou Kasen” Traditional Sweets Gift Box NT$646(原價 Original price NT$760)

2. 鍵善良房|今西善也 親簽原文書 Signed Book by Imanishi Zenya
《祇園 鍵善 菓子がたり》優惠價 Discount price NT$1,275(原價 Original price NT$1,500)

3. 塩芳軒|髙家啓太 親簽原文書 Signed Book by Takaya Keita
《京菓子のしおり-塩芳軒季節のいろどり》優惠價 Discount price NT$731(原價 Original price NT$860)

※報名須知 Registration Guidelines※

  • 講座/手作全程以日文授課,現場有中文翻譯。
  • 報名前請確認日期,各場次名額有限。
  • 講座內容偏專業性質,僅受理18歲以上民眾報名。恕不開放旁聽。
  • 參加手作課建議18歲以上或具和菓子/茶人/餐飲操作經驗基礎者佳。
  • 手作課為小組教學,每一組都會有一位職人親自帶領,分組為現場隨機安排,恕不受理指定職人之要求。
  • 如於課程中著非常態服裝:如和服、浴衣等,於非上課地點外拍照視同商業攝影,將比照攝影專案收費計價。(NT$3,800/時/位)
  • 禁止不雅裝扮、現場換裝、商業攝影、架設腳架、與課程無關之團拍。
  • Lectures and workshops will be conducted entirely in Japanese, with on-site Chinese translation provided.
  • Please confirm the dates before registering. Spots are limited for each session.
  • Due to the professional nature of the lectures, only individuals aged 18 and above will be accepted. No spectators allowed.
  • For the hands-on workshop, participants aged 18 and above or with prior experience in traditional Japanese sweets, tea ceremony, or culinary skills are preferred.
  • The workshop involves small-group instruction, with each group led by a master. Grouping will be randomly assigned on-site, and requests for specific masters will not be accepted.
  • If participants wear special attire such as kimonos or yukatas and take photos outside the classroom, this will be considered commercial photography, and will be charged accordingly (NT$3,800/hour/person).
  • Inappropriate clothing, changing outfits on-site, commercial photography, setting up tripods, or group photo sessions unrelated to the course are prohibited.

※課程參加須知 Workshop Participation Guidelines※

  • 為免影響他人權益,手機請調為靜音模式。
  • 參與者應遵守北投文物館場地規則及配合現場講師指示。
  • 拍照請徵詢職人同意,務必關掉閃光燈,全程禁止錄影、錄音、直播。
  • 全館禁止攜帶外食。
  • 課程中若有上述等行為,經本館人員勸阻不聽者,為維護其他出席者權益,本館有權請當事人離席且不予退費。
  • 課程中會有活動紀錄側拍,拍攝照片將放置於FB、官網活動分享使用。
  • To avoid disturbing others, please set your phone to silent mode.
  • Participants must comply with the rules of the Beitou Museum and follow the instructions of the instructors on-site.
  • Photos may only be taken with the permission of the masters, and flash must be turned off. Filming, recording and live streaming are strictly prohibited throughout the event.
  • No outside food is allowed in the venue.
  • If any of the above behaviors are observed during the course, and the participant refuses to comply after being advised by staff, the museum reserves the right to ask the individual to leave without a refund, to protect the rights of other attendees.
  • There will be photos taken during the event for documentation purposes. These photos will be posted on the official Facebook page and website for event sharing.

※取消須知 Cancellation Policy※

  • 本活動退費委託ACCUPASS處理,依退款規則辦理。如需申請退款請於「購買成功24小時後,並於活動票券有效開始日前8日」辦理,並將酌收票價10%退票手續費,逾期恕不受理。
  • 若於課程8天內取消,無退費亦無提供延期抵用,未出席者將於活動當天開立發票並寄出原報名者。
  • Refunds for this event will be processed by ACCUPASS in accordance with their refund policy. To request a refund, you must apply after 24 hours of successful purchase and no later than 8 days before the event. A 10% cancellation fee will be charged. Applications past this deadline will not be accepted.
  • If canceled within 8 days of the event, no refunds or postponements will be granted. For no-shows, an invoice will be issued and sent to the original registrant on the day of the event.


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