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我把故事館變小了 Shrunk the Story Museum|背著故事箱去旅行 Traveling with a Story Box

08/24 @ 10:00 上午 - 2:30 下午

路線 Route|中壢綠苑景 Zhongli Green Garden Scene

日期 Date|08/24(六 Saturday)

時間 Time|10:00-14:30

地點 Meeting Point|中平路故事館集合出發 ZhongPing Road Story House

(每份報名皆有小贈禮、蕃薯藤午餐、材料費 Each registration includes a small gift, a sweet potato vine lunch, and material fees)


We will lead everyone to the JianZiLi Environmental Education Center to understand the evolution of energy-saving building methods and the core values of environmental protection as times progress. Then, we will head to the Yan Ping Road Food and Agriculture Story Museum for lunch and food and agriculture education, learning about food cultivation and low-carbon diets. Finally, we will turn this small trip into a charm through a shrink plastic workshop.

路程規劃 Route Plan|中平路故事館(出發)→澗仔壢環境教育中心→延平路食農故事館(用餐)→中平路故事館(熱縮片工作坊)→快樂結束小旅行

Zhongping Road Story Museum (Departure) → JianZiLi Environmental Education Center → Yan Ping Road Food and Agriculture Story Museum (Lunch) → ZhongPing Road Story House (Shrink Plastic Workshop) → Happy End of the Small Trip

報名 To apply|https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407170608519215368340?utm_campaign=accu_banner&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web


桃園市, Taiwan
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