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心理師互動講座 Interactive Workshop with a Psychologist|鬆綁你的學習焦慮,恢復學習自信心 Loosening the Grip of Learning Anxiety and Regaining Confidence
11/24 @ 2:00 下午 - 5:00 下午
◖學習焦慮退散!心理師教你應對學習焦慮 Banish Learning Anxiety! Practical Insights from a Psychologist◗
這次反轉外語特別講座 「鬆綁你的學習焦慮」,由資深心理師 黃珮瑜 主講,將帶你深入了解學習焦慮的根源,與你分享實際有效的解決方法,幫助你在學習過程中保持輕鬆心態,提升學習效率!
Do you often feel overwhelmed and stressed during your learning process, leading to anxiety?
Learning anxiety can be one of the biggest barriers to personal growth. Whether it’s exam pressure, falling behind on study schedules, or frustration over not grasping new knowledge, these worries can erode your motivation. However, anxiety isn’t insurmountable—the key lies in understanding, confronting, and managing it effectively.
This exclusive Reverse Language Special Workshop: “Loosening the Grip of Learning Anxiety“, led by experienced counseling psychologist Irene Huang, will guide you through identifying the root causes of learning anxiety and provide actionable strategies to overcome it. The session is designed to help you maintain a relaxed mindset and improve learning efficiency.
◖講座精華 內容 Workshop Highlights◗
① 焦慮從何而來? Where Does Anxiety Come From?
- 腦筋急轉彎的阿焦是誰?
- 什麼時候會感到焦慮?
- 焦慮的生理反應或身心症狀?
- Who is “Nervous Nellie” and why does it show up?
- Recognizing physiological and emotional symptoms of anxiety.
② 為什麼會有學習焦慮? What Causes Learning Anxiety?
- 焦慮情緒的關聯性
- 寫下生活中遇到的焦慮情況與學習上遇到的焦慮,交叉比對感受看看
- Understanding the connection between life situations and learning anxiety
- Compare everyday anxiety triggers with learning-related challenges
③ 焦慮的因應方式? How to Handle Anxiety Effectively?
④ 【影響輪】互動體驗-探索自己內在資源 Interactive “Impact Wheel” Experience – Discover your internal resources through hands-on activities
⑤ 學員交流時間-分享你在過程中的體驗與感受 Participant Sharing Session – Exchange personal insights and experiences during the process
⑥ 主辦學員案例分享-如何協助學員突破語言學習困境,取得理想目標 Case Studies – Learn from real-life success stories of individuals overcoming language learning obstacles
◖講師來賓 About the Speaker◗
Irene 黃珮瑜|諮商心理師 Counseling Psychologist
我對自己的期許是「I want a cool head and a warm heart.」雖然目前暫時只能做到「have a cool face and a warm coffee in my hand.」我的MBTI類型是INTJ,可能是來自於我從事企業諮商後越來越實際了。也許我的MBTI幾年之前跟幾年之後都會改變,但我還是我。一位正活出原廠設定的我自己。
Irene is the CEO of Yanxing Integrated Services and works as a psychologist in a psychiatric clinic, corporate on-site counselor for a leading U.S. tech firm, and corporate psychological consultant. A versatile professional, Irene has also served as a bank employee, marketing intern, private tutor, and class leader.
Philosophy: “I want a cool head and a warm heart.” Irene’s MBTI type is INTJ, reflecting a practical yet empathetic approach to life and work.
◖哪些人適合這場講座? Who Should Attend?◗
● 正在學習某項技能而備感壓力者
● 在情境限制下(大考倒數、職務要求)對學習感到焦慮者
● 因為興趣而學習的技能,快要被焦慮澆熄學習熱情者
● 想了解學習焦慮的應對方式者
● 第一次接觸影響輪實作體驗者
- Individuals feeling pressure while learning a new skill.
- Those experiencing anxiety due to exams or professional demands.
- Learners losing passion due to stress and want to rekindle their interest.
- Anyone eager to understand and address learning anxiety.
- First-timers keen to experience the “Impact Wheel” activity.
◖活動日期 Date & Time◗
11 / 24 ( 日 Sunday ) 14:00 – 17:00
報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2410221037511891995550
◖活動地點 Venue◗
🔷 Google Maps:桃園市中壢區中山路185號4樓圖書館教室
⬇️圖書館教室位於4F出電梯右轉直走到底,請推開書櫃大門 Take the elevator to 4/F, turn right, and walk to the end. Push open the bookshelf door to enter
◖活動費用 Fee◗
門票 NT$200/人
🎟️首次報名活動輸入『UKLZRN』折抵報名費 NT$100! Use code “UKLZRN” to enjoy a $100 discount on your first registration!
◖兌票流程 Ticket Redemption Process◗
- 活動當日前往「我的票券」頁面選擇「快速取票」。
- 請至4F圖書館教室出示電子票券QR code進行簽到。
- 報到後自由入座。
- Access the “My Tickets” page and select “Quick Ticket Collection”.
- Show your electronic ticket QR code at the 4th-floor library classroom for check-in.
- Choose your seat freely after check-in.
◖互動講座須知 Workshop Guidelines◗
- 本次互動講座禁帶外食(茶水的部分可以攜帶飲用)。
- 活動尾聲我們備有神祕小禮要送給大家,填寫「活動回饋單」即可領取唷!
- No outside food is allowed (beverages are permitted).
- Complete the “Event Feedback Form” at the end of the session to receive a mystery gift!