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循循善祐 平安掛飾手作 Step-by-Step Blessings: Peace Amulet Handcraft Workshop

08/10 @ 2:00 下午 - 3:00 下午

簡介與背景 Introduction and Background


「金淨」透過技術創新和文化融合,致力於解決金紙灰燼處理問題,針對金紙燃燒後剩餘灰燼問題進行解決,賦予廢棄物創新價值,製成多元宗教文創產品,不僅解決了金紙灰燼帶來的環境問題,同時也促使循環經濟的實踐,符合聯合國永續發展目(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)其中的「第11項永續城鄉」中的,減少負面環境影響,以及符合「第12項責任消費及生產」中的,回收與再使用減少廢棄物的產生,也是本團隊核心目標。

“Jin Jing” phonetically translates to “Jingjin”, which symbolizes continuous improvement. The deeper meaning of “Jin Jing” is “continuous golden progress, purifying the environment” representing the rebirth of joss paper ash and environmental purification.

“Jin Jing” focuses on solving the issue of joss paper ash through technological innovation and cultural integration. By addressing the problem of residual ash after joss paper burning, it turns waste into valuable religious and cultural creative products. This not only resolves the environmental problems caused by joss paper ash but also promotes the practice of a circular economy, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, by reducing negative environmental impacts, and Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, by recycling and reusing materials to reduce waste. This is the core goal of our team.

“Jin Jing” highlights the “Peace Amulet” as its main product. Starting from Xiaoliuqiu, Pingtung, we collaborate with local temples to promote environmental protection and cultural heritage, becoming a bridge between religion, environmentalism, and local culture. The team hopes to spread these values throughout society in the future, contributing to sustainable environmental development.

講者背景介紹 Speaker Background

共同創辦人  吳玉涵 Wu Yu Han 主責 產品設計


Co-founder: Wu Yu Han

  • Role: Product Design
  • Company: DiligentBiotechCo.,Ltd. (founded in January 2024)
  • Mission: Design and create religious cultural creative products using environmentally recycled materials, hoping to accompany people in different forms with beautiful, distinctive, and religiously significant products, spreading our philosophy and raising awareness of sustainable development.


  • 2023 U-start Phase 1 Subsidized Team
  • 2023 Entrepreneurship Return to Hometown – Finalist
  • 2024 HSH and the 19th National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition – Silver Award

活動流程 Workshop Agenda

  1. 認識循循善祐-金淨生技的循環模式
  2. 平安掛飾手作教學
  1. Introduction to DiligentBiotechCo.’s circular model
  2. Peace Amulet Handcraft Workshop

3. 等待掛飾成形-產品介紹

3. Product introduction while waiting for the amulets to form

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407230335331819045964?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

合作單位 Partner Organizations

有春文化 You Chun Culture


You Chun symbolizes the endless vitality of nature and prosperity, representing abundance. Through the concepts of creativity and recycling, You Chun Culture aims to make beautiful affairs naturally moving and to fully utilize resources. Since 2020, the “Beyond Circles” curatorial format has connected businesses, local venues, and international partners to generate creative and environmental solutions across various fields and communities, promoting long-term and sustained efforts for the Earth’s environment.

2030超越圈圈展 | 一年一度循環經濟環保展|有春文化 (circular-cross.com)


台北市, Taiwan
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